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How do you spend your evenings beyond consuming media?

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my husband and I just made an informal pledge to each other a couple of weeks ago to quit surfing/watching TV, playing GTA, Civ or Gran Turismo, and farting around on IM every single night....srsly we IM each other whilst sitting on the same damn COUCH, even =P

Goal is to do some more productive stuff in the evening, tho we still tend to have either music or Mythbusters going in the background. It's not a full-fledged 6 week challenge (yet) but we've at least gotten some headway on things like house chores and cooking better meals, etc.

Evenings of late have consisted of either a 45-60 minute run or a 20 minute bodyweight workout, then playing with the cat, teaching him tricks and/or walking him in the neighborhood. nope that's no typo, we lucked into a super smart rescue cat who is a whiz at clicker training. Bonus is it wears him out and has significantly cut down on the midnight meowing operas and 3AM bookshelf raids.

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my evenings tend to consist of either going to the gym, zumba class, running or the climbing centre as I'm too lazy to get up and do a work out in the morning so I tend to do it in the evening after work. I also have to help mum with house work so that would be doing the laundry, washing the dishes, cooking dinner. I dont really like to be sitting on my bum watching tv all evening so I'll usually only sit down on the sofa after dinner and maybe watch a bit of TV or read. I dont really like to use the lap top too much in the evening as I spend all day staring at a computer!


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my husband and I just made an informal pledge to each other a couple of weeks ago to quit surfing/watching TV, playing GTA, Civ or Gran Turismo, and farting around on IM every single night....srsly we IM each other whilst sitting on the same damn COUCH, even =P .

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Stop playing Civ? Let's not be hasty here...

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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pretty much this. then by the time I get home and cook dinner for my husband and myself, and clean it up, it's about 8:30... we plop on the couch for an hour and then get ready for bed. of course, once the weather gets warmer, I'd like to think we'll start taking walks in the park near our house or doing something else. but for now... it's CrossFit, dinner, then SVU and Food Network. :/

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I wish I could say something besides surfing the internet, working or drinking, but I can't.

I hate TV and never watch it. I also hate missing everything on the internet. It's a curse, but I'm addicted. I would like to slowly ween myself off of the computer but when you've got nobody around it's really hard not to get sucked in. When my boyfriend visits I barely touch my computer unless it's absolutely necessary. When he's not around I'm on it all the time. Bleh.

Once it gets nicer out I might start running at night if I feel like trying to like running. lol

I'm in the same boat. Doesn't help that all of my friends are addicted to the internet as well lol

If I'm not studying for classes, I'm surfing the web or sleeping.

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I work at 10pm-5am, but my off-time...

Monday: Gym

Tuesday: Indoor climbing

Wednesday: Kayaking, Club social

Thursday: Tumbling


Saturday: Kayaking or climbing - Whatever the consensus is.

Sunday: Day of rest. Unless something fun comes up.

In the middle of all this, I like playing computer games.. currently on Batman Arkham City.

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon

What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place?

What if to get to heaven you have to brave hell?

What if everything you ever wanted, cost all you ever achieved?

Would you go there?

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Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Stop playing Civ? Let's not be hasty here...

hehe you'll note that I said "every single night"; there was no mention of a complete cessation of gaming... I work for a lawyer and have embraced the power of weasel wording :)

for now we've both sequestered our gaming habits to those weekend afternoons when we'd normally nap or idly surf reddit after whatever 4 hour cardio deathmarch we've endured (we both run, ski and cycle).

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On the weekend we take our daughter swimming, go Geocaching or play on the X-box kinect, it is a computer game, but at least you are moving around to play the game. Or Pinterest - let me know if anyone wants an invite.

Hopefully going to get back in to crafting, painting, scrapbooking, sewing etc soon


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Well I'm in the gym four days a week for around two hours. Then there's rugby practice. Then there's bi-weekly soccer with work. And studying for a PT certificate. And applying for thesis positions at school. And running things in preperation for the local soccer league. Drinking on weekends. A few shows I keep up with. Maybe a bit of random gaming.

... Yeah, I keep busy :P

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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First of all, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I don't sit around consuming media/games in the evenings, because sometimes I really do. It's fun! But... when I'm not consuming media here's some ideas:

Make shit! Last summer I taught myself about soft circuits and spent a LOT of evenings refreshing my electronics knowledge, sewing LEDs into fabric and testing switches and whatnot. That might not be your thing, but scan a site like instructables.com and get some ideas for other stuff. Build some crazy halloween decorations for your yard. Learn arduino programming. Take up clay model making. I dunno... whatever your thing is, learn to make it.

Talk to someone. Your spouse/partner. Your mom. Your brother. Your neighbor. Your kid. If you're on the phone, get up and wander around the house while you're chatting.

Get creative in the kitchen. Make yourself an extrodinarially healthy, fancy gourmet snack. Or make a big ass casserole or something, so you're set for lunches the rest of the week.


NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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