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How paleo/primal is your diet?

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100%? 80%?.

I am thinking that due to a rather large household and budget constraints combined with a full time job that maybe going 100% paleo/primal is not really feasable financially speaking. I am going to do it as much as possible, like 80%.So if I eat 21 meals in a week then at least 15 of them will be primal/paleo. Most of my snacks will be as well. For drinks I drink water and tea with raw honey. I pretty much all but gave up soda pop quite some time ago.

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Well, paleo and primal both have different allowances, AND it depends on who you talks to or which version of paleo you're referring to.

I eat full 100% paleo 98% of the time (cheat meal every few weeks?). And I've been experimenting and can keep food costs at like $50 a week doing that (I usually end up closer to $75-100, but only because I don't NEED to keep it at $50) Obviously it'd be cheaper to eat pasta all day long, but I've made it work :)

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Hey Spezzy. I am still in the learning/figuring things out stage. If it were just me I could do just fine with under $50 a week. Our current household size is seven including our young adult son,daughter in law and grandbaby. It will be down to four again when they get their own apartment. It should get easier for me then. We are helping them out by until they can get on their feet and our son has a great job now (compared to the one he had before anyway).

We always have to have food in the house even if it is cheap food. I try to make sure that we have healthy options as much as I am able to. I bought some natural chicken drumsticks from Sunflower Market and after my hubby cooked them he told me not to ever buy them from anywhere else! He was that happy with them.The price was good and they were big drumsticks too.

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I'm at about 95% most of the time. I have cheat meals occasionally, mainly because I'm forced to go out for business dinners and can't really be so picky. I'm much better at home. I far prefer Paleo food to other foods so it's pretty easy for me.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"Moving on and Moving up" Challenge

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I drink milk, eat sandwiches, enjoy a toasted pita now and again with my peanut butter, which I also put in my shakes. I enjoy a pint or four of beer, and will occasionally indulge in a muffin or donut or cookie.

Also, I like oatmeal. And whiskey. And pizza.

Other than that, though, I'm pretty much 100%.


"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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I drink milk, eat sandwiches, enjoy a toasted pita now and again with my peanut butter, which I also put in my shakes. I enjoy a pint or four of beer, and will occasionally indulge in a muffin or donut or cookie.

Also, I like oatmeal. And whiskey. And pizza.

Other than that, though, I'm pretty much 100%.


That sounds like me! Roffl. Nothing against paleo -- Steve suggests it as something that he finds easier than obsessively counting calories and macros. I disagree, however -- counting calories and macros is way, WAY easier to me than angsting over whether or not a meal has black beans in it. That said, I am trying to move away from the "Eat ALL the carbs!" diet I used to have before :P. My husband flat out refuses to do paleo, but he's generally open towards paleo-style meals as long as we don't call them that -- such as the paleo spaghetti that was on the blog a few days ago. Paleo spaghetti? Hell to the no. Squash with meat sauce on it? Hell to the yeah!

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Attempting to do at least 80% Paleo and have been doing that for the past couple of days with one cheat meal. Pretty soon, I will be developing a personal goal striving to do mostly Paleo-related when the March 5th challenge comes on the board. :-0

"I may not be the strongest, I may not be the fastest, but I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest."

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LOL. I eat archevore/primal and do it most days of the week sticking 100% to my program. On saturday I cheat and eat whatever I want but I keep gluten out cause i have sensitivities...

Here is the thing that I have found especially with the archevore program. Whole foods are generally cheaper than processed foods. I mean, you can buy some pasta and it's cheap, but you never eat pasta alone. You can buy eggs cheap and you can eat them alone and they are satisfying. Just a thought that you want to get a few paleo staples in the house and add more as you get more comfortable with the program, etc.

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I'm eating paleo 100% of the time, but I don't have the cash for grass-fed, free range everything, so that might knock my ratio down a bit.

I feel like I'm spending a lot on food, but I used to eat out a lot more, so when I measure it against that, it's pretty damn cheap. Breakfast for me is 3 eggs and a couple sausages, which costs all of $2.50. Lunch and dinner are frozen veggies (super cheap, $2.50 for two people) and chicken, beef, or fish (not prohibitively expensive.) The most expensive things are the coconut oil and almond butter, which I eat a good deal of, but even then it's only $5-10 dollars a week.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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I drink milk, eat sandwiches, enjoy a toasted pita now and again with my peanut butter, which I also put in my shakes. I enjoy a pint or four of beer, and will occasionally indulge in a muffin or donut or cookie.

Also, I like oatmeal. And whiskey. And pizza.

Other than that, though, I'm pretty much 100%.


This is why you are my own personal hero KW. I want to grow up to be just like you :D

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Hey Spezzy. I am still in the learning/figuring things out stage. If it were just me I could do just fine with under $50 a week. Our current household size is seven including our young adult son,daughter in law and grandbaby. It will be down to four again when they get their own apartment. It should get easier for me then. We are helping them out by until they can get on their feet and our son has a great job now (compared to the one he had before anyway).

We always have to have food in the house even if it is cheap food. I try to make sure that we have healthy options as much as I am able to. I bought some natural chicken drumsticks from Sunflower Market and after my hubby cooked them he told me not to ever buy them from anywhere else! He was that happy with them.The price was good and they were big drumsticks too.

Oh, I wasn't saying anything bad! I was just saying I've been able to reduce it to $50 a week trying really hard. I completely understand how much easier it is for me since I'm on my own with it.

That sounds like me! Roffl. Nothing against paleo -- Steve suggests it as something that he finds easier than obsessively counting calories and macros. I disagree, however -- counting calories and macros is way, WAY easier to me than angsting over whether or not a meal has black beans in it. That said, I am trying to move away from the "Eat ALL the carbs!" diet I used to have before :P. My husband flat out refuses to do paleo, but he's generally open towards paleo-style meals as long as we don't call them that -- such as the paleo spaghetti that was on the blog a few days ago. Paleo spaghetti? Hell to the no. Squash with meat sauce on it? Hell to the yeah!

It's all what works for each individual. I can't count calories or I become obsessive and I find it easier just to not eat things. There is no stress with it - but again, I live alone, and cook for myself.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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I drink milk, eat sandwiches, enjoy a toasted pita now and again with my peanut butter, which I also put in my shakes. I enjoy a pint or four of beer, and will occasionally indulge in a muffin or donut or cookie.

Also, I like oatmeal. And whiskey. And pizza.

Other than that, though, I'm pretty much 100%.


Bwahahahaha! Word. this is me. Though I have been trying VERY very hard to cut out as many grains/gluten as I can because I am now convinced that it is causing my acne. I eat mostly fresh/frozen meat fruit and veggies most of the week, but tend to slack off a little on the weekends.

I looooove me some peanut butter though. Apples dipped in peanut butter is my favorite thing in the whole wide world.

"resistance is futile."

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I'm still experimenting. I just tripped on this new life thing in mid-January, and I would guess I'm about 70-75% primal.

The cost thing isn't an issue, but I'm currently stuck working in a small town until early summer, and I'm having trouble finding stuff that's pastured, grass-fed, etc.. Grains are gone, except for two cookies I have in my lunch Mon-Fri. The only liquids I ingest are water and red wine, with the very odd diet pepsi. I just can't seem to shake those.

I've only really snapped a couple times (DQ milkshake a couple weeks ago, and popcorn at the movies the other day). It's surprisingly easy to stick to. I just wish I could expand on the veggies that I like. I've never been huge on them, and the only ones I really eat are broccoli, cauliflour, and carrots.. I'm just gonna have to step up, and cook some of the creations I've seen on here, MDA, and Toads site. Maybe I'll make that one of my goals for the next 6 week challenge!!

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Probably 90-95% when eating at home - Most of the 10% typically comes post-workout, though I still often prefer greek yogurt + berries in that situation. My #1 source of non-paleo/primal foods overall is at work-related functions, or when travelling.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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It's okay Spezzy. I know you weren't saying anything bad. There is evidence that my family is coming around. They are at the mercy of my culinary experiments on the weekends. This weekend was a treat. I made flour less almond butter cookies with turbinado sugar. They disappeared fast. Next weekend is spagetti squash and for dessert we will probably have applesauce cookies made with a natural gluten free spice cake mix that Sunflower market sells. I'll proboby experiment with some flour less pecan butter cookies too. I am on a baking streak now!

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I don't know how to calculate it in a percentage. Going full paleo/primal would be hard for us. So for compromise, we have cut down on a lot of things considered bad.

Drink mostly water, cut down on coffee.

Cut out almost all bread.

Make a conscious effort to not eat grains.

Take 2 or 3 scoops of vegetables and just a small portion of potatoes instead of the other way around.

Eat more eggs and meats.

If we have pasta, smaller portions with larger sides of veggies.

Snack on fruits and vegetables.

No take-out unless we absolutely have to.

I used to get headaches on a weekly basis... I've only had one this year since I started working out and eating better.

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