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Greetings from Slovakia

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Hello ladies and gentlemen. I've decided I'm gonna do it like this (I have my fair share of filling out World of Warcraft guild applicatons :))

Name: XXX

Age: 19 (9. July 1992)

From: TrenÄín, Slovakia (View from our balcony. Yes, that's a historic castle on that hill)

Job: Unemployed - college drop-out (didn't enjoy it at all), currently learning to trade on FOREX (as I've been for the last ~6 years already)

Hobbies: PC gaming (not just playing, I'm interested in competitive gaming, mostly League of Legends), playing acoustic guitar

My incentive: I've realized there's currently no chance I would be able to carry my (potential) girlfriend out of a burning building. And it scared the hell out of me. (Seriously, that's the reason I started)

Weight: 50kg/ 110 lbs

Height: 172 cm/ 5'8"

Body fat: I have no idea, I will try to find this out asap.

Role Models:

... all right, someone who actually exists irl -

Workout: Bodyweight - since I'm (obviously) interested in parkour, I'm sure this is the best way to do it.

Diet: Paleo - shouldn't be much of a problem since I've been eating pretty healthy all my life, only thing I'll have to give up is bread and rice.

Is there something more to list? Can't think of anything more right now...

Why parkour?

1. I think it's the most useful thing you can do as far as workouts go. Lifting weights for the sake of being able to lift heavy weights seems pointless to me. Parkour is much better in case of zombie apocalypse (how did zombies became so popular lately? I hate it).

2. I'm underweight and being light is gonna help a lot (I think).

3. It's about speed, agility and endurance, not strenght. I would like to try some martial arts too sometimes later, so it's a nice preparation.

4. Let's be honest, it looks frickin' cool, yet inteligent and effective (unlike free-run... or lifting weights).

5. There's a parkour/free-run school in my town. I mean... what else do you need, right?

My goal: To be able to do this.I'm just kidding, that's unrealistic :D. I don't really have any specific goal in mind, but for example 10 handstand push-ups would be nice.

So that's about it. I've been following this site for a while, but not the forum. I'm glad there's a place for me to ask questions if I have any. This is the first time I try to workout like this, so I might have a lot of them (luckily, there are many answers already).

My introduction My 6-week challenge

Gamers raising money for kids in Africa - Sharecraft 2012 - please consider donating

I apologize for any grammar errors in my posts. English is a foreign language for me.

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Hey, welcome to the forum, Martin. Parkour sounds pretty awesome to me, though I wouldn't say there's no weight lifting involved--You'll be dealing with your own body weight a lot. I am nowhere near strong or flexible enough for it yet. Great that you have a school for it nearby too...A little guidance can make a big difference in learning new skills. Best of luck!

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

— Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

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WOW that is a beautiful view you have!! I'm liking your role models, your incentives (you should try to get her on-board the exercise train too so she can carry you out of a burning building) and your goals! Welcome buddy. :)

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

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