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I'm Fleet and I am definitely a ranger. I like to do a little of everything.


Right now I'm pretty overweight and just feeling sluggish. I want to level up so I can have more energy and do more fun stuff, longer. I also have a smattering of mental health and neurological issues that mean that I would doubly benefit from a healthier lifestyle. Also, I don't have a car so I kind of need to walk everywhere, being healthy really helps with that. :D


I am 5'7" and 210 lbs. I felt my best and was at my healthiest when I weighed about 140 lbs. I used to be a lifeguard and I could swim or run for 45 minutes straight without getting out of breath or being exhausted. I want to get back there! Currently I spend a lot of my time not being physical, I do a lot of sitting. I want to change that. I also eat CRAP. I am starting the paleo diet with my mom, today! I am not really a big fan of running so I am looking for other options. I think biking is a definite possibility. I can share my hubs bike for a little while before I get my own, so that is a good thing. I have found that I like yoga, but I need to make a commitment to it. 


I welcome any thoughts, advice or suggestions you may have for me. Thank you!

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Hi Fleet!


I'm brand new here too. I'm in quite a similar situation to you with regards to being overweight, having low energy, and dealing with mental health issues. 


I wish I could say that I too had a former fitness benchmark like when you were a lifeguard, but I've always lead a pretty inactive lifestyle, although I can walk and walk and walk until I drop. I remember going for a walk once, and it was only meant to be 5 miles, and I saw a road and thought "I wonder whats up there"....well...that 5 mile walk turned into a 12 mile walk without me even really noticing, and I only made my way back because it was coming up to dinner time. 


I've never tried the paleo diet but it will be interesting to see how you do. I can't offer any advice but I can wish you luck in levelling up and getting fit and happy, so...good luck! :) 


- Pear

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Hi, welcome to NF!


If you want to try paleo then you will get a lot of ideas and inspiration around here but there are also lots of good paleo websites. I like NomNom Paleo and This Guy Cooks (<-I can't remember if his recipes are ALL paleo :unsure:). 


One word of warning though, if you eat crap right now then you might find it hard to go paleo overnight. It can be really difficult to manage and you if you currently eat lots of bread and cereal then you will get carb/sugar cravings. I'm not joking! Sugar is addictive. I'm not saying don't try it, I'm don't feel like you've failed if you can't stick to it. 


I usually advise people to start slow, cutting bread is the biggest hurdle so why not try switching your sandwiches for something paleo-ish at lunch and see how you manage with that. Then, once you're happy with that, slowly try adding some paleo meals into your regular routine.


Even if you never make it to 100% paleo but just eat more vegetables and less processed food you will notice the benefits. 


Are you planning on joining the challenge on the 17th?

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I am trying to not be too strict with the diet. I'm easing my way into it. I'm not eating a lot of bread right now so that won't be too hard. I have a rice problem though, that will be hard for me to give up! I started by going grocery shopping and only buying good stuff. I still have some things in my house that I haven't used that aren't the healthiest, I will probably finish those off and just continue to only buy things that are healthy. I've been having fun cooking too, so I'm trying new paleo recipes and making things that I like already paleo. It's been enjoyable. Thanks for the website suggestions Guzzi! I will definitely check those out.


I need to get a better look at the challenge, but I think I will be trying it. :D





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Here is a link about explaining how it all works, and Here is where you post your challenge thread. :) 


There will be lots of other people doing their first challenge at the same time as you, don't worry. You post your first challenge in the Rebel section and then you can go on to pick a guild (or not) for your next challenge. 


Theres a good link in Spezzy's post with some ideas for goals if you are stuck. I would suggest that you pick small, sustainable goals that you want to turn into lifelong habits. If your long term goal is to eat paleo, then maybe have a goal to eat one meal a day that's paleo, or a challenge to cut out rice over the four weeks? There are alternatives like Cauliflower Rice or even just go for healthier versions like wholemeal rice. :) 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Thank you! I've been trying to figure out the challenge stuff. lol That makes it a lot easier for me! I'm definitely going to do it. And thanks for the suggestions, I think I will try to do one paleo meal a day. That seems like a good start for me. I've got enough good groceries in the house to do that,so I've already set myself up for success for that goal. :D

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