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Hey everybody!


My name is Matt, I'm 24 and hail from Texas. I just recently started looking for a good, for lack of a better term, health program, and when I saw "nerdfitness" and "level up your life", I knew I had found the right one. I did a bit more research, which confirmed my initial thought, and decided to become a rebel. I have created a character through level up your life, and will sign up for the academy after posting this message. 


As a child and teenager I was pretty athletic, playing sports year round. However, I was actually underweight and put on medication at age 16 for the sole purpose of gaining weight, but due to my diet (the pills caused me to be constantly hungry and eat large amounts at a time) and and level of exercise not in season, most of that weight came in the form of fat. While I do not look overweight and my actual weight is considered borderline overweight, my body fat percentage isn't healthy and I have constantly struggled with my self-confidence and image. I want to be able to like my body and be athletic again! At the moment, I don't exercise outside of work (I'm currently employed a server), and try to eat as healthy as I possibly can. I am looking to start exercising again, my dad is a marathon runner and I want to be able to run one with him before he can no longer do them, as well as have that muscular build and strength back that I had as a teenager. That's why I decided to make my character a ranger. I am also looking to change my diet, because I do work a lot of nights, I eat too much fast food, but do try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. I've used the myfitnesspal app and it seemed to show I was consuming too many carbs, fat, and salt while not consuming enough protein. 



Anyway, in addition to sports I enjoy playing video games (I only own sports and RPGs, I'm a big Fallout and Skyrim guy), writing (currently working on a zombie novel), and wasting time on reddit. I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones/ASOIAF (current on show, reading book one), Harry Potter, LOTR, Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Marvel. I'm also a big history and geography nerd, which is why I've chosen to teach it. 


I look forward to being apart of this academy and group!











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Hi, welcome to NF!


Your diet problems (too many cabs, not enough protein) are actually very common. It's so easy to eat starchy foods like bread or pasta but vegetables? When did you ever see vegetables in a fast food menu? Unless they came covered in breadcrumbs, deep fried and slapped in a bun. :hopelessness: 


Just a thought but have you considered packing your own meal to take to work with you. I know you probably get your meal free when you're working but it would give you something nutritious instead of fast food. 


Im sure you've read the words "you can't outrun your fork", but it really is true. Losing weight (fat) is 90% diet and 10% exercise. Exercise is fantastic and has countless health benefits but when it comes to weight loss it's not the magic bullet people think it is. To lose weight you need to eat at a deficit. Period.


Have you worked out how many calories you need yet? Here is a link to a BMR calculator. Your Base Metabolic Rate is how many calories your body needs just to function, then you can calculate for your level of activity to find your TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure. (<- I love saying that! What a ridiculous name!) Obviously this tells you how many calories you need to stay at your current weight. To lose weight you need to have a deficit. A 500kcal deficit will have you losing at a rate of 1lb a week. 


Obviously none of that^^^ address your nutrition or exercise goals, but I'll let someone else chip in with some advice on those. ;) 


Do you know that there's a new challenge about to start if you want to join in? It starts on the 17th, let me (or anyone else!) know if you need any help. I'll just leave This here, just in case. It's Spezzy's post explaining the challenges. 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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1 hour ago, SevenofSeven said:

Welcome to NF and good luck with your journey!


Good to see another Runner here. @RandMart was just lamenting the other day about lack of runners! 


Yes, runners are sometimes a rare breed. I used to hate running (I blame my coaches, using it as a punishment) until I realized that it's mentally it's very relaxing. 


57 minutes ago, Guzzi said:

Hi, welcome to NF!


Your diet problems (too many cabs, not enough protein) are actually very common. It's so easy to eat starchy foods like bread or pasta but vegetables? When did you ever see vegetables in a fast food menu? Unless they came covered in breadcrumbs, deep fried and slapped in a bun. :hopelessness: 


Just a thought but have you considered packing your own meal to take to work with you. I know you probably get your meal free when you're working but it would give you something nutritious instead of fast food. 


Im sure you've read the words "you can't outrun your fork", but it really is true. Losing weight (fat) is 90% diet and 10% exercise. Exercise is fantastic and has countless health benefits but when it comes to weight loss it's not the magic bullet people think it is. To lose weight you need to eat at a deficit. Period.


Have you worked out how many calories you need yet? Here is a link to a BMR calculator. Your Base Metabolic Rate is how many calories your body needs just to function, then you can calculate for your level of activity to find your TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure. (<- I love saying that! What a ridiculous name!) Obviously this tells you how many calories you need to stay at your current weight. To lose weight you need to have a deficit. A 500kcal deficit will have you losing at a rate of 1lb a week. 


Obviously none of that^^^ address your nutrition or exercise goals, but I'll let someone else chip in with some advice on those. ;) 


Do you know that there's a new challenge about to start if you want to join in? It starts on the 17th, let me (or anyone else!) know if you need any help. I'll just leave This here, just in case. It's Spezzy's post explaining the challenges. 


Thank you. I don't really have time to eat during my shift (I work at a very busy restaurant), but I do sometimes cook before work and eat it when I get home. I have done a BMR before on myfitnesspal, which did the same thing as that website to determine it, it was around 2600 or 2700, which is what that site gave me. When I would monitor my caloric intake I usually ended up around 1700-2000 calories. 

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