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Well were do I start???? I'm a 40 year old (well will be next month) stocky 5'7 overweight 205lbs, workaholic (took my 1st unplugged vacation in 10 years last week), a NFL fanatic (I'm a 12 - Seattle Seahawks) single dad of an awesome 7 year old little girl. 


When I'm not with my daughter and it's the NFL off season. I'm working or raiding the fridge out of extreme boredom. I have the thoughts of going out for a walk, jog, kayak, something... but it doesn't happen. I looked for local groups to be a part of something and I haven't found the right group. I feel that if I'm apart of something, things could be different that I'll lose the weight and get in shape. I was athletic until I hit 22. I played ball (basketball and football) since Jr. High, throughout high school and 1 year in Jr. College. I went snow skiing everything year from the age of 6-22, never skipped a season. During the summer I was out boating, swimming, hiking. At 22 it all came to a screeching halt. I meet who I thought was the "one". My baby's mama. I'm not putting the blame on her. I'm simply outlining the time frame. I went from being active always on the go to a smoking eat every 5 minutes couch potato. I did lose about 60 lbs in 3 months (due to depression) when i found myself in the biggest storm of my life. My ex and I split after 11 years and I was in a HUGE custody battle. I did prevail and got joint custody of my kiddo. As the years have passed I've been putting the pieces back together. Even though its been 20 years since I was that active person, I want to be an active version but a older wiser active version. My daughter doesn't believe how active as I was... I try to show her, but I do feel the impact of the weight I'm caring. As long as I can remember I tell myself .. "this is it I'm going to do it this time, I'm going to lose the weight"... it will last about a week or so.... well now I'm here. 


I'm a rebel but my true identity is an assassin. I know I have it still.. I have to shed to let it expose. 

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Welcome! Do come join the Rebels and dip your toes in the pool. Have you thought about what changes you want to make for your first challenge? If you aren't sure where to start, look at the "level 1 challenge suggestions" in the Getting Started section.


DON'T stomp off in disgust when you see how tiny these challenges are. That's the point - they're small enough that you'll have little excuse to not do them. (Hey, if big sweeping changes worked, we'd all be perfect by now, right?) Pick two or three and commit to them for the next few weeks. 


One thing I'd recommend is to get started now, don't wait for the next challenge. You can either call this one a practice run, or roll it into the next challenge, but don't wait and lose your enthusiasm.


Good luck!

"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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