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Hello all,


I am 31 years old and I feel like I'm 60. I served in the U.S. Air Force for 11 years. I was medically retired a few years ago due to having seizure disorder and bipolar disorder. In the time since I've left, I've gained weight, developed additional medical issues including GERD (Severe Acid Reflux), Barrettes Esophagus, and most recently Kidney Abnormalities (The full scope of this the kidney issues are still being figured out with my Urologist). I take a handful of medications every night and I seem to be exhausted all of the time. I've chalked a lot of the energy loss up to the medications. I'm sure that is partly to blame, along with maintaining a full time job and as a full time student 4 to 5 nights a week. My work day starts at 7AM and I'm not usually home until 10PM.


Despite my busy schedule, I've started to consciously pay attention to my lifestyle (diet, lack of activity, and a nicotine habit). I have a gym membership that I haven't used in months and frankly, I stopped going because I had no clue what I was hoping to get out of it, let alone what to do to get it. The gym is also intimidating for me, it always has been all the way back to being the scrawny kid who couldn't lift more than 20 pounds. So I did what a lot of people do and stopped going and hid behind my "busy life."


As I was sitting at the VA about three weeks ago, I was expecting my lab work to be the usual, my doctor told me that my lab work indicated that there is trouble with my kidneys. So now I'm seeing yet another specialist. I'm 31 years old and I am having health problems that most 55 year old's don't have. So I've decided that something needs to change. Unfortunately the mess are essential to prevent seizures and to keep me from finding myself back in a psychiatric hospital, but certainly there are things that I can do to mitigate my health problems. So here I am. 


I chose Nerd Fitness because I am a type a nerd of the science fiction and anime variety. I also chose Nerd Fitness because it seems to focus on taking baby steps at first as opposed to hard charging at a neck breaking pace without having the slightest idea why I am running for. 


So what I want to do here is to start building good habits while tearing down some really awful ones. That first 10 minute walk seemed too easy, but as I walked and consciously thought about everything that I discussed here, I realized that I had actually just walked for about 30 minutes. At the end of the walk, I didn't even think about the walk itself, but more so about myself and choices.


All that being said, I'm going to follow the daily emails and give this program a shot. After I build up some of that willpower, Ill figure out what the next move is. In the meantime, I have my walks, my thoughts, a choice to eliminate Mt. Dew from my routine. I'm also reading up on the Paleo Diet to see how I can start to incorporate better meal choices into my diet.


Baby steps, right? 



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Welcome! Baby steps indeed!


It sounds like maybe you're working through the NF Academy? In addition to that, I'd really recommend either starting a challenge thread (come join us wacky Rebels!) or if you'd rather, start a thread in the Battle Logs. That will give you a place to post your progress and get feedback.


Welcome, and good luck! I think you'll like it here.

"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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