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Seems easier this time

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I am coming up on a year since I joined the Rebellion, and I started out pretty good, but then life got in the way. I have a habit of not finishing what I start, (unless it is a chocolate cookie). Since I joined, the business that I had started last year had really picked up and we got busy. I stopped trying to complete quests and stopped reading blog posts and all other things that would help me in the Academy. One thing I never stopped doing, though, was stay in contact with my Facebook page ladies. I'm glad I did, too, because I can look back and see that I hadn't totally given up, I just stopped doing things the NFR way. 


I took the reconstruction of the quest system as a sign from (somewhere?) that it was time to start over from scratch. I never rechecked off my old quests, I just decided that I have to do them all over again. I started reading from the beginning, like I'd never read any of it before. I did everything so far that the instructions have said, even creating specific quests of my own in my Epic Quest, and going in every day to record updates. I keep a fitness journal now. Not just what exercises I did or what I ate, but what kind of mood I was in that day, what my pain level was, and anything exciting that happened that day that might affect the success of my real life Epic Quest, including my relationship status with my family and friends, and my overall health.


I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome, and the way they make me feel from day to day really can decide what I get done that day. But I have realized that in the past, I often used these diseases as an excuse as to why I couldn't lose weight and stay in shape. No more!


I think what makes it easier this time is that in addition to playing the Nerd Fitness Academy game, I'm playing a game against my alter ego, the one that wants to eat ice cream for breakfast and opt to play on Facebook over taking a morning walk. I am not by nature a competitive person, but the game is against myself, so when I win, I don't have to worry about hurting the feelings of the loser. In fact, I rather want to hurt the feelings of the loser, so maybe they (my alter ego) will decide they don't want to play anymore and go home. 


While I know I have to lose weight (my doctor's words, not mine) I don't want to treat my NFR journey as a "have to" thing. I want to do this. I am actually finding it fun this time. I like that I can say "you know, I really do want that cookie" and choice of eating that cookie is mine. Instead of saying "I can't eat that cookie", saying "Ha, ha alter ego, I win, I didn't eat the cookie". Score one for Skinny Ninny. (This was my father's nickname for me when I was a child.)


So let the games begin!

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I hear you! I too have decided that the website respawn was a good time for a personal respawn. 


I really like your ideas of the fitness journal, specifically including emotional patterns, etc, in addition to food & exercise habits. I've been keeping a food log since last week, but maybe I'll start doing that also. And the idea of being in a fight against your alter ego is amazing! 


Those medical conditions are daunting! Best of luck and just keep moving forward, no matter how slowly!

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