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Hi Rebels!


As you can probably tell from my headline, I'm a woman closing in on 40 working towards my beach-worthy bod -- doing what it takes and actually having fun with it. Never thought I'd feel that way, but well...

I've gotten myself on a self-inflicted 30-day challenge. Today is Day 8.

My current choice of fat-burning activity is jogging and doing yoga. I’ve been sitting on this goal for years and eight days ago, I finally decided that it’s time. Tugging at my shorts that are too tight, dealing with my belly flab, and seeing the flab on my upper arm wag have disturbed me long enough. Can you relate?

I’ve been meaning to take care of this for years. I knew I could do it if I would just set my mind to get it done but, that just never seemed to happen.

About 20 years ago, I managed to lose weight. I went from a size 9 down to a size 4 through regular, kinda rigorous exercise. But who has time for that these days. Back then, I was single with no kids, and no real responsibilities. Life was a lot different.

I’ve got three beautiful, awesome, amazing kids whom I love to death! This leaves little time for that workout schedule of leisure I had in my twenties, 20 years ago. Yikes! Yes, 25 years ago! And, I’ve found that weight loss at this age is a lot different. Over the past year, I’ve managed to squeeze in a 30-45 minute working, 3-5 times a week between the kids and my business but was so disappointed with the results. I never spent the time to figure out how to improve my results because I didn’t have any spare time. I barely fit that workout in my days. But, thankfully, I’ve slowed things down to figure out some things that have resulted in cool results that I’m so happy with. So I continue to move forward with my new plan that’s working! Yea, I want to be more healthy, but REALLY...I want to SEE RESULTS! How about you?

One of the biggest things for me has been being consistent and sticking with the program. Can you relate?

I’ve started and stopped so many times. It’s ridiculous. This time, I’ve gotten some things in place that are keeping me on track. All of a sudden, BING! I’m getting it done. It’s shocking!

Please join me on this weight loss journey - a journey of a middle-aged women who feels like she’s in her twenties, and sure acts like it. I really need to learn how to act my age, I swear. LOL!

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welcome to the rebellion.

Yes it can be hard to stick with a program.Especially when you have responsibilities like a family to look after( say hi to the kids). And even more so if you choose a rigid program. that doesn't   work. Be eclectic. Prioritize your goals and customize your workout schedule. We all screw up at times, eat that extra muffin, skip a days workout etc The point is to reduce the number of screw ups progressively. Go baby steps, set attainable-but-not-that-easy goals, get the hang of it and level up. Plus now you have the rebellion to hold you accountable.


                                                             If you want something, go get it. Period 


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