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And my journey begins. Are you with me?

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Hi, you can call me Nimura. I have been following Nerd Fitness for years, reading all the articles and accumulating stores of knowledge and wisdom.... but not doing much else unfortunately. I'm looking to change that now once and forever. I'm starting university in two weeks and am viewing it as a fresh journey in my life and seeing that I'm still young and sooner is better than later, I want to improve my health and fitness and put my body to some good use. Why, you ask? Because it'll raise my self-esteem from sea level to the mountain tops. And I would like that. Very much. 


So I still need to do lots of planning and goal setting but the general direction I wish to venture in as of now is pretty clear. I'm a tall, skinny awkward guy. And I don't like it. My wish right now is to bulk up and become stronger. That, as far as I know, means that I should focus on strength training and body weight exercises. I used NF's Beginner Bodyweight Circuit inconsistently through high school. I am going to return to that and make it consistent because, at this stage, even that beginner's routine is enough to wipe the floor with me. To be honest, after advancing through the beginner stages I am not sure what I'll do next. Graduate to mainly strength training and weights on the path of the Warrior or venture into more advanced bodyweight training that might take me on the road to the Assassin? I'll decide afterwards but, keeping in mind my desperate desire to bulk up my thin physique, it might be the former.


But for bulking up I know that my diet is going to be more than half the battle and it'll probably take a ton of research and strict regimens. Well, I know it's not going to be easy. Truthfully, this journey before me seems unbelievably massive and daunting and, like Frodo, I do not wish to walk to Mordor alone. What I'm looking for here are people who I can discuss my fitness-based challenges and issues with and who can offer me advice and motivation for when the going gets tough. Just a sense of companionship and shared inspirations and dreams would be enough. I'm a complete noob now but I promise in the future to help those who need advice and motivation like me.


So yeah, hopefully you read all of that. And hopefully this won't be another false start of mine. Anyways, one real problem I know I will probably face, as a university student, is balancing my fitness routines and my diet needs with my studies and assignments. I'm guessing time management and diligence will be my friends and forever must I banish Procrastination long though he may have served me. Any advice on improving your health and fitness as a university student?  


My nerd credits are as follows. I love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Doctor Who and have enjoyed bit of anime and manga like Attack on Titan, Darker Than Black, Death Note, One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, Berserk and Tokyo Ghoul. The last two are two of my favorite series in the whole world.

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Welcome aboard.


How can we help?  Any questions, just give a shout.

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B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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So, anything specific I can help out with?


I've been around here for a little while (about 8  months right now) so I know my way around a little and have a little knowledge I can share...  I also have a pretty good idea at this point on who to call on if we need more help than I can provide LOL.

B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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Welcome Nimura!

Nice to see another Berserk fan around here :) Guts sure is a good inspiration for becoming super strong!


On 24.8.2016 at 5:49 PM, Nimura said:

Any advice on improving your health and fitness as a university student? 


If there are sports clubs at your university, consider joining one! There are usually beginner classes and classes for all kinds of sports, too. (We have everything ranging from pole-dancing and fencing to basketball here!) Depending on the university it is either relatively cheap for enrolled students or even free.




So I still need to do lots of planning and goal setting but the general direction I wish to venture in as of now is pretty clear.



reading all the articles and accumulating stores of knowledge and wisdom.... but not doing much else unfortunately.


Planning and setting goals is good, but it sounds like you need to watch out not to become an underpants collector.



But for bulking up I know that my diet is going to be more than half the battle and it'll probably take a ton of research and strict regimens.

Don't worry. Perhaps taking a look what the warrior guild has to offer might be worthwhile for you. It won't be such a complicated process; basically more protein intake and maybe supplements if you have trouble building up mass and other ways failed so far. You can also ask at the Bodyweight Strength Training Section about it. Just watch out that you don't forget starting amidst all the researching and planning! Starting is the most important! You will make mistakes anyways but you will learn and improve over time as long as you take action and commit to it! :)




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On 26/08/2016 at 7:00 AM, Tyrgal said:

Welcome Nimura!Nice to see another Berserk fan around here :)


Another Berserk fan on the first day?! You have got to be kidding. I feel at home already. Sup Tyrgal.



Guts sure is a good inspiration for becoming super strong!


Oh man, I know, right? I have this fantasy of cosplaying as Guts one day. He's the only character I would want to cosplay. Partly because he is awesome and badass and partly because my height matches his. But my muscles sure don't. Not yet anyway. All the more reason to get stronger.




Planning and setting goals is good, but it sounds like you need to watch out not to become an underpants collector.



Oh dear me, was I stumbling down the dark mucky road to becoming a underpants collector without even realizing it? Thanks for the warning Tyrgal. Collecting underpants is the last thing I want to do.



Don't worry. Perhaps taking a look what the warrior guild has to offer might be worthwhile for you. It won't be such a complicated process; basically more protein intake and maybe supplements if you have trouble building up mass and other ways failed so far. You can also ask at the Bodyweight Strength Training Section about it. Just watch out that you don't forget starting amidst all the researching and planning! Starting is the most important! You will make mistakes anyways but you will learn and improve over time as long as you take action and commit to it! :)


Thanks for the advice. I'll check out the Bodyweight Strength Training Section ASAP.


On 25/08/2016 at 11:33 AM, bker1370 said:

So, anything specific I can help out with?


I've been around here for a little while (about 8  months right now) so I know my way around a little and have a little knowledge I can share...  I also have a pretty good idea at this point on who to call on if we need more help than I can provide LOL.


First of all I'm sorry that I took a while to reply guys. I was bit busy the past few days preparing and shopping for university which begins next week. So excited. 


So as for questions, if I think hard and long I'm sure I'll come up with dozens of 'em. But most are probably bridges which I should cross when I get to them. There is one specific question I have in mind concerning workouts. Whenever reading or hearing about any workout I always hear the words 'sets' and 'reps' and 'circuits' bandied about. Reps, I'm pretty sure, are the number of times you do a specific exercise. And sets are the same thing as reps, right? Or are they different? Please let me know.


That's not the question though. The real question is about reps and circuits. A circuit, if I'm not wrong, is a whole specific routine done once. And most workouts consist of circuits repeated 2 or 3 times. Once again, correct me if I'm wrong about any of the above. Now here's the question. Let's assume there's a workout with a circuit  in which each exercise is to be done a specific number of reps and circuit itself is to be done a specific number of times to complete the workout. 


What if I am unable to complete the given amount of reps for each exercise? Do I still do the circuit the required number of times with reduced reps and then increase the reps gradually in each circuit simultaneously? Or should I focus on doing one circuit until I reach the optimum number of reps for each exercise before trying to do the circuit multiple times?


Also, what really is the role of multiple consecutive circuits in a workout? Is it just to introduce a cardio effect? If, hypothetically, I am doing the circuit only once but with higher reps for each exercise would that roughly equate to doing the circuit multiple times with lower reps?


Wow. I swear that was one question in my head. It just sprouted into several questions when I tried typing it.



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2 hours ago, Nimura said:

Reps, I'm pretty sure, are the number of times you do a specific exercise. And sets are the same thing as reps, right? Or are they different?

They are slightly different.  Reps is the number times (repetitions) you do an exercise at a given time.  Sets are groups of repetitions with a rest between.  For example, the stronglifts weightlifting program is called 5x5 meaning 5 sets of 5 reps with a break between each set.  Meaning that in this case you do 5 reps then rest (how long depends on how much difficulty you had with the 5 reps).  You then do that 5 times.


2 hours ago, Nimura said:

A circuit, if I'm not wrong, is a whole specific routine done once. And most workouts consist of circuits repeated 2 or 3 times.

You are correct about a circuit being a routine done once.  Not all workouts consist of circuits, though.  Yes, a circuit training workout is typically planned for 2-3 circuits where you complete each exercise and then immediately move on to the next one without resting between exercises but resting between circuits.


2 hours ago, Nimura said:

What if I am unable to complete the given amount of reps for each exercise? Do I still do the circuit the required number of times with reduced reps and then increase the reps gradually in each circuit simultaneously? Or should I focus on doing one circuit until I reach the optimum number of reps for each exercise before trying to do the circuit multiple times?


I would say that for this it would depend on the type of exercises the circuit calls for.  If they are bodyweight exercises, there is usually a way to scale them to a level you can do.  For example, if one if them is pushups but you can not do regular pushups (or as many as called for at least), them you find an easier version of them and use that until you can do the regular ones.  In this case perhaps you start with incline pushups (where you are leaning on a box or chair rather than flat on the ground) or even wall pushups where you are basically standing and leaning against the wall and pushing yourself away from the wall  (of course some of the more insane ones out there are doing handstand pushups but most of us will never get there LOL)


2 hours ago, Nimura said:

Also, what really is the role of multiple consecutive circuits in a workout? Is it just to introduce a cardio effect? If, hypothetically, I am doing the circuit only once but with higher reps for each exercise would that roughly equate to doing the circuit multiple times with lower reps?


It is my understanding (although I'm not an expert on them) that yes it is to induce a cardio effect at same time as working on strength.  I think that increasing the reps but lower the number of circuits would lessen the effect as part of the cardio effect comes from moving from exercise to exercise and also that as reps increase form and speed of them generally decreases...   for example, I can do 10 pushups pretty quickly these days, I can also do 20 (most days anyway LOL) but those second 10 are harder and take longer than the first 10.  However, if I do the 10, then do several other exercises, then rest for 1-2 minutes I can do 10 more pushups with roughly the same speed as the first time.

B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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