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First: I do not know if this is the appropriate forum, so any mods feel free to move this... It's kind of a "woot" as I have overcome my innate lazyness, but it might also fit into the general fitness  or the dieting realm. Or some ranger stuff, who knows. so here is the story:

I like cars. I like my car, especially. And so I like it's engine. Most engine wear occurs on start-up, once the engine is running at operating temperature, there is no significant wear whatsoever. Read: cross country drives (btw.: That's why myUOAs come back so nice). Doing the grocery shopping by car means two engine starts without the engine ever getting to operating temperature. Not good. Hurts my heart. (Im a car nerd - with a capital N.)
But my bike has no luggage rack (and cycling with a big, heavy backpack is no fun). So -what else can I do, if I do not want to use the car? Of course: walk. I might split the grocery shopping into several smaller trips and just walk there. But then, the nearest shop is a tad expensive, and the cheaper Aldi a bit far off my usual routes. Inconvenient. But basically, that's what I would do: just walk there, grab some bags with stuff, walk back. Several times a week. (And pay to much). 
When I was young, I walked a lot. The army had us walk a lot. all while carrying heavy stuff. And then I stumbled upon the fitness fad of rucking - basically, grab a backpack, put something heavy inside, walk briskly and call it exercise. (And feel cool doing so.) 
So that was obvious. Why the hell didn't I get this earlier? 
Grab rucksack. Grab a second bag. Walk 30min to store. Fill shopping cart. Fill content of shopping cart into rucksack and bag. Walk home. Voilà:




One old army backpack, a sturdy bag and a sack of apples. This unpacks as follows:


2.5kg potatoes
2kg apples

0.5 litre olive oil
0.25 litre linseed oil

1 litre of milk

6 cans of tuna

2 cans of red beans

500g sourdough bread
500g spaghetti
500g feta

500g chicken breast

500g ground beef

500g of curd

350g herring

300g Nürnberger Würtschen (Nürnberg sausages)

250g of bacon

500g of spinache

3 bell peppers

3 jars of marmalade

2 salami

1 iceberg lettuce

1 broccoli

1 cucumber

1 net of red onions
1 net of garlic
12 eggs
60g oregano

60g thyme

Humans can carry a lot of stuff. While all this on the picture is a lot of stuff, it s not particularly heavy. (The things they make you carry in the army are heavier.) It just seems bulky, but if you pack intelligently, all this fits into a small backpack and a small shopping bag (the apples came with their own bag, fortunately).
Earn your meals! If a middle-aged, overweight bloke like me can, so can you. . :-)

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Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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Very innovative!  I would have never thought of this.  It appears you have a choice, shop closer and pay higher prices.  You could consider this a kind of gym membership fee.  Or take the longer walk and save some money.  Better yet combine the two.  Shop close when you are in a hurry, but take the longer walk when you can.  Either way is great to get your exercise while doing something you have to do anyway. 

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