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I'm fairly certain that I ended up here at this respawn point, because I stumbled into a PVP area and was shanked in the back by an Imperial Operative.  So while I sit here and let the medical droid tend to my wounds, let me consider how I got in this mess in the first place.


I think it's important to acknowledge what went wrong without fear of being told you're just making excuses or complaining.  The fact is, the situation is what it is and now that we're here it's time to dust off and get ready to move forward. So let's start where it all started getting derailed...


In June I was doing well.  In all honesty, I had gotten in a good routine, making sure to stop at the gym on the half-way point on my daily drive home from work.  And after every workout I was logging it via IG to keep myself accountable.  I was doing well, even with the impending move on the horizon.  Once July hit, we had to hunker down and finish packing without knowing where we were going to go before August.  In truth, the housing market is tough right now for renters. Prices are super high and places are getting snatched up in the blink of an eye.  A huge truckload of stress came slamming down on me and my family (and extended family) during this time.  My wife and I, by the grace of God, managed to find a place through a friend, and began moving.  The majority of the move was my wife and my parents moving over the course of the course of the last two weeks of July.  In addition my wife and I ended up with strep throat during this time.


We eventually got everything moved and no one got injured during the process. :) Now, aside from the expected un-boxing, things were looking good.  It took us about two weeks to recover from the sickness. My drive to work also shifted and lengthened by about 15-30 min each way, since we moved to a different city.  That also put the gym out of the way rather than en route.  Since the move I've been out of sorts and been struggling to get into a routine again.  In short, it's been hard.


Now, I feel like I'm back to my old higher weight again (can't find our scales amidst the myriad of boxes left), but regardless what my weight IS, I certainly feel it.

It's time to dig my heels in and stop losing ground.  I'm certainly not getting any younger. (Had a birthday in August, yay!)



1. Was doing good, logging workouts via IG.

2. Stress of finding a place and moving hit.

3. Moved to a new city further away from work.

4. Got sick and recovered.

5. Had a Birthday.

6. Lost old routine.

7. Need to get back on track.


I haven't decided how I'm going to go about really getting back on track yet.  I just know that I need to take that first step mentally, and this is it.  Funny how it seems when you fall off the wagon, you forget all the things you got situated and settled in with in the past run.  I do know that I really want to avoid counting calories/carbs if I can help it, but that won't be a deal breaker if I have to do some sort of number crunching along the way.


Anyway, it's good to be back...

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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Just so you know this isn't a one and done postie, I'm still here. :)  I see we're still in the middle of this challenge, but I don't want to wait that long to get started.


I think I'm going to get started and keep things simple.


By the end of this week...


1. I'm dropping all sweet drinks.  I'm addicted to sweet tea, Dr. Pepper, and "Dessert Coffee" aka Starbucks/QT Kitchen/McDonnalds Mocha Frappe.... While tasty, all of these things are easily contributing to poor eating and weight gain.


2. I'm going to go to the gym.  I've got a gym membership to a local chain and since the gyms aren't as close as they used to be, I haven't been using it.  While I can't go today or tomorrow, I'm going to plan on swinging by one close to my drive home either Thursday, Friday, or drive up Saturday.  I need to get a feel for this new gym and at the least give it a shot.  If it doesn't work out, I can always cancel my membership and work on doing things here at the house/neighborhood.



Thoughts I need to jot down to come back to later...


A. Walking should also be incorporated at some point, be that at the gym on non-lifting days, or in the neighborhood.

B. I also need to figure out how I'm going to go about eating healthier, reasonably, with as little disruption to finances or the rest of the household.  Cooking for 6 (4 adults & 2 kids) limits the choices for most nights.  Especially since I'm the last one to get home.

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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So I spoke to my wife about all this last night.  She encouraged me to try and hit up the gym tomorrow after work.  I thank God that I've got a supportive spouse like her.

On a fun note, we're meeting up with a friend tonight who's coming down for ReaperCon this week.  She's totally into the painting miniatures scene, so it'll be nice to catch up with her before she gets engrossed in the con. :)

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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At this point, I think I'm in my own little corner talking to the wall, but whatevs.


We met up with our long-time internet friend Shoshie while she was down for Reapercon.  She ended up showing us her prized minatures she's worked on and submitting into the contests this weekend.  My wife Periscoped it, so everyone could see her work, though I don't know why the sound didn't make it over.



And for anyone interseted in minature painting and tips, just head on over to her page.


Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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Looks like today is all sorts out of wack.  I didn't wake up early enough to gather up clothes for the gym, so I'll be doing that as soon as I get home today.  That way tomorrow is in the cards.


Today is looking to be good so far.  Granola bars for breakfast, unsweet tea, and roast for lunch.

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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