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full body split program for the gym

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hey guys

new guy to the site.

as the title states im looking for at a full body split program to cycle through 3-4 times a week.

my goal is to use free weights as my core( dumbeels, bars etc)

with reps ranging from 6-8 (heavy)

things to take into account: i cant do pull ups,chin ups or squats. ( air squats no problem, but my right knee is f..king with at the moment, and so im gradually building up the musles there)

all the best mark

villains sleep with prostitutes

hereos sleep with destiny

current weight 1o6,8kg

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First, Mark, welcome to the site.

Second, I'm going to cut everybody off and tell you 6-8 Reps aren't exactly "heavy". Doesn't really have anything to do with your question, I just know somebody will say something about it. Heavy would be more towards your 1 Rep Max, which is pretty much the most weight you can lift at one time.

Third, I don't know about a split program, but it definitely depends on your goals. What do you want to accomplish? Doing a split program is more of a BodyBuilder thing, is that what interests you?

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Guest Snake McClain

First off I second everything MMyers said. But i do a split routine now and this is what I do.

I usually do squats but i have a shoulder injurty that prevents me from holding the bar properly so I have replaced them with this wheelbarrow type thing. it's called the "squat lunge" it might actually allow you to protect your knee. but i dunno man thats up to you. but this is what i do.

tuesday and thursday:

Deadlift 1x6 at the heaviest weight i can do, or a straight leg deadlift at 3x6-8 heaviest i can do.

Squats (or similar leg power action) 3x6-8

PUllups 3xfailure (you can't do these so just eliminate them)

barbell rows/tbar rows (players choice so to speak) 3x6-8 most weight possible again.

(this is where i'll catch heat for using a machine but its what i do)

Leg extension machine and leg curl machines 3x10 most weight possible

bent over lat flys with dumbell 3x10 heavy as possible

then i try to do some explosive jumping to boxes and such if my legs are still moving.

weds and friday

Incline bench 3x6-8

push presses 3x6-8

dumbell flys 3x10

side lat raises 3x10

push ups 3xfailure

pike presses 3xfailure

shoulder shurgs 3xfailure heaviest weight possible. I'm doing 100lbs now each side but i cant hold on to the dumbells long. some people switch this with a barbell as well.

now note that I am not going for just strength. i am going for a bit of an appearance deal for pro wrestling (as sadly it is important there) so some of this is pointless for just pure strength gain. You would probably do really REALLY well as a beginner with a strong lift 5x5 type deal which you can google because i'm tired of typing and dont' want to explain. its super simple though and honestly it is what i would reccomend to someone totaly new. but if you want to try something else you can do what i am doing or something similar. either way your butt is going to get kicked.

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Firstly welcome to the site!

Secondly, Army when the hell did you change your name. It is freaking me out. I don't like change!

Thirdly, Bruce and Army give good advice, but it really depends on your goals. Also, how long have you been lifting, what is your experience with free weights? I ask this because no matter what you do form is important above all else and since you have knee issues already I'd hate to point you in a direction before clearing that issue up. Have you always had knee problems?

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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are sorry lads.

ill be more specific:

firstly my new paleo 30 day challenge starts tomorrow. so today has been spent filling the freezer and fridge:smug:

so onto my goals:

im around 108kgs( not sure ontil tomorrow) and 189 cm tal... (bmi over 30,just to give something to go by)

my short term goal is 1ookg, then then 95 and finally 90kgs (or 95kg if it turns of i can pack on some decent muscle)

and before you tear me apart , i know its gonna take a hole lot more than 30 days:smug:

so get lean and toned..

when i say go heavy i mean 4 sets of 6-8 reps. where the last rep is as close to fail as it gets.(as i will be training by myself)

i know my way around a gym, and se myself as a sensible guy, so wont be locking joints, pulling my back doing bicep curls.. and so on.

as to my knee.. well i dont where it startet from but have had it for about ten years.. a certain movement can leave sore for some days(just under the knee cap. but this time around it happend from doing squats at a bodyfit class.. i can do air squats and kettlebell swings easy.. just not true weighted squads (yet, im doing some rehap stuff on it just to strengthen the small joint muscles )

as for the split i was thinking on the lines of:

monday:shoulders, back, triceps, abs(plank, ball crunches,russian twist) followed by 75 kettle swings for at bit of cardio and core

shoulder: shoulder press,shrugs,lat raises.- back: deadlift, bent over row(over hand) pull down (palms out). - tricep:skullcrusher, rope pull down.

wensday: chest, biceps,legs, abs(plank, ball crunches,russian twist) followed by 75 kettle swings for at bit of cardio and core

chest:dumbell press, dumbell flyers,- bicep: bicep curl (s-bar) reverse drag curl. leg:leg extension, leg curl, rotary calf

repeat and rinse , having at least on day of between workouts


villains sleep with prostitutes

hereos sleep with destiny

current weight 1o6,8kg

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Awful lot of Isolation and Machine stuff in there. Plenty of resources on here about it, so I'll let somebody else go into detail. But, to summarize, pick a major free weight Push, Pull, and Leg and get on a good program basically.

An example could be:

Monday-Wednesday-Friday (3X3, 5X5, 8X1, etc...)

Overhead Press, Deadlift, Squat (MobilityWOD Rehab/Doctor stuff at beginning)

Add 5 pounds each time, then deload when it gets heavy. For Assistance stuff, you could pick: Strict Curl and Shrugs, and keep the sets low (2-3), keep the reps a little higher (6-8), and add 5 pounds each time.

EDIT: And obviously there are much more thorough programs. However, I would keep the exercises low still for simplicity.

This is just a basic, very simple Linear cycle.

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Why do a split? Full body will tend to be more productive for most people. You don't need to do a million isolation exercises, just a few compound exercises.

Squat, bench, pullup, overhead press, deadlift. Hits every muscle in the body. Or if you lack a gym, squat, pushup, pullup, handstand pushup, bridge. Do it 3x a week for best results.

Hitting a muscle more completely less frequently isn't usually the best recipe. Working hard for shorter periods of time more frequently tends to work better.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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the only machine stuff is for legs.. (knee thing)

At least from your description I have/had a knee issue very similar to yours (knee tendonitis). To get rid of it, even though it hurt like hell at first I squatted, squatted, and squatted some more, with pistol squats being the most effective exercise for it. And went all the way down, squatting to parallel is no friend to tendonitis.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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waldo, read my og post:pig:

Air squats as in bodyweight squats?

I started unable to do those. Started with wall sits and resistance band stuff, then started doing bodyweight squats, then added dumbbells, then started doing one legged bodyweight squats (pistols). That's where I am now, on the pistols, and my knee pain is virutally gone, only during things like lunges do I feel it. Once I could do bodyweight squats I stopped doing the wall sits and band stuff (when I was doing that stuff I walked with a limp). It used to feel like my kneecap was going to rip right off when doing bodyweight squats. I had knee pain and walked with a limp for a few years before I decided to lose weight and get rid of it.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Why do a split? Full body will tend to be more productive for most people. You don't need to do a million isolation exercises, just a few compound exercises.

Squat, bench, pullup, overhead press, deadlift. Hits every muscle in the body. Or if you lack a gym, squat, pushup, pullup, handstand pushup, bridge. Do it 3x a week for best results.

Hitting a muscle more completely less frequently isn't usually the best recipe. Working hard for shorter periods of time more frequently tends to work better.

I have done both, and I LOVE doing the split over full body. Not that I won't go back to full body, but 5 days on, with 2 days rest is suiting me just fine...it's going very well and *shock* i'm not even a 'bodybuilder'.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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Monday: Deadlift, Press

Wednesday: Squat

Friday: Deadlift, Press

Monday: Squat

Wednesday: Deadlift, Press

Friday: Squat

You could do something simple like that if you want to keep it split, maybe do Squats+Presses instead of Deadlift+Presses, and add in Swings when you want... Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, you're not really acknowledging ideas. All I can really tell you is that a few heavy compounds done correctly with high tension will hit most, if not all, muscles in your body, so you don't really need all of those exercises.

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@:Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, you're not really acknowledging ideas

??? what.. i dont really agree....

well seeing that squats arent on at the moment ( will test again tomorrow) deadlift and press is what you recomend?

seems awfully simple, my thoughts being that the bigger the engine(muscle workout) the bigger the the fatburn..

but maybe im missing something in th big picture

but thanks for all the input so far

villains sleep with prostitutes

hereos sleep with destiny

current weight 1o6,8kg

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@:Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, you're not really acknowledging ideas

??? what.. i dont really agree....

well seeing that squats arent on at the moment ( will test again tomorrow) deadlift and press is what you recomend?

seems awfully simple, my thoughts beein that the bigger the engine(muscle workout) thr bigger the the fatburn..

but maybe im missing something in th big picture

but thanks for all the input so far

villains sleep with prostitutes

hereos sleep with destiny

current weight 1o6,8kg

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Guest Snake McClain

we are kind of driving home the idea of full body routines (squats, deadlifts, bench, over head press/push presses and barbel rows) for a reason. Again with the squats and your knee i'm not giong to make a call on that but the aforementioned exercises work. don't worry about split routines. unless you have (like me) some really specific reason that it needs to be done. Otherwise stick with what works.

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my thoughts beein that the bigger the engine(muscle workout) thr bigger the the fatburn..

but maybe im missing something in th big picture

This is true. Which is why people are suggesting things like deadlifts, which work every muscle in your leg, every muscle in your back, your core, and most of your arm muscles (they are one of the better grip/forearm exercises too). A dozen sets of curls doesn't require the energy output of a single set of deadlifts. The bench works the same muscles as skullcrushers and flys (plus a lot more including abs and legs). If your pecs and tris need to get more tired, bench more, it will use more energy.

If you do a full body workout 3x a week, at an hour per session you should be moving fast and sweating profusely and be physically demolished by the end of it. Good split routines are done to add on to this, spending 4, 5, 6+ hours a week lifting instead. Which is fine, but you have to have the physical capacity to spend that much time lifting at high output (beginners rarely do) or you are going to have to scale back and not work very hard during the split routine, which kinda defeats the purpose.

Have you tried doing a full body routine with compound lifts? If you are going to do a split routine you should have at least done a full body routine at some point and moved on from it.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Guest Snake McClain

^ he is right. i spend an hour each day doing a mixture of the barbell work with a bit of dumbell stuff. Most split routines take 3hours ish by the people i know. i'm in and out of the gym in the time others are 'just getting started" dripping in sweat and exhausted. and i'm in better shape than a lot of guys (this is probably because of genetics and starting place). I'll say this. ultimately you're going to do what you want. try it out. see what works. That said there is a lot of good advice here and you should listen. :D i say that in the nicest way possible as i know text form sounds doucehy sometimes.

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