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Hi ! I'm Daryn, a 21 y-o student, I have avoided the balance for my whole life, but a year ago i got into one of those BMI-Calculating balance in drug stores to discover that i was (am) a few pounds away from obesity. It was a huge wake up call for me and I decided to lose some weight.


I found a beachbody program lying around and tried it (Turbo Jam); i kind of liked it but I felt a bit awkward doing the moves so i bought another workout from Chalene (I liked her in Turbo Jam) which is PiYo. I followed PiYo for a month, following a balanced diet (mostly eating quality organic food and maintaining a calorie deficit with the help of MFP) I lost roughly 20 lbs (9kg). After that one month success I was ecstatic and tried other workouts that didn't work as well for me, but I did manage to lose another 20 lbs in the following two months for a total weightloss of 44lbs (20kg). After that, with exams kicking in, getting satisfied with my looks and just getting bored of dieting, I stopped counting calories, opting to just eat reasonable and balanced without caring for the calorie count. I managed to maintain my weight (fluctuating in a 2kg range) for about six months after that, working out regularly but a lot less intensely than before (from 6 days a week during my weight loss to 2 days a week during maintenance).


Now, upon my one year of living healthy anniversary; I decided that I had enough 'rest/maintaining'. I got rid a lot of fat tissus this past year, but unfortunately doing so while focusing on cardio and a carb oriented diet means that I also lost a lot of muscle mass in doing so. I'm not really into getting bulky; But I do want to have more muscle mass, less body fat and more strength and just be more fit overall. In that optic, I joined a gym to begin strength training; but having never done so before; I am a bit at a loss at what to do and I think I'd like to join a community where there are people who want to do the same thing, for I don't want to go through this alone.



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Hi Daryn and welcome to the Rebellion!


Sounds like you've made a great start! :D 


Don't worry about getting bulky, it takes years of work to even get close to having built that much muscle mass so you'll have plenty of warning before you get there! ;) 


Plenty of lifters around these parts and bodyweight trainers too. Whatever your fitness flavour, you'll find someone willing to try to help!


Anyway, give me a shout if you wanna chat barbells!



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