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bloating? large intestines?

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Hey guys,

New member here, but I've been involved in fitness for several years now (I'm actually a personal trainer, and after browsing fitness blogs a couple weeks ago I found this one and was pleased to see most of my personal methods being preached in a large community! nice.), aaand I've just got a little question. Possibly only focused to the ladies. Not sure. Cliff's notes are bolded.

Bear with me because I know it kinda sounds like a dumb question (especially coming from someone who claims to be a fitness professional). So. I feel like I am always bloated. Like no matter what. I've started blaming it on fiber intake, but I just don't know.

Sure, I could post my general diet for all to nitpick, but I'm not looking for any hardcore suggestions like "try cutting out all foods made in Sweden" or the like. I really just want to know: Does this happen to you? -- You're thin, with a healthy weight and low body fat, drink an adequate amount of water and get enough sleep with a balanced diet and good workout plan... and yet... when you look down, or feel your stomach, it just feels and looks ... idk, almost distended. It just pops out there. Especially after I eat (especially after a big meal for obvi reasons), but sometimes just when I wake up or right before bed, or often, right after I workout. I feel like I always have to suck in my bloat. I feel like I've always had this problem.

Sounds like bloating right? I just wonder - is it normal not to have a flat abdomen when, by all accounts, it should be pretty flat all the time? It's not fat that's sticking out, it's more like when I feel this big old section of my stomach it's like a water bag - firm to the touch, and sticking out way farther than it should. Desperate for some solidarity here! I have decent abs, they just don't like to show themselves!!

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That doesn't sound normal... not that it's abnormal.

I have a little bloat sometimes if I eat too much sodium, but nothing that extreme.


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-Thomas Edison

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Guest Eduard
There's a women's guild for questions like these. :)

Yeah, but the last post there seems to have been written by a guy, so it's not like they have much more intimacy there. :smug:

And congrats Sandy, you're preggers. :emmersed:

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Sandy, you do not say if you have ever had any children, because if you have, once your distasis (the fiberous band that connects the two sides of your rectus abdomini) separates during gestation and birth, it is pretty hard to get it perfectly flat again. If you have ever been over weight, this sometimes stretches a bit and it is also difficult because you are still having hormonal changes and fat can increase your estrogen levels significantly.

That said, one thing you can look into is taking probiotics daily along with some form of magnesium. You didn't go into detail about your habits, but if you are having slow movements, or they are hard then you can have significant bloating in the lower intestine and that can cause the puffiness. I am pretty much always on top of my magnesium and probiotics (I actually eat raw milk sheep and grass fed cow yogurt pretty regularly as well) so i "go" pretty much after ever meal. If you are only going once a day and are straining, I would try taking a good probiotic like Jarrow-dopholus which does not need to be refrigerated, along with a magnesium tablet to bowel tolerance. Magnesium oxide will make you GO, so I usually take that if I am "bound up" but when I am not I take either magnesium asporotate or glycinate which keeps things moving nicely but is not going to give you a laxative effect.

Another thing to do is a funny little exercise I learned from Teresa Tapp of t-tapp fame called organs in place. Lay on your back with knees bent and feet on floor. Inhale and when you exhale, allow your entire belly to go soft. Taking your hands, literally push in your stomach from the sides and bottom like you are pushing it into the well of your abdomen. When you feel it in place, then, constrict the muscles of your stomach, but do not "tent" the muscles, simply contract until they come flat in your hands, raise your hips and contract your buttocks and hold in place for as long as you can before releasing. Rest a few seconds and do it a few more times. This really helps the muscles in the lower pelvis shorten and tightens up the ligaments that hold the rectus to your spine.

Best of luck!

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

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Not preggo! Saw that reply coming :tongue: (and never have been oystergirl)

I used to take probiotics, maybe I'll start again, though I don't recall it having any real effect on me... No, I didn't go into bodily movements or anything TMI because like I said my main question was whether it happened to anyone else... I probably should've gotten to the point quicker! And unless there's a lurker out there who's withholding, I'm guessing this post won't get much love. Thanks for the help though! Interesting "organs in place" exercise...


There's a women's guild for questions like these. :)

Oh, do words like bloat and abdomen make you uncomfortable as a guy? Sorry, next time I'll hide my "lady" problems so that it offends no male eye. It was my fault for stepping out of my boundaries, good sir.

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Guest Eduard
Oh, do words like bloat and abdomen make you uncomfortable as a guy? Sorry, next time I'll hide my "lady" problems so that it offends no male eye. It was my fault for stepping out of my boundaries, good sir.

Oh, I doubt it's because it's offensive, because as I said, some guys seem to also read in women's area. I think Loren just wanted a little more organization in the forum. :)

Also, it certainly can also be from drinking lots of liquids / eating a lot (that's rarer), but it usually lasts just a few hours.

It might also happen if you ever took steroids... they make the stuff inside you expand as well. Not a good view, and there's no cure for this (other than replacing them, I guess, but... good luck with it).

Or take some yoghurt with bifidus regularis. It was in a TV ad so it must be true. :topsy_turvy: No, seriously, it might actually be true.

Edit: Regarding oystergirl's comment, the exercise seems good, it might help you. As long as you can push harder than the baby can. :emmersed:

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I bloat HUGE when I eat grains. the more weight I lose, the more obvious the bloat is, I can end up looking very pregnant at times. That one of the reasons I have pretty much stopped eating them. You might want to consult a Dr about this.

1 Rep Max Deadlift-180lbs

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I have this problem, too. Almost all the time I feel like I have a baby in the oven or something because of this stupid bloating - and, like you said, gets even worse when I eat/drink something. Doesn't even necessarily have to be a lot that I ate/drank, even something small can make it crop up.

And, going slightly into the TMI due to other comments, I've never been pregnant, and have pretty regular bowel movements throughout the day, so I know it can't be that. But I'll start trying to take probiotics again, even though I tried that before and nothing much came from it. Any suggestions brand-wise for good ones? I'm not much of a yogurt eater.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philipians 4:13


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You should really look at your diet for this. I know you didn't want advice to avoid a whole food group, but gluten and/or grains can cause a lot of bloating. Dairy can as well. I would eliminate in this order:

Dairy (no dairy for two weeks, see if it helps)


All other grains

If you eliminate something and the bloating goes away, stop there, you've found the culprit.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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When I first started with fitness, I felt this way (with some other added gastro-intestinal unpleasantness from time to time) but nothing bad enough for me to seek medical attention. I just figured "that's the way it is." I mentioned it to my second nutritionist and he suggested I do an elimination diet to see if I had any food sensitivities that were causing it. Fast-forward several months of a grueling elimination diet (where I took out all food groups commonly associated with sensitive/allergic food reactions and added them back in/took them back out one at a time to see how each one independently effected me), I find out that I'm sensitive to corn and gluten. Corn was actually the major culprit. It was causing all the bloating, grotesque tummy distending, and gastro-intestinal unpleasantness. After cutting it out (which is hard because it's derivatives are in EVERYTHING, especially diet foods, in the U.S), I have absolutely no symptoms (except the expected once-a-month minor ones). Gluten just makes me moody as all get out and mimic A.D.D. symptoms and causes my whole body to swell about 2-3 pants sizes (which was very interesting to find out and I'm much happier without it). So, in short, it could be a food sensitivity to something that you don't realize you have because you're so used to having it all the time. Elimination diets suck (because you're basically eating super plain for about 3 months), but they're totally worth it if it's an on-going issue that you can't find the cause of.

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I have found that since I cut out grains these last few weeks my bloated feeling (that I wasn't even really aware I had until I felt better) is gone and now I really notice it on my cheat day when I add them back in.

Regarding probiotics - there is a thread full of suggestions for brands in the Caveman Paleo Guild.

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

Well, looks like I'm just a Human

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I have found that since I cut out grains these last few weeks my bloated feeling (that I wasn't even really aware I had until I felt better) is gone and now I really notice it on my cheat day when I add them back in.

Regarding probiotics - there is a thread full of suggestions for brands in the Caveman Paleo Guild.

Awesome! Thanks for the tip.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philipians 4:13


Jump Rope Challenge: 800

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I think Loren just wanted a little more organization in the forum.

I appreciate the civility of your comment, Eduard, but this "organization" you speak of - it just sounds like we're pushing all women's questions into the guild, non?... mine wasn't specifically aimed at women (though apparently it happened to be without my intent), I had just said it might be. So I don't agree that just because I happen to be female means I shouldn't be asking a question in an open forum... it's not like I was asking about my uterus expanding....... OR WAS I?! ~suspense~

But no, you're definitely not the only one.

Exactly what I was hoping for, thanks committee!

Lovin' the comments! I've been thinking of going paleo for a while now (only slightly because it's a fad... darn trends sucking me in)... I do love my grains, but it's worth a try to cut them out. I'll have to see how that works in coherence with feeding my husband too though. Boy needs his grains. And I have been definitely wondering about gluten. I have other problems that might be related to gluten besides the bloating/irregularity (migraines, constant lethargy).

I suppose the next step is getting the courage to eliminate foods. And find some recipes. But I'll look elsewhere for those. Wouldn't want to ruin the organization of the boards!! :smug:

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As an aside, Eduardo is a wise ass, but we love him...:)

Second, I didn't mention it either, but I went off gluten and most grains too and my bloating went away mostly. I do eat dairy but lucky to be able to get raw dairy which doesn't work the same way as conventional dairy. A good program is also archevore if you want to work with your husband on a program. It allows small amounts of white rice, corn, beans and potato to your tolerance, but seriously, doing the elimination diet (or GAPS if you really think your intestines are in trouble) is the only way you are gonna know for sure and hopefully eliminate the bloat. Best of luck!

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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Yeah, but the last post there seems to have been written by a guy, so it's not like they have much more intimacy there. :smug:

And congrats Sandy, you're preggers. :emmersed:

Haha. I only mentioned it cause the OP mentioned it being a women's issue.

Oh, do words like bloat and abdomen make you uncomfortable as a guy? Sorry, next time I'll hide my "lady" problems so that it offends no male eye. It was my fault for stepping out of my boundaries, good sir.

Haha, you took it completely wrong. You mentioned it possibly being a woman's issue so I was trying to help a girl out.

Secondly, I'm married. Doesn't phase me.

Thirdly, I have plenty of gross abdomen issues.

Lastly, you weren't stepping out of your boundaries... just trying to help you is all. I've been known to reply to women's guild threads. It's all good.

Oh, I doubt it's because it's offensive, because as I said, some guys seem to also read in women's area. I think Loren just wanted a little more organization in the forum. :)

True statement. I'm not in the least offended. And yeah, I've been bugging spezzy about misspelling pescetarian for a few weeks now.

I appreciate the civility of your comment, Eduard, but this "organization" you speak of - it just sounds like we're pushing all women's questions into the guild, non?... mine wasn't specifically aimed at women (though apparently it happened to be without my intent), I had just said it might be. So I don't agree that just because I happen to be female means I shouldn't be asking a question in an open forum... it's not like I was asking about my uterus expanding....... OR WAS I?! ~suspense~

Exactly what I was hoping for, thanks committee!

Lovin' the comments! I've been thinking of going paleo for a while now (only slightly because it's a fad... darn trends sucking me in)... I do love my grains, but it's worth a try to cut them out. I'll have to see how that works in coherence with feeding my husband too though. Boy needs his grains. And I have been definitely wondering about gluten. I have other problems that might be related to gluten besides the bloating/irregularity (migraines, constant lethargy).

I suppose the next step is getting the courage to eliminate foods. And find some recipes. But I'll look elsewhere for those. Wouldn't want to ruin the organization of the boards!! :smug:

Oh, relax! You don't know me at all. It was half in jest. Like I said, I said that because you mentioned it possibly being a women's issue. ;)

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Oh, relax! You don't know me at all. It was half in jest.
Loren is a cool dude.....no worries...

Yeah, I figured. My bad.

I didn't mean to stir the pot.

I'm naturally on the defense when I post on message boards just because in my experience people are mean to newbs.

It just felt like an automatic affirmation that this board was no different when it was the first reply to my first post.

It's all good. I'm pretty laid back normally. :)

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Yeah, I figured. My bad.

I didn't mean to stir the pot.

I'm naturally on the defense when I post on message boards just because in my experience people are mean to newbs.

It just felt like an automatic affirmation that this board was no different when it was the first reply to my first post.

It's all good. I'm pretty laid back normally. :)

No worries. You'll quickly find that this forum is very much unlike others in that regard! We once tried to convince a guy to stay when all he came for was to see if he could get banned (even told us so). True story. :)

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LOL yeah, this place is really cool and everyone is nice and supportive. We can get into heated debates certainly and not everyone is on the same page with diet, exercise, life path etc, and that is cool. At the end of the day though, we are all nerds and here for each other...

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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LOL yeah, this place is really cool and everyone is nice and supportive. We can get into heated debates certainly and not everyone is on the same page with diet, exercise, life path etc, and that is cool. At the end of the day though, we are all nerds and here for each other...

It's true. We're all here for one cause and it's to help each other, even when we disagree. Steve Kamb is a genius for creating this kind of community.

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LOL yeah, this place is really cool and everyone is nice and supportive. We can get into heated debates certainly and not everyone is on the same page with diet, exercise, life path etc, and that is cool. At the end of the day though, we are all nerds and here for each other...

Like family...better than family sometimes.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Yeah, I figured. My bad.

I didn't mean to stir the pot.

I'm naturally on the defense when I post on message boards just because in my experience people are mean to newbs.

It just felt like an automatic affirmation that this board was no different when it was the first reply to my first post.

It's all good. I'm pretty laid back normally. :)

This is the very first forum I have EVER joined and ever commented on etc. This place is awesome! Usually I read forums for the info I'm looking for and move on, but I couldn't leave this place after a few days of lurking. I wanted to be part of it.

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

Well, looks like I'm just a Human

STR 1; DEX 2; STA 1; CON 2; WIS 4; CHA 5

Bumblebee's Quest to Play!

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I'm going to tackle this issue from a different perspective.

To me, from what was written in the first post, it actually sounds like a completely mental (psychological) issue and not a physical issue.

You have described bloating from what your abdomen looks like to your eyes and feels like when you touch it with your hands. You haven’t used anything to describe when is generally referred to as ‘bloating’ which is how your body feels from the inside and is often caused by digestive issues.

Decide what your symptoms actually are first.

"I lift heavy things. Sometimes these things are people."

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