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Hey y'all! I feel weird doing this on New Year's day, because I normally hate "resolutions" as I inevitably break them in about 48 hours... But I promised myself I would be brave in 2017 so here we are. I've been lurking on NerdFitness for a little over a month and completing badass fitness quests for the last week and its shifting my perspective in some big ways. I started my weight loss journey in fall 2013 and lost about 25 lbs doing calorie counting and what not. I even joined the gym for endless cardio because thats what I thought I had to do (YUCK)!


 Last year I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that left me feeling wiped out and out of options. I was laid up on the couch and turned to food to drown my pains and worries. Fitness went out the window and sleeping 12-14 hours a day became the new regular. Of course this made my health a million times worse, but I didn't know it at the time.  


I'm joining the rebellion because I started implementing small eating changes in an effort to make a particularly bad joint flair and rash from my chronic illness go away and lo-and behold IT WORKED! (Not to be confused with those wraps that I can assure you do NOT work) So now I'm hooked. If cutting out processed foods and eating real foods can make me feel better this much better in a month, how could I level up by adding fitness to my life? What if I joined the community and had some true accountability? What if I stopped living in my woah is me I'm sick life and just did stuff? So here I am, setting some goals to go from a weak wimp to a warrior princess. 


PrincessGlam is who I became last week as I set out to complete my first quest. Her race is wimp, but she's claiming a new identity as a warrior. I'm so pumped to be part of the rebellion and look forward to fighting the battles and going on epic quests beside you all!


Ps: This is PrincessGlam in my mind ;) Screen Shot 2016-12-30 at 7.59.45 PM.png

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I feel you. Some time ago I went through serious breakdown and after it I had to start over from the beginning. But I guess with every time you stand up, you are getting stronger.

You have impressive attitude and I am sure you can make it!

Also nice fox - companion you are having here :)

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when you come upon misdeeds
speak out about those misdeeds,
and give your enemies no peace. 



Thrima, lvl 2 human monk

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 3 | CON 4 | WIS 2 | CHA 2


Challenge #1

Challenge #2 


Challenge #3

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Hey! I'm sorry to hear about your illness but it's fantastic that you've found such fantastic improvements by changing your diet! My step mum suffers from fibromyalgia and I keep telling her that there's lots of research saying changing your diet can relieve the symptoms. She's not interested though. :( 


I'm assuming you know your way about the site if you've been lurking for a while but if you need any help then just ask.


I hope you enjoy your first challenge, just remember that if you want your changes to stick for life then you need to start small. ;) Most newbies fail their first challenge because they try to change too much at once and then they can't keep it up.  Just remember KISS - Keep It Stupidly Simple. :P 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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