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What's Your Motivation? ('cause I've lost mine)

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In 2007 broke my ankle and badly tore a tendon. Surgery in 2008, 2009, and 2011 (really major surgery including my knee too). It is hard to motivate when you are injured.

I really started with small motivations. What really depressed me? Not being able to do things people with healthy ankles can do. So I made it my life's goal to hop on that bad leg and to do single leg calf raises (just off the floor). Seriously. Didn't happen after surgery 1, but I was better. Didn't happen after surgery 2. DID happen after freakin awesome rehab for surgery 3. Why? I was in better shape and more determined than ever to do it. I swore to my surgeon I'd be back at the gym. Along the way, I discovered barefoot life, paleo, that I love lifting weights and that I was more determined than ever to just hop on one leg. Seriously. It seems so small but it was so important. One day I walked into PT and surprised them with my lame little single leg calf raise. Whooo hooo! I was off an running.

So, now that I've mastered those, then how do I motivate? SEriously, I promised to return, only when healthy, to the scene of the accident (it was not tragic, just tragically lame and idiotic....). I did that finally.

AND now I motivate by promising to do some type of seriously awesome weightlifting workout thingy on the anniversary of my last surgery. I recruited a partner in my trainer and he's all excited too.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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You're not really trying to get sympathy for living in Vancouver, are you? The place that's universally recognized as one of the most (if not *the* most) beautiful, most diverse and best places to live on the planet???


Went to Vancouver on holiday ("vacation" to the yanks) a few years ago. Even getting food poisoning from a dodgy hotdog at Stanley Park couldn't dampen my love for the place. If I ever become a millionaire - no, stay positive... WHEN I become a millionaire, I may emigrate.

Now there's a motivation for making a fortune! Just need one for the fitness regime now...

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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There are a couple local mountains around with good boarding still. Bit tricky with the young kids atm though.

How young are your kids? I know that mine are part of my motivation. :) I have an almost 3 year old and a 4&1/2 year old. Early on I decided to do this not only for myself but for them. I want to do cool stuff with them and not be exhausted. They have so much energy! Part of this six week challenge is to finally do just that. I've been hiking with them and taken them out for a mini canoe trip. Maybe you could incorporate them into your goals? Heck, even most racing events have kid runs at the start!

Vancouver is an amazing city and there should be great places to explore together. I'm jealous of your location!!

In training to be awesome! :highly_amused:

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Wow! Here we don't worry about heat exhaustion unless it's at least 95!

Haaa haaa... I was just going to say that around here (Los Angeles) we don't worry about heat exhaustion until it's over 105!


NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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Let Beast mode off it's leash! 'Beast mode is no excuses. You wake up in the morning and you feel tired, beast mode doesn’t care. If you’re sick, beast mode doesn’t care. Beast mode cares about nothing other than doing your work, getting the job done, preparing for you to be the best.' - Matt Kemp


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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OK, I'll try to respond to everyone:

1. Yep, I live in Vancouver...it's literally the prettiest city in the world...when it's sunny :)...just moved here from Sydney...yes, I'm spoiled. I know. ;)

2. Lived in London, and the Underground is awesome...but jeebus it does get hot in the summer!

3. 2 kids: 3yrs and 1yrs...they like taking turns not sleeping...though we've had a week without too much trouble...touch wood

4. Back's 100% now...I was worried in January that it would never get better, but by Feb, it was really feeling a lot better. Now it's all good. God bless for physiotherapists!

5. I learned a new term today, and I can feel the bug starting to bite: Fell Running. I now live next to some pretty extensive mountain ranges, and the snow is starting to melt...

6. Unleash the Beast...couldn't have put it better myself!

Thanks everyone!!


Scout Commander (ret.)

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