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Hey.  I started with the Academy last fall, and was doing really well with both it and posting here.  I tested into level 2, worked on that for a couple months and then beat the boss on the first try.  I was excited to start level 3, right up until I saw that pull-ups are a huge part of that level, and the ones above it.  I rent, and I simply do not trust the door frames in my apartment to hold my weight without cracking.  My gym didn't have any sort of pull-up area either.  I hit the wall and just let it knock me out.


In the past month, I've paid off my car and gotten a promotion.  With the new budget space, I can afford a more equipped gym.  I signed up for a place that I drive past on my way to and from work.  They've got a pool, and a stupidly huge general workout area.  There are free classes, which is also a plus.  All that should help me get back on the gym horse.


My diet had only made moderate progress in the fall, but I started intentionally eating my feelings a couple months ago to deal with some real life stress.  My FIL decided, with much encouragement from my SIL, to move from his house in Florida to an apartment in an assisted living facility in Milwaukee.  April was consumed with logistics and support for my SIL, who did almost all the emotional and physical heavy lifting.  Last week, my spouse and I flew to Florida and then drove FIL up to Milwaukee.  It sucked, but thankfully not as much as I was fearing.  Now we have a new responsibility to him (visits, grocery trips, etc.), but the worst is past.


With real life going back to normal amounts of stress, I'm going to work on getting my diet back to where it was a few months ago.  My goals there are simple - eat more veggies and fruit, ease off on the snacking and fast food. This week will be working out numbers and stuff, and then starting a challenge to cover me through June.  It's intimidating, but I know it's all doable.  Even in the midst of backsliding, I hit one of my big goals.  I skated my first OPR doubleheader as a roller derby ref in April, and have done two more since.  Now I'd like to work on being able to JR, which requires much more burst speed and a very different sort of endurance.  I got this.

Holtzmann is my copilot.

"have you ever thought 'i am not good enough to do this?' THATS THE SOUND OF YOUR REVERSE TWIN. do not listen. you are good enough to do this" - Chuck Tingle

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Thank you!  Things are going well.  I think I'm going to try for strength stuff Mon, Wed, Fri and cardio Tues, Thurs and some bit on the weekend.  I figure if I am for most days of the week, I could realistically hit about half the days of the week.  That's a good place to start. 


I'm still kinda disconnected from the forum, but I'll get there.  I'm under a stiff time crunch at work, so I can't spend much time here.  Better work than internet, I suppose. :p

Holtzmann is my copilot.

"have you ever thought 'i am not good enough to do this?' THATS THE SOUND OF YOUR REVERSE TWIN. do not listen. you are good enough to do this" - Chuck Tingle

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