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Found Tumblr About a 19yo Girl Who Wants to Weigh 100lbs @ 5'6" & It Made Me Sad...

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What if the title of the tumblr was "Wants to have 6% BF at 5'6""?

for a woman, that's a deadly bf.

my bf goal was always 12%, because i was told that was what "essential bf" was. the fact that i was aiming for a certain bf% and not a pound amount didn't make it any healthier. didn't make the trips to the hospital when i hit it any better either.

a lot of the posts also spout self hatred, which anyone could have at any weight, including people wanting to gain weight - that's the same thing.

I do understand the point of your original post though.

i wouldn't say a blog that belonged to a male who was 6'3 and 130lbs that posted a bunch of pictures of super muscular guys along with posts talking about hatred for his body any healthier either. It's still a body image disorder, and it's still self destructive.

the big difference is that with the exception of suicide, he's not going to kill himself trying to get there. someone like this girl could very possibly.

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Oh bprime, she's clearly not doing it in a healty way, or choosing lifestyle changes to be healthier. You are. it's all about hating herself, and looking in the wrong places for help. Her problems are splattered all over that page.

And it just kept going on and on and on.

I thought it odd that more than half the pictures of women didn't show their faces.

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Guest Tigger
I hope to God that one day if I have a daughter, I'll inspire her to be strong and confident in her own skin. I can't imagine what the situations are aside from just society that cause girls to get these ideas. :(

If you have a daughter and want to inspire her to be strong and confident, you should just show her your current avatar picture because you look absolutely badass.

I'm 20, so I'm only a year older than this girl, but your picture looks way cooler and more inspiring than any pictures on that tumblr... just sayn'

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There are people who are naturally thin who would kill to put on muscle. I don't think they're unhealthy. I think it becomes unhealthy when you try to force your body into an unnaturally thin figure that it is not meant to sustain. The "issues" come from the attitude of self-hatred that is clearly depicted by this blog.


"Skinny girls look good in clothes. Fit girls look good naked."


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Playing devil's advocate here...

As long as she's doing this in a healthy way, what's the difference between this and me wanting to add on another 15-20lbs of muscle? Unless you're going to go off and say I have issues too...

While I see your point, there is no healthy way to be 100lbs and 5'6". That BMI would put the person in the severely underweight category. However, even if that were a healthy weight, if you click on the link, it's endless quotes about being fat, ugly, hating herself, and mantras about making sure she never eats anything. There are desperate cries for help embedded the whole way. There is absolutely nothing healthy about this poor girl. She needs some love and extensive therapy.

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i think it's a lot like steroid use among juiceheads... they are trying to achieve the BB magazine look at any cost... injecting all kinds of cr@p in their body in pursuit of that body image that's going to make them look a way that will make them popular, respected, admired, etc... i think some BB'ers also hurl after eating to stay in "competition" shape...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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I don't do tumblr but maybe we all should...so fitspo becomes bigger than thinspo.

So sad, absolutely.

Tumblr recently banned self-harm and thispo blogs. You can talk about eating disorders or self-harm (there are a lot of recovery blogs there), but you can't encourage or glorify it. however, there are still blogs like this there, they still haven't managed to find all of them.

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