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Metabolic Conditioning

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So i've been liking the Metabolic Conditioning work outs more and more lately. For those that don't know, basically, they are work outs that combine cardio and resistance training. They are usually 3-4 exercises done in a row with little or no rest in between, and then repeated a certain amount of time. Either they are 3-5 rounds and you time them, or you go as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in a given amount of time.




I am not a crossfitter, although i have done a few work outs at my local box, and my trainer gave me a few work outs, including my favorite, Fran. I hope to do Murph one day.

I was wondering if anyone had some that they would like to share. Lately my favorites are as follows

5 Rounds for time of

1/4 mile run

21 Kettlebell swings @24 kg

12 pull ups

4 rounds for time of:

27 Box jumps, 24" box

20 Burpees

11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds

(this is the prescribed WOD. i have only done it with 18" box jumps, and 85lbs squat cleans.)

AMRAP in 20 mins

200m run

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 body weight squats

AMRAP in 20 minutes

20 Elevated push ups

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 24kg

20 Knees to Elbows- Parallel Grip Bar

200m run


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Well, there all designed to be "heavy and fast", to plug in after a strength training session. Some reallllly great ones can be had.


I'm also a big fan of "Death By's". Death By Clean and Jerk would be one C&J on the first minute, rest the remainder, 2 C&J's on the second minute, rest remainder, #C&J's on the third minute, etc etc, untill you can't complete the reps for that minute. That's a really easy one to set up if you're short on gear.

A brutal, brutal, brutal one, is KB swings and burpee countdown. Start at, say, 12. 12 of each, 11 of each, 10 of each, 9, 8, all the way down to 1. Just terrible.

I like AMRAP 8 minutes, where each round is three sandbag clean and jerks, keeping it overhead on the third, and then three overhead squats. Waaaay harder than it sounds.

Recently did 9-6-3-1 Atlas Stone loads and handstand pushups. That hurt.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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The one I've been doing (my own personal variation of Cindy):

50 dead hang pull ups

100 pushups

150 prisoner squats

as fast as possible

(no regard to number of sets or reps per set, finish the bulk numbers as fast as you can)

My leg day could be classified as this too:

1 set max reps pistol squats and walking lunges

Jog 1/3 mile

1 set max reps pistol squats and walking lunges

Jog 1/3 mile

1 set max reps pistol squats and walking lunges

4x 175m hill sprints

Jog 2/3 mile

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Well, there all designed to be "heavy and fast", to plug in after a strength training session. Some reallllly great ones can be had.


I'm also a big fan of "Death By's". Death By Clean and Jerk would be one C&J on the first minute, rest the remainder, 2 C&J's on the second minute, rest remainder, #C&J's on the third minute, etc etc, untill you can't complete the reps for that minute. That's a really easy one to set up if you're short on gear.

A brutal, brutal, brutal one, is KB swings and burpee countdown. Start at, say, 12. 12 of each, 11 of each, 10 of each, 9, 8, all the way down to 1. Just terrible.

I like AMRAP 8 minutes, where each round is three sandbag clean and jerks, keeping it overhead on the third, and then three overhead squats. Waaaay harder than it sounds.

Recently did 9-6-3-1 Atlas Stone loads and handstand pushups. That hurt.

Ugh..."Death By's" are miserable. I did one with back squats a couple weeks ago and it got to me.

A couple ones I really like are variations of "On the Minute" usually for 12 or 15 minutes. Something like 2 clean and jerks every minute and then you rest until the next minute starts. One that really kicked my ass was an alternating Tabata workout between deadlift and press. So 20 seconds deadlift, rest 10 seconds, 20 seconds press, rest 10 seconds, repeat until 8 minutes, pant on floor for a while.

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