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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Remind me at practice and I'll give you contact info for the major Realtor for the area just south of St. George campus. September start dates, year round lease, and reasonable accomodation for students (AKA not terribly expensive but also no defects like infestations or faulty appliances). Only catch is that they usually sell multi-unit housing, like 3+ people.
  2. Hmm two things could be happening, but the more likely one you won't like. First, as everyone said, you could be recomping, but with hormone issues, unlikely. HOWEVER. Hormone issues can play right into this one. Fat re-distribution. I notice you only really track the tummy measurements, but fat might be falling off the waist to re-settle elsewhere in the body. Remember, hormones, history, and training can all be part and parcel to fat distribution. Might entirely be possible that due to hormone regulations being off, you are changing somatotype.
  3. Geez, I check this once a day and 50 bajillin responses come up! Withdrawal symptoms, IME, end up being worst when a) cutting back drastic amounts and when the caffeine is solving some underlying problem. Common lesser known things caffeine will do besides wake you up are: - increases circulating levels of serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine. This can mask symptoms of depression, so cutting coffee can make you sad for physiological reasons, not just WAH WANT COFFEE reasons - reduces adenosine bonding by competing for bonding sites, making it more available for ATP synthesis and reducing it's blood pressure increasing effects. This can mask poor cardio fitness and blood pressure problems, which can come out in the form of headaches So yeah, removing these effects really fast can cause these sorts of symptoms, and if they masked underlying problems, they might not go away.
  4. Lauraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ok, I got a bit to say about your newest challenge. You might not like it. Ready? I think you might be trying to fix too many things at once. Oddly enough, putting too much on your plate is a direct contributor to at least two of the problems you wish to address, namely stress response and anxiety. Honestly, I think concentrating primarily on the mental well-being goal would do you the most good. Some clarity of mind will a) make you feel hella better prepare you better to tackle the more complex problems. I'm just saying, dealing with back problems, anxiety issues, possible hormone problems, and THEN also drastically altering your diet while causing your body to undergo caffeine withdrawal... It's all with good intentions, but even GOOD change requires an adjustment period, and going through 50 bazillion adjustments at once will not make you a happy camper. And we all want a happy camping Laura right?
  5. Something's always better than nothin
  6. Totally digging the matching father/son sandals New website looks pretty spiffy too!
  7. haha nooo I was there until around 9:30. I thiiiiink I saw you but you were talking to one of the senior girls and I didn't want to interrupt
  8. Cats, not sure if you realize it or not, but the doctors basically gave you a HAYUGE compliment. I mean, they were all "here's a list of debilitating things you've had for forever!" Cats: "But I couldn't tell I had them, too busy kicking ass!" Doc: "Well that's the thing! Apparently you kicked so much ass, you accidentally kicked the things IN THE FACE!" Cats: "Cool, so what now, continue kicking?" Doc: "Take two of these, and make sure it's IN THE FACE!" But no really, I'm sure that with the proper help, you shall continue to be awesome. N stuff. Mostly awesome.
  9. I might be able to do them when my knee heals, as of now, no.
  10. Usually, yeah. I know most of the girls so chances are I'll be around for a chat one way or another.
  11. Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control despite our best efforts. No one here would doubt you always give an A for effort, so chin up and we'll be here for you =]
  12. I thought my distinctive jersey would have made me obvious as it is I think I recall seeing dreads last practice...
  13. Oi! Make sure you come over and say hi!
  14. Mmm I'd give more BF allowance to sports that are primarily contact (so like, soccer and tennis = technically non-contact, football and MMA = contact). I know most linebacks and running backs would be 13-15%, you just NEED to have more BF in order to cushion the internal organs. MIND YOU; these guys look more ripped for a reason that I said in catspaw's thread (I think...).Firstly, the LBM simply hypertrophies most muscles until there is a high degree of visibility, regardless. Secondly, the lifestyle of athletes basically requires the body have easily accessible stores of body fat. When you are going through 5, 6, 7 or even 8 thousand kcal a day, at times your body is gonna run a deficient. Abdominal body fat or thigh body fat is NOT accessible; poor blood flow and receptor patterning prevents good usage. So in order to adapt, the body MUST store visceral body fat (AKA fat that packs in around the organs, rather than under the skin, or subcutaneous), as it is much more highly accessible. Indeed, when you lose lots of weight, and you know its not subcutaneous fat, water, or LBM, its probably visceral. Which you need to empty out in order to force the body to start shifting abdominal fat instead.
  15. I've always been a fan of the ole pareto principle: 20% of the effort gets you 80% there. You've been doing things correct, this I know, but it might be time to start upping the efforts. Start looking into some of that more nuanced stuff that people tend to get into way too early, because it comes up at some point or another. Just remember, you're here for the journey, not for the destination.
  16. Damn. Very nice on the d flags there.
  17. This does seem rather serious :/ hope you get that fully checked out!
  18. Careful with that. Even with only moderate effort, two hours of rugby practice will burn 500+ calories, and preferentially all or most of them will be from carbs. Fat just can't be oxidized fast enough for intense anaerobic activity, and you'll find yourself bonking midway through practice with insufficient carbs. Maybe keep carb count low on off-days, but you definitely need a slice or two of bread or fruit on practice/game days.
  19. This. Even though I think you need compensation in some way IF their machine is poorly calibrated. Think about all the anxiety you've probably faced over the last few days. Not to draw unfortunate parallels, but sometimes a girl's gotta speak up...
  20. For the HSPU, d'you think you can take a video from the side? I just recently did a project for school examining hand stand form, and I think the reason for your flared elbows would be clearer from the side view.
  21. Yeah, so I'm not buying the 31% either. Given the max error of 5%, 26 sounds, erm, more reasonable, I suppose... Remember, you can't judge every person by the average. Maybe catspaw just carries her weight very very well.. Regardless, here's what I think you need. I still think you're the bees knees cats
  22. Re-introduce carbs a lot. For a mixed event like spartan sprint, you have two main areas that need to be hit: aerobic capacity for sustaining activity, and sufficient strength to overcome obstacles. So, you're really not looking at a 'bulk' per say, but you do need to focus on the important parts. Most people tend to neglect the cardio (even when they know they need to be moving for a great length of time)
  23. I agree, but we'd have to see how the powers that be agree on that one re: the body fat estimation thread. I suppose if I were to really consider it, 24% would probably be a upper-bounds for where catspaw is, with yours being the lower.
  24. Since you asked re: BF estimates. First, I wouldn't ever try to give someone a higher precision than within 1-2%, it just can't be done considering all the variables. Fore example, I tend to take my photos with overhead lighting, to enhance vertical separation, whereas you seem to use a lightsource about 8-10 feet in front of you, which washes out vertical but plays up horizontal. Either way, I'd say you're ahead of me, so I'd give you 11%. Mind you, I also let your calculated numbers factor in somewhat.
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