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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Is nao three days later since topic opened. OP MUST DELIVER
  2. aj_rock

    Waldo's Thredd

    You certain of this? Creatine driven energy system starts running out after about 30 seconds of continuous exercise, which is the most common set time for 5 reps. Mind, I'm not certain of how to translate from static holds to con/ecc phases. But the general population is also notorious for performing exercises far too fast, especially at light weights and high volumes.
  3. Inner Serb? Having known many Serbs, I think I can see where you're coming from I'm not sure how bad your relationship with food is, but when I'm being strict, I try to make it 1.5/7 days where I let it go a little. For some strange reason, this always seems to go from Thursday night to Saturday morning. Honestly, this is where exacting food measurement in my past has helped me cope. Being able to eyeball calories and macro-nutrients for a serving of food can go a long way. And keep the basic rules in mind, what's high protein, what's calorie sparse... yadda yadda yadda You KNOW this. Let's get to work!
  4. Sounds solid! Can't wait to see what this translates into on the rugby field!
  5. As always with Waldo, the numbers speak for themselves.
  6. Hey man, looks more like you had a bad case of goals changed; priorities shifted during this challenge. Don't sweat it, because you got a lot done that you wanted to.
  7. Haha right you are. Squeaky wheel gets the grease after all...
  8. The name of that particular game is reverse pyramid training. You start with one reaaaally heavy set, and remove 10-20% of the weight for every set you finish. I did those almost exclusively while cutting last November, and strength levels held pretty well. What I'm doing right now is an example of a weekly cycle. Before I had to change it up due to some external factors, it was monday: power workouts (cleans n such, plyo pushups) tuesday: low rep. Wednesday: easy cardio Thursday: hard cardio Friday: power again Saturday: circuits (cardio + high rep training) The way I encouraged someone else to set it up is to think of your personal intensity every day: is this workout particularly hard, or easy? Maybe in the middle? Then, in general, you wanna follow hard days with easy days, and you can string a couple medium days together before needing a break.
  9. I do weekly cycles myself. IMO the body adapts much better to consistency rather than acute stress. You're much better off keeping the same weekly routine than blasting one style for a couple weeks before switching. That way, you can also cycle through intensities if you program properly. Right now, I have a day of low-rep training and the day after I do circuits, with a large endurance component. To the best of my estimations, the low rep does not affect my ability to do higher rep work. It bothers me a little bit how much people eschew high rep work around here. I wouldn't make a program around JUST doing it, but done right it aids in recovery, flexibility, endurance, and enhances neural patterning (GTG anyone?)
  10. You aren't gonna see successful high-rep programs around here, because no one gets told to do them... Self-confirmation kills the idea of anyone going higher than 6 reps . Only thing that springs to mind immediately is GTG
  11. Mmmm but especially for intermediate/advanced programs, low-rep isn't ALWAYS ideal for whatever strength goals you pursue. What about the programs with olympic lifting competition in mind? I would also like to move that we make a similar compendium for other training methods as well. Cross-training for specific sports always seems to be under-represented on nerd fitness as well.
  12. Sooooo the assassin training was useful, no?
  13. I'm telling your mommy. But hypothetically, if SWIM (someone who isn't me... used on other forums all the time) was looking for cheap textbooks, SWIM could look on amazon or other online retailers for cheap used copies. Wait no that's still legal... Find a copy of the book and take it to a copy shop. They can copy and bind a new one for you for around 30 a pop. Most don't really care about legality because it's money in their already probably floundering business's pockets. If it's a very popular textbook, especially in uni or college, you can probably find torrents or pdfs online as well. SWIM could save a lot of money
  14. Mmm, the squishy watery muscles is most pronounced in the 8-12 range. Endurance training builds density mostly due to an increase in energetic capacity; your muscles become capable of carrying more glycogen. That's the only downside to endurance training; your ability to train is more emphatically affected by your feeding state for endurance work than low-rep, because it's so energy intensive.
  15. Just do what we do over here. Pirate the living shite outta them. Seriously, they charge way too goddamn much
  16. We had a snow day too! Kept me from the gym on Friday... *grumble*
  17. Cue Waldo telling you to build towards single-arm push-ups
  18. I'd give you help with the SOI stuff, but the one's I've written thus far have garnered no results :/
  19. Smiles AND a bit of leg AND jazz hands! How could I NOT accept this? Pro-tip to teach people how to flex their lats: when you do an isometric flex of a 'muscle' the antagonist automagically flexes as well. Try to flex your bicep without having your tricep contract as well. Go ahead, I'll wait. Can't do it huh? It's because the forces on your arm STILL need to balance out to prevent movement. So, in order to 'flex' a muscle without movement, the antagonist must also flex. Your middle shoulder head is directly antagonist to your lats. Ergo, you flex your shoulder, your lats will also contract, and vice versa. Try it! Magic ain't it?
  20. Sounds like something I would say. First meal does well to be protein-full though. I don't know what you're talking about. Definitely see changes in the arms and shoulders. Can't really comment on your legs though with those poses (although would it KILL yah to smile? ) Lower abs are allllways the last to pop. They take that extra lil bit of effort to get.
  21. Funny, I see girls doing this at our athletic center all the time... I personally think you're just crazy though. Girls shorts are far too under-sized for anything under 10 degrees.
  22. Wing? Sweet deals! I play FB Now we just need another Wing and we've got an entire kick squad.
  23. Damn right you miss rugby! Plus, no one appreciates ass more than we do! For those reading that don't know rugby, don't believe me?
  24. Yeah senior-itis! *high fives* But no really, I'm here commenting instead of doing school work. erm...
  25. I usually like to classify my workouts by intensity, helps to know how to spread them out Monday - dance class, easy run - from your defintion, i'd say between medium and hard Tuesday - rest day - easy Wednesday - lift (either squat/bench/deadlift or squat/press/clean + pull-ups and dips), cardio circuit - hard simply because of volume of work Thursday - long run - easy-medium ish Friday - lift (same) - medium Saturday - interval run - medium Sunday - lift (same), long run - medium Not bad really. The only thing I miiiight move is to switch the long run and interval run. Running intervals is definitely harder, and you should spread your rest out a bit more. Regarding shoulder movements, here's a couple of my favourites: http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Infraspinatus/CBSeatedExternalRotation.html http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Subscapularis/CBInternalRotation.html Rotator cuff movements. Will do wonders for your passing and decrease the chances of a separation or dislocation. Other than that, there's just variations on lateral raises, shoulder presses, and reverse flyes. Don't do upright rows whatever you do though.
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