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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. I meant mostly in terms of insulin response. Check any GI chart, white rice is one of the highest GI foods out there. I mean, it's good if you have it right after a work out, but if you already have insulin problems, white rice ain't gonna help.
  2. 1:14 eh? You sound like you're almost ready to start trying multiple sets
  3. What kind of rice are you using KD? White rice is pretty much a bad idea no matter how you slice it...
  4. Hey guys, don't forget it's called the 'Set-Point THEORY' for a reason. There's reasonable cause to believe it exists, but it's not 100%, and many people believe that you CAN change it. And fool it. Fooling it is the reason for altering calorie intake day-to-day in the first place. julene: if hard cardio causes hip flexor problems, you may wanna get that checked by a physiotherapist or something. Might be something else going on there.
  5. This makes me envision a jolly old classic weight lifter spirit guy who magically shows up at gyms and doles out good advice to trainees willing to partake in his wisdom. And he always leaves with a 'Happy lifting to all, and to all a good lift!'
  6. Quite honestly, the 'low-fat' portion is overhyped. It's mostly a consequence of a relatively high protein intake and moderate carb intake. It's not that fat is the enemy, it just gets shoved aside in favor of macros that are known to enhance work capacity and recovery. IF you included a decent amount of cardio, thus raising your caloric needs, then adding more fat won't be a problem.
  7. I wouldn't be able to do it, that's for sure
  8. I bow to your holiday naming expertise.
  9. TIL Australia celebrates Father's Day on Canadian Labor Day. Happy Father's Labor's Day to all!
  10. Damn, these threads of pure awesome-sauce seem to sneak up on me. Subbed.
  11. Feel free to vent here Bruce. Strong for those who need it, fear not letting it out.
  12. Quit hittin yourself, quit hittin yourself... @katscratch: thanks for making me look that up. o.O Should we ever meet Pat, I'm not sure I can look you in the eye now...
  13. Something like that. Ish. Like I said, strength right now is NOT the pressing issue, so assuming I can keep numbers high, I like the schedule of UD2 with two high-rep workouts, one mid-range, one power. Taking the principles of UD and combining more with yee old flexible dieting (which still works carb cycling) on a weekly basis. Simply, the constraints are: must work around haphazard school schedule. Morning training will probably be frequent. Must accomplish goals as above. Must get best bang for buck because I only have half a year to accomplish all I can before next season. The stupid long season is what gets in the way really This is something I failed to touch on very much, but lately I've been more laissez faire in terms of calorie numbers. I track my weight closely, and I aim for 3000 calories every day that I track (the only ones not tracked being gameday/days it's difficult to recall what I've consumed... for various reasons). If weight starts doing something, or I notice excess fatigue, calorie levels would change. Assuming you can average out how much you eat, the intensity/duration of your work should not vary much either. As many things in life do, it will average out in the end One note though; lift intensity will not have much bearing on overall appetite. It relates more closely to volume of work. This is a known issue with paleo; many people struggle with the carb intake recommended by many training programs. I'd post a question like that to the Paleo section of the forum for more precise answers. As for BW workouts, it'll work just fine. :]
  14. Oooo ooo oooo me next! 5) Ultimate Diet 2.0 (about 4 months, in two seven week chunks) Beast of a program. Painful at times, but also very effective. Sent me crashing through previous PR's while keeping bodyweight the same Pros: probably one of the most effective recomp systems out there. If you know the principles, it can be very flexible in terms of goals, eating patterns, and exercises included. Works around times where you want to cavort about and have a good time. Cons: Strict. Very strict. Also despite allowances, it works best when you dial the diet right in. It also hurts. A lot. It's basically the Buckley's of all work outs. Tastes awful, but it works. 6) Athletic Performance Diet Emphasis on clean carbs and quality protein. Calorie intake is perpetually high, because I have to perpetually workout (if I'm not at rugby training, I'm in the gym or hungover. No lie.) Because of the unpredictable nature of athletic training, all calorie counting pretty much goes out the window. Methodology basically comes down to weight maintenance: weight dips too low, eat more, weight starts creeping up, lower intake for a couple days. I haven't varied more than 4 pounds from 195 since April. How do I know I'm not losing composition? From strength training of course. Squat strength has slipped maybe 10 lbs on average, although I still occasionally PR on a really good day (as an example). Pros: Maintenance diet is pretty much this. Aside from training unpredictability, this is a diet that will maintain weight for a long, long time. Ad infinitum even (barring human condition). Weight gain is transient, even when fat. Cons: Gets boring. Induces restlessness due to essentially zero body composition movement. Also sucks when you realize you're up a few pounds and need to dial in a little closer. 7) ???? (coming this winter!) Still haven't decided what I'll do following rugby season's end sometime early November. Some confounding factors: - school (working let me get neurotic about things while running UD2) - Updated requirements for attention (cardio and body fat will be more of a focus than strength this winter, although I wouldn't mind hitting 3 plate squat / 4 plate deadlift).
  15. *Smacks newspaper on the head* Bad Pat! Next time you run cold again you get an elephant stOmp! *stern finger wave*
  16. The idea for 400m for ruggers is consistancy. Once you can get under a minute running it like 5 times in a row (with short ~1min breaks), you're golden.
  17. The boys' topics do sneak in once in a while. I mean... BOOBS. Amirite? Sometimes its fun being immature
  18. What's goin in your shake mate? Also missed your propa run write up. Looks like you could actually take a good chunk off just running the thing all proper-like. You can start out a *little* faster than normal pace when you start, but get yourself down to a maintainable pace after about 30 seconds. Shouldn't start up any heavy breathing until around the 1st k done. Pull up your pace over the last 400m, but you can't save a bad run in the last bit.
  19. We have a few pretty sloppy guys hanging around. Spend too much time with the Americans I say. Do what you can mate. Just remember, cardio cannot take a back seat to strength in rugby. Maybe in gridiron, but not rugby.
  20. I assume birthday shenanigans took place. Read into that what you will. The 2k isn't .... that... bad? I know a couple guys on my team with worse times! And they only outweigh you by 1.5 times! Unfortunately, it will be long slow distances, but not so long that you cry boredom tears of boredom. LISS = low intensity steady state. But it's a) the best way to get your calves up to speed with the cramping, a better way to get game endurance up (the reason why I chose 40 minutes...), and c) not liable to kill you/interfere with gym workouts. And remember, the children learn from you! Set the example! No temper tantrums!
  21. Step 1: Find whatever shop is currently having a jean sale. As a guy, the particular shop it comes from REALLY doesn't matter. It's not like the brands stick their crap all over the jeans (they save it for the shirts) Step 2: Bring a female Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit! But no really, I've gotten loads of awesome jean pairs from stupid trendy clothing places when they have sales and walked away with $20 fitted jeans.
  22. Guess who's baaaaaaaaaaaack? 14:35 eh? Wellllll on the bright side, we can improve that! Sounds to me like you might have a good time if you can take care of the calf cramping. Hmm... Ok so your pace was a little more than 8km/h. Right now, you can't get the pace required for even a 30 minute 5k. So it's gonna be LISS until the cramping stops bud. No sense pushing the pace too fast just yet. My recommendation (as I give to most other ruggers ATM) is to work up the LISS until you can get a solid 40 minutes in at about a 9km/h pace, no cramping. Once you got that, try re-running the 2k. Bet your time will drop to around 12 minutes. Which is a start.
  23. Hmmmm been away a couple days, so I guess I'll take a crack at the questions that come up! Josh_C: Unless you have a, well, 'gastrointestinal event' (yeah, that sounds like a good name), the protein is being absorbed. Where is it going otherwise?? Related though, for most natural sources of protein, it sits in the digestive tract long enough to not give a problem. It doesn't move fast enough to beat the actual absorption rate, and doesn't become a problem. Drink 3 scoops of whey protein by itself though, and, well... you'll probably have an 'event', in which case it most definitely did NOT get absorbed before shooting out your rectum. It's designed as a fast absorbing protein, so too much at once will have a much higher chance of beating the absorption rate. On EOD eating: personally, I'm leery of this. You can't break the normal rules, so you still have to cut or bulk at a reasonable rate. Where before you were cutting at +10/-25, 3000 cal is maintenance, you have 3300*3/2250*4, for about 0.6 lb of loss a week. EOD, you still want that -2100 net, but your eaten calories are spread across 3 days now... without running through the math, thats over 6000 cals a day. Good. Effin. Luck. Insert diet. Apply reason. Outcome = wait a second... On IF and women: not an expert, but I'm not surprised that a regular disruption to homeostasis messes with female hormones. For a brief bio lesson, homeostasis = body tries to maintain a static state internally, against outside influences. With IF affecting hormone levels on a daily basis, and LG changing food response even from day to day, you can bet your bottom dollar homeostasis is gonna throw a shit fit. I am in no way an expect on female interiors (ask again when you have questions about the exterior ), so just listen to your body n such. Make sure your girlfriend knows that so that IF the diet doesn't work out, she doesn't assume you're an ignoramic baboon that tried to kill her with food
  24. CMI tells the truth. Assume an unimposing posture where possible. Hell, talk to them over your shoulder if that helps. Gives you a quick out too, if you overstay your welcome
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