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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. I've seen up to six grams recommended a day... Just remember to take them with meals The burps seem to differ person to person... some never get them, some never get rid of em.
  2. OMG I USED TO HAVE THAT. yeah... I've run the gambit of biomechanical problems. But yeah a couple years ago I got the same problem. Started partway through gridiron training camp at college and continued for the rest of the season. Usually brought on by a dramatic increase in activity levels without proper ramp-up in training levels. It was possible to exercise WITH the problem (they basically duct-taped a hard foam piece to the front to prevent excess movement), but it didn't go away until I took a break from working out at the end of the season. Problem has never been seen since. Although I've been having achilles trouble lately...
  3. Still no MRI yet eh? Just remember mate, focus on what you CAN control and not what is beyond it... We can get you in shape for next season yet mate
  4. Sounds like a decent challenge man. Most refeeds go from 9 to 16 days, assuming last workout on a Friday and resumption on a Monday. After cutting for 3 months, I'd say go ahead for the two week long break. Maybe re-feed the first week, and then reduce to maintenance the second?
  5. Fun story: I was a bit of a little shit in highschool and counted how many times the principal said Um during an assembly. When other people realized what I had started doing, they started giggling every time she said um. When SHE realized, she just started saying umm even more. Then it was vice-prin's turn... first word was um. By this time, the whole auditorium was in on it. Just gales of laughter at the poor guy's expense. That's all for story time with aj_rock! Now about that tequila... PS: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bL5SWFxWm4
  6. New drinking game: take a shot every time Spez says Um
  7. Very nice! Pro: I can seez abz Con: I only see four. I tellz it like I seez it!
  8. Read that as hold hair and wondered how you knew that my girlfriend likes the sauce o_O
  9. I know how you feel mate. Still feeling the AC strain myself so DL's were a no go. Alluva sudden, in and out of gym in 30 minutes. Feels so empty...
  10. There *is* some validity to eating 'healthier' foods, but for mostly psychological reasons. A lot of people find it extremely difficult to have just ONE piece of chocolate, could easily put away more french fries, etc etc. Calorie counting simply requires a greater level of self control (and a bit more suffering hunger-wise) than paleo or what not. I can attest that it truly sucks when you KNOW you've eaten your maintenance calories for the day but because you had that chocolate bar you're absolutel ravenous before bed.
  11. Lachy: WRT = with respect to no fancy westerner type of creamery here! I also agree that lean gains is largely aesthetics oriented. I haven't heard about any athlete oriented modalities for LG really, and Martin himself would be considered dangerously lean for any contact sport. There's simply NO cushion for impact, which is a large reason why even the bean poles of the professional athlete world still carry 8-9%. For his muscle mass, I wouldn't consider him exceptionally strong either.
  12. A vast majority of the models I've seen online for estimating muscular potential is based on frame size. So if your brother can be a cut 215, and your frame is similar or even bigger, you could probably do even better, especially since you were underweight when younger instead of overweight. Based on your past trials and tribulations, I'd say you could stuff your face, gain an incredible muscle-to-fat ratio, and then basically lose it all with a hefty belly-laugh. You lucky bastard.
  13. WRT cream in the coffee, especially if you work out in the morning, it will not break the fast, full stop. Assuming 30g of BCAA intake while fasting, you're already taking in about 120 calories over a long period, so I'd say another 60 calories on top of that shouldn't hurt. NO SUGAR though. The smallest insulin spike can basically halt FFA mobilization and the resulting loss of energy source will make you feel like crap in short order. Excellent summary Scott!
  14. I looked into the bulletproof coffee thing... 850 calories per liter! That is definitely fast-breaking. Not breaking it would be sub 100 calories. Edit to explain better: this is basically straight from lyle mcd's ketogenic diet book. So every macro has a ketogenic vs anti-ketogenic 'ratio' to figure out if a given meal promotes ketogenesis or not. You add up the keto values and divide by the anti-keto values, and if the resulting number is more than 1.5, it would tend to lead to ketogenesis. Carbs got a 1 and zero for AK and K. Protein was .55 and .45 AK and K, and fat was 0.1 and 0.9. While no one really cares about this if you aren't purposefully maintaining ketosis, what this DOES mean is that dietary fat IS indeed able to prevent ketosis if large quantities are consumed. Like putting a stick of butter in your morning coffee. Unless you got a pure MCT fat butter, it'll break the fast. Unless you exercised immediately after.
  15. There are two types of men in the world; those who get caught ogling women, and those who do not.
  16. I think that, when I first read it, I saw it more as 'been and done', not 'current and affecting training'. All the same, depending on how that MRI comes out, training will need to change drastically
  17. A bit more hypertrophy in the chesticular region and you'll look like an absolute BEAST. The wifey must be lovin it
  18. read m.r.i.ed as married and wondered briefly how a wife would decrease knee pains. For shame though! The knee pain was not mentioned in our discussions
  19. Ok, a little late to this party, but maintenance level calories is actually more accurately represented by a calorie band. Think of maintenance level as a 'mean', or average. When you eat a little under this, you'll probably feel a little more lethargic, a little colder, a little less pep in the step. You go over the average, and the day seems a little bright, cold weather just doesn't get under your skin, and any cardio training you do makes you feel like you're flying. The more you over eat, the more pronounced the effect. For some body types, eating 1000 calories over maintenance per day for a couple months only resulted in five pounds of fat gain, meaning that of about 60000 calories consumed over, less than a third wasn't burned off in one way or another. So I would encourage actually eating a bit more than maintenance, if only because you'll feel much better overall
  20. KD, did you just say you think you aren't progressing BECAUSE you refuse to eat sweets? le sigh* just remember that, as you said, you have thyroid trouble, so total effects will probably be different for you than for most people. Just keep at it.
  21. TIL according to teh internetz, bad things happen when dividing by zero
  22. I have met very, very few people in my life with the problem of continued undesired weight loss.
  23. Are you having trouble fitting any more fat into your macros, fullstop? Good seafood is pretty low in fat... shrimp, tilapia, salmon (most of the fat is w-3)
  24. Chiming in for Red to actually counter-point a bit here... Don't hang around her *too* much, yah know? Before you know it, you are known to her... friends as that 'creeper who keeps hanging around me'. I'd say watch for opportunities, but don't like try to keep her in your sights, don't stare, and for the love of god no heavy breathing
  25. If you got a lean source of protein, I'd have a *small* snack of that. Depending on the goals, I'd rather transiently get out of the fasting state than break down too much protein.
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