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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. For the half mara, you really should have started tapering two weeks out. But yeah, I'd say maintanence, or ever above. Get one more good work out in, then start pigging on those carbs. Hopefully you'll get a super compensation and be extra energetic for the race.
  2. As a rugby player, the final lap of the infamous beer mile is ALWAYS naked. Always. This is how we attract female spectators.
  3. Well, the best calculator can still only provide you with an estimate. Statistical analysis based on anecdotal evidence is really the only sure fire way to know (well unless you wanna get a bodybugg or something like that). But yeah, monitor and adjust. Simple method: if fat loss or muscle gain isn't happening, adjust all calorie levels 5-10% in the direction you wanna go, and continue monitoring. Tricky method: Do what Waldo did.
  4. Sports at the level most calculators use is very high intensity. Exercise is usually also corroborated with high-intensity cardio. You are much better off using the sedentary + manual input of exercise calories. You think it's way too low, but it's actually more accurate.
  5. Surprised that no one has mentioned this yet, but a big part of appearing confident is appearing/being relaxed. If you're all tense and worried and serious, it makes it seem like you're overwhelmed, like you can't handle the situation surrounding you. When you relax, you just seem like you have things under control, vis-a-vis, confident. Personally, I always felt unconfident for the longest time. Then I pretty much just told myself to chill the fuck out (after many heart to heart conversations with a couple close friends), and ever since people seem to have found me a pretty confident guy. Even if I am actually overwhelmed, my reaction isn't so much OMG IM FUCKED L:AKDGJDJADJS and more LOL I HAVE NO IDEA WUT IM DOIN. It's just not something to stress about. Even if it seems like something worth stressing over, it's almost never worth the side-effects of actually feeling stressed.
  6. After a bit of a lay-off it takes a bit of time to get back into it... I made the decision to do a couple of one-workout weeks, and now it's hard to get back into two. At least the damage is never as bad as you think it will be.
  7. illc: moar of this is what this group needs in general. People actually extending a date and time that people can drop by if they so desire.
  8. For drunk posting, that was actually pretty legible. A skill you've been developing?
  9. catspaw has it right: you won't shed weight at an alarming rate on LG. It's meant to be long term and sustainable, so make sure you're fully comfortable with your diet. This ain't yo daddy's crash diet.
  10. catspaw, this study does not say what you think it says. The results of this study say that regardless of whether you cut calories slightly throughout the week versus cutting hard only two days of the week, you lose the same weight and all biological markers change similarly (except the hard cutting group saw slightly better insulin sensitivity). I'm not even sure how useful that information is. Both groups aimed to simply lose weight, and fat loss was similar as well. This only measured THAT specific cut, and at no time was calories raised above normal level. Considering that your average IF person alternates above/below maintenance, we can't really use it The only thing I COULD possibly say, is that if your goal is ONLY fat loss, total calorie balance over a long span of time is more important in predicting fat loss than the caloric intake on any given day. Says nothing for how you would feel on those days, or whether you'd have an easier time doing one versus the other, or even if weight training changes any of this.
  11. I don't. If our men's thread becomes defiled with the blood of unborn bebehs I will be displeased. A grudge, I will hold.
  12. Y U CURLIN BRA. I keed I keed. I finish up most of my workouts with a few curlzzz too.
  13. I think it's fair to say that if you aren't sure if you like her, taking her on a date is a good way to find out. I'm sure you want us to get off your case, but your 'reasons' for not asking her out are extremely similar to the cop-outs I've been given by other buddies of mine for why they didn't make a move. Do these sound familiar? "But I interact with her on the regular! It will make things weird!" "Oh, that obvious show of flirtfull intent or pointed question? Naw, can't be. How can I ever be sure?" "Get off my back, I'll ask when I'm damn well ready" Not tryin to bust your balls mate, but I hear all this and more any time I talk to a guy getting cold feet about a potential female. Risk/Reward analysis says you have so much more to gain by asking her, even if she says no /end 0.02c
  14. Due to Steve's post today, I feel obliged to say: "Rocky? Rooooooooooooooooad?"
  15. Work the cheese ya say? Aaaaaaaaaaaaand a new euphamism is born.
  16. Way to say everything I was too lazy to actually type
  17. ^^ What scotty said. Everyone likes to imagine they have a lower BF% than they really have. As a corralary, when you then take the false BF% and reverse engineer your LBM from it, it's much higher than it should be. Then you start making progress, and get all "why is my BF negative 5%? And LBM = OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND" Also, anecdotal evidence; gymnasts, famous for using a lot of bodyweight exercises, aren't nearly as heavy as people attempting to bodybuild. You just aren't sending the same signal to your body to hypertrophy. If you still see improvements in your fitness goals, don't worry 'bout it.
  18. Awesome and all... but technically, couldn't you win the week in one fell swoop just by running one really really good mile? Thus getting #2 and #3... Just saying
  19. Yeah dave. Especially if you're at that low a body weight, it leads me to believe that you're the type whose activity level unconsciously goes way up when you over eat. Your best bet would be to literally eat as much as you can before going to bed I'll tell you guys though, doing IF with a large intake of food at certain times of day, I definitely feel the core temperature shoot way up after those meal.
  20. As a relatively young male who a) is not single and has NO problem whatsoever in maintaining many forms of contact with my lady for longer than six seconds... I feel left out *runs*
  21. Days during the week suck I'm better with a sunday or some such.
  22. Interesting, Artinum. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time anyone added input into the men's thread that swings for the other team, so to speak. Not that it, strictly speaking, has anything to do with one's level of manliness.
  23. Precisely. I guess my argument was more akin to you being the girl from that particular comic than actual negging persay.
  24. People who are right-handed tend to develop left-leggedness... Law of balance I suppose Even with squats n deadlifts, the unevenness will probably continue; hell, even your abs won't develop at the same rate, which is why a lot of '6 packs' look more like 6 packs with a can or two missing Also: Bruce & icedtrip, I'm usually of the opinion that 'negging' is stupid, but in both your situations, I would probably feel compelled to perform a quick psycho-analysis of the woman in question and lay her daddy issues out for everyone else to see. Both clearly in need of being taken down a notch or two.
  25. Knockingdog: pretty ripped AND dealing with thyroid problems? Well I just lost all rights to complain. msuroo: awesome progress bud! As they always say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
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