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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. I'd actually say just keep it simple. At least until you get your mind wrapped around some of the concepts that have been offered to you. It's very easy to get overwhelmed by the eat-this-not-that-at-this-time-in-this-amount stuff. The one thing you didn't mention is macronutrient intake. Optimal protein intake is aroung 1g/lb body weight, and at 145 grams thats about 40% of your total caloric intake... I also doubt that your caloric expenditure is that low, especially if you're exercising that much. A 4 mile run at your weight expends about 400 calories. Just to put things in perspective, that's almost 30% of your intake right thur. So, let's combine your under-eating with lots of aerobic exercise and insufficient protein. A recipe for over-training/some muscle loss. So you're pretty much at the skinny-fat level now. Keep in mind that you MAY be getting enough protein, but at the same time you aren't doing anything to gain muscle really. If you want to be a runner primarily, then you'd do best by consuming enough protein and eating enough carbs to eliminate most of the energy expenditure from running. If you want to shed the fat quicker, I'd still recommend at least increasing protein intake.
  2. >.> <.< Celebrity endorsements are usually a sign of what NOT to do. IM SORRY I COULDNT RESIST. In general that's true. Not actually trying to say anything bad about paleo/CF
  3. GODDAMMIT BRUCE I got so confused by the name change... Anyways, is it the skin thats irritated or under that? Cuz under that is the urethra I think... and it could be an infection.
  4. Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to bow out. With rugby season ramping up, I just don't have the time, capacity, or recovery available to attempt any max singles good luck to everyone entering though!
  5. I'll probably sound like an airline pilot *KSHH* Hi uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is aj rock uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to walk you through uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some basics of music
  6. And boobs. Lifting heavy boobs. DOUBLE WIN
  7. Isn't pure, fresh maple syrup kosher with paleo? I'd place the good stuff in the same category as fruit.
  8. The 8% return was an existing investment, locked in and (luckily) growing at that rate. So no, we couldn't really arbitrage in an unlimited fashion, but still the situation existed where more capital could be accrued by NOT paying off a debt.
  9. I was actually poking fun at how tabata is pretty much universally mis-applied across the board. Shoulda pre-faced with /troll
  10. Bywater got pushed out of the commander spot eventually, but I'm guessing so will Bronn; convieniently, it wall all go down about the same time as Tyrion's downfall. Stannis + Melisandre = had to happen, even in the books. How else do you explain WTF happens to Renly? She's got something cookin in that belly...
  11. BMR is much more complicated than what you're getting out of this. Differing BMRs base their calculations on lean mass versus total mass and what not... Just take the first number you get and eat that. If you find weight/fat moving in the wrong direction, adjust up or down to fix it. Never use an equation giving you BMR as the be-all-end-all, because they are all just approximations.
  12. Where do you get highly publicized though? Most friends/acquaintances of mine have never heard of paleo... yeah it's well known in certain circles but in general population it's viewed much the same way as atkins, zone, and all the rest are.
  13. The men's guild closed? Didn't even notice really. I did however feel like MOST of the topics that sprung up there were more or less covered in this thread though
  14. It took some finnicking about, I'll admit, but it was doable. First off, having an effectively 0% loan as icedtrip stated is the starting point. My income won't reach high enough levels to counter-act that for a while. I also think of things in terms of percent advantage; the magnitude of difference between your loans and your investments. For example, say you have a loan at 8% and an investment that's currently returning 9%, you have a 1% advantage by KEEPING the loan; if the investment money wasn't locked in, hell you'd probably borrow as much as possible and go all in for the investment. This is doable with larger sums of money. Secondly, I also had quite a bit of parental assistance with my student loans, hence the lump sum pay-off. However, we currently had an investment returning at 8%, while student loan rate was around 6%. We got a 2% advantage, but didn't realize that we could have effectively zeroed out the student loan, increasing the advantage to 8%. Over a sufficiently long time period (can't remember what it was, but it wasn't ridiculous or anything), it worked out to around 40%. The only point I was trying to make is that there are often tools at your disposal that can finnick your interest numbers around a lot... It bears worth scrutinizing different alleys of repayment, even if it takes a bit more effort than comparing interest rates.
  15. I was more thinking OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!11!!!11111!!!
  16. Iffen you wanna do REAL tabata's you're gonna need like a 50 lb weighted vest. Take a gander at the original study. You need to reach 170% VO2 max... have fun with that
  17. This is all good advice, but it doesn't take tax breaks into account either. Typically, government backed student loans (depening on where you live... YMMV) get huge tax breaks, and you get a significant chunk of the money you spent on paying down the student loan back during tax season. Mind you, I found this out AFTER I paid off my student debt lump sum; after doing the number crunching, I could have earned back about 40% of the loan's worth in taxes. ... vkljdfgjklsdfhglsdfjk.
  18. Talking with your IRL friends about losing weight = recipe for disaster Talking with pseudo strangers on teh internetz =
  19. Unfortunately, dragons are hella expensive to produce; much the same as why we didn't see THAT many zombies in Walking Dead. So we won't really get to see them that often Lysa's son was nicknamed Robin in the books so at least that change is plausible I agree with Corey'd prognosis the most. The only thing I hate about this point of the storyline (at the end of DWD) is that you KNOW some things HAVE to happen now; whereas in the first couple books anyone could die and the plot continues... now, you realize that in order for the plot to continue in it's trajectory, certain people HAVE to live. Ned had to die, Robb had to die, but you just CANT kill Jon yet. Too many plot points would just fall through. Makes me wish I was more ignorant of plot mechanics. But I started getting that feeling in FFC and it got worse in terms of predictability in DWD.
  20. Ooo ooo OOOO finally something I'm an expert at! I can chime in and teach you your music theory till it comes out the wazoo Hell, I'll even teach you some ear training exercises, pattern recognition, and music generation!
  21. Really? Everyone seems to get that impression for some reason, even though that's not how I read his advice at all. Heck, most of his lovelin-esque relationship advice Q&As that he gives seem to center on relationships. I feel like, even if a fair portion of time is spent discussing the finer points of obtaining a vahoohah to have fun with, it's a much much MUCH better ratio of love:lust than you'll find on other guy-help sites.
  22. Was sick for Easter probably won't be accomplishing much for the next week...
  23. I just ordered a home study course from NCSF. Go through, learn the stuff, it's got exercise demonstrations and everything. When you feel ready, register for a test at a testing center. It's really simple actually. The pain in the ass will come from re-certifying every year. Basically, if you aren't using it to get some biz, you'll find its a money drain pretty quickly...
  24. Which is what you should see, 100%. But right after your load, you'll notice that MOST of that weight will magically appear again, overnight. Not something to worry about, but realize your weight will bounce around quite a bit as you empty carb stores then fill them up again. Like I said, if you like it/find it workable for you, by all means Funny thing actually, creatine supplementation does more for your glycogen system than C-P. A lot of recent research that I've done shows that creatine usage is augmented greatly by a large dose of carbs and water along with it. But increased creatine intake --> increased carb storage in the cell --> glycogen requires water for storage --> increased weight from glycogen system. Creatine has other effects related mostly to muscle hypertrophy following exercise, but the weight increase comes in the form described above. Didn't quote your post before this one, but related, Intermittent Fasting as described by Martin Berkhan is as close as you'll get to single day carb loading as you'll ever see. You'll notice that his training regimes either require a large dose of carbs a couple hours before training, or that you train upon waking in the morning, so as to maximize your current carb storage (working all day and then working out will tend to hurt your workout unless you eat first) because of partial carb depletion). I'm doing something similar, where even I'm not fasting all day, it's still pretty damn low, and then I eat a couple hours before exercising. High in carbs.
  25. Yeah, haters gonna hate. I think Waldo's point was more along the line of "you have dumbasses on both sides of the equation" That make more sense? Not every paleo kid is a brow beating club pounding neaderthal (although some people NOT ON NF do come across that way), and a heck of a lot of non-paleo people see no problem with a diet full of snickerdoodles and cans of coke (obvious bad diet is obvious). So uhh yeah. There really isn't a point of debating something with someone who doesn't understand the subject. If you argue with an idiot, he/she will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Keep your head above the crap bud.
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