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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. It's the very last, and the first few inches are the slowest. Think back to grade school geometry, and how circumference of a circle relates to area. So basically, going from 40" to 38" will take longer than 38 to 36. Once you hit about 34, 35 it'll get hard again cuz teh belleh starts getting stubborn.
  2. Welp, I'm booked for next Sunday, so if I can't pass now, I'm already dead in the water However, I do have a fairly good base of knowledge, so if anyone needs to ask questions, feel free to drop a line!
  3. I dunno, I feel like bullying is one of those things in human nature that won't ever just go away. As long as you let kids out of your sight at some point, some kids will show dominating behavior. I'm not saying to let bullying slide, but I'm sure most of us here are healthy, well-balanced adults despite being bullied as children. Sure it sucks at the time, but I think helping kids focus on knowing that there's a light on the other side of the tunnel will help more.
  4. Your average person isn't the same as your average NF newbie. As such, inundating them with NF-like information may be overwhelming, especially if they haven't really made the decision to take the blue pill yet (when you get it...) Bring people along slowly. Fixing their misconceptions in a positive, non-derogatory way is going to be the biggest step...
  5. We hear every day about grain-fed, naturally organic raised, no anti-biotics, free-range, yadda yadda yadda... this all appeals very much so to our logical senses. Many things in life don't have logical answers. So I'll just leave this on the table and back away slowly... Placebo Effect.
  6. I was still planning on charging people. But it's just a 'keep stuff running' charge, not a 'pay out your bumhole' charge. That's just good business practice in general; make something too inexpensive, and people will think it's cheap junk. At the same time, not every person responds to the same things... I dunno. Every day I see signs that health care systems are being strained by people who just don't take care of themselves. I really want to change that.
  7. Mmmm the muscle retains water in that glycogen requires water to be stored properly. It's about a 4:1 ration water:carb. However, when you work in the right rep-range, one of the adaptations your muscles go through is an increase in glycogen storage. Effectively, this means your highest possible and lowest possible weight (without gaining/losing fat) will increase in seperation, because when glycogen is topped out, could be up to 10lbs heavier then when you're running low. I don't believe the growth in muscle itself will hold extra water though. Muscle fibers get fatter with protein, mitochondrial density might increase, glycogen stores increase... only one of these increases water weight. I'm not quite sure if I follow you properly, but I would say no. Most carb cycling programs require a period of 24-36 hours of just stuffing your face with carbs and doing very little work. Doing any work would use the glycogen you are trying to restore and would defeat the purpose. It also sucks trying to work out while bloated with carbs in your stomach. You would have to at least remove one day for your bread-eating competition. @TooBIG: not really true, actually. Carb cycling works for those of us that respond really well to reward-based programs. You get to reward yourself with a ton of food once a week. Other than that general case, it's actually meant for those of us very close to our goals, who require alternating catabolic/anabolic states in order to prevent excess protein loss while attempting to lose fat. When you're a bit bigger, your body isn't as tempted to use protein for stuff other than building muscle because you just have so much fat laying around to use instead. One warning though for people attempting to carb cycle; be extremely careful if you have any sort of insulin resistance, or are diabetic. You'll be very insulin sensitive on low-carb days, but then when you switch to the carbs the resistance will slam up like a wall and make your blood sugar do some crazy stuff.
  8. I'm getting certed by the NCSF in about a week, but my plan was to forge my own path outside the gym. I'd much rather teach/coach/consult people outside the gym, so I don't have to put up with a gym's broscience shenanigans... Not entirely sure how it'll work out though
  9. What's your diet like? You might not be getting enough protein. Actually, I'm about 80% sure that's what your problem is. You would probably want around 150grams a day. 120 because that's a good level for your height, another 30 for prevention of muscle loss.
  10. I used to do two days light weights, then medium, then heavy in a week. I also followed a very specific carb cycling program, but the goal was always to improve upon the weights used in the heavier, low-rep range. For high rep activity, if you feel the burn, you're doing the work.
  11. Live in Canada, so getting a gun for myself is a no-go. At the same time, during a home invasion, well, maybe this is just where I live, but a gun is much less useful in closed quarters. I also happen to know where the kitchen is, and consequently the butcher knife set. I also know the layout of my house much better than any invader. Either way, any person invading my home will quickly find themselves the recipient of multiple stab/slash wounds. Preferably to the face. Not just that, but most home-robbers are pretty cowardly. Much more likely to carry out their plan quietly than try to confront you. In the street, how about you just make a point of not making people wish to shoot you?
  12. We also seem to have lost track of Sam Tarly... I think that Jon will be closer to Bran and whichever god he represents than R'hlorr. Mostly because I feel that Melisandre is going to try and kill Bran at somepoint.
  13. I keep thinking about this problem, and honestly, I think an NPO dedicated to simple, easy to use information would go a long way in providing people with adequate knowledge about exercising. The motivation for cash really needs to be removed from the equation.
  15. Spicy = yummy. Bland dish? Throw some Franks red hot on it. Some evidence that it may up the metabolism to the tune of 1-200 calories too. Don't quote me on that though
  16. Dude! I'm also taking my test in about a week's time Honestly though, I was planning on taking a slightly different route than the tradition PT. I don't want to work in a gym. At all. What I want to do is more fitness/nutritional consultations. Chare a fixed fee to set someone up with a plan for either of these areas, with perhaps some exercise demonstrations. The idea is that I wouldn't see a given person more often than once a month once the initial set-up was done, because I don't think a good personal trainer should need to babysit their clients every time they work out. Or maybe I'll just do what Steve did and make a competing website (totally joking Steve!)
  17. I would make an argument to include a little of everything. Personally, I'm giving reverse pyramids a try, where the rep range increases with each set. Mind you, it's not exactly a beginner's routine, but I've always felt like, over time, your training should change as follows: - Learning stage: Whatever rep range you choose, just work it. Keep stuff light, learn the movements - Beginner's stage: I would honestly go with low reps for compound work at first. If obvious deficits exist, target it with slightly higher range specialized movements - Intermediate: Combination hypertrophy with strength, either simultaneously or alternating periods of. Pure training in one domain or another can only take you so far, so your average 'get-fit' person will want both. Hey, if you wanna powerlift, go ahead and do pure strength. That's not what everyone wants - Advanced: normal people can just coast at twice weekly training once they reach an optimal strength level; going beyond that is no longer necessary to increase standard/qualities of life. People who really want to look at taking things further should consider what it is they want to do really good with, and take that training to the next level.
  18. JUST noticed this discussion! So my two cents are getting tossed in the pot - speculation over living and dying, in Martin's own words, is kinda silly. He went so far as to say 'The final book will be a 1,000 page description of the wind howling over their graves.' Every man dies. Not every man truly lives - Jon isn't dead, and I have a feeling his fate as of now is tied into wargness and bran. He is also most definitely Lyanna's son, and I also don't think Rhaegar raped her. Remember now, King Robert was a clueless buffoon. I would not be surprised if she ran off with Rhaegar and Robert took that the wrong way. But he's definitely targaryan - I kinda agree with whoever said that Tyrion will end up as hand (or at least advisor) to daeny. I don't feel like her chapters were a waste at all, and neither were the ones of Tyrion. The way Martin tells his stories, they both changed personality wise quite a bit in this time. Sure it was a transitional period, but so was AFFC. Both AFFC and DWD were a little weak, I agree, but WOW has been set-up to be truly astounding, I feel. - I have no idea how Melisandre will end up fitting into all of this, but I feel that Jon will have to kill her. - WHY U GUYS NO REMEMBER ARYA?? She has a role to play yet...
  19. Why yes good sir, ALL sorts of baking ... What? I'm still in school for crying out loud
  20. Ok, so a brief lay-down of the trip! - IT WAS AWESOMEEEEE - besides a brief trip into Playa Del Carmen after overindulging at one of the restaurants in the resort (mediterranean <3), we basically stayed in the resort. Just to look at the shops, but a trip to senor frogs or something similar just didn't make sense when I already paid tons of money for all-inclusive - Next trip, I would definately look into NOT getting all-inclusive, because honestly alcohol and food is cheap, from what I saw. $50 for a night at senor frogs is a helluva lot cheaper than some of the nights out I have at home. Besides, that way I might actually have funds for an excursion or two. - It's actually really REALLY hard to go out at night. Maybe we just didn't have time to adjust, but the two hour time difference made us wake up around 6 in the morning and energy levels tended to crash around 9 at night due to alcohol + sun + activity. I don't regret not going out, because we still had tons of fun during the day, but all the same, I feel like a week long + trip would go a long way to adjusting. - swim up bars aren't as amazing as I thought they would be - Margharitas don't taste as awesome after consuming a lot of them over a couple of days - Mexican food is awesome - As much fun as I had, I sincerely question getting your money's worth from a similar trip. I didn't pay full price so I feel like I got a steal, but I wouldn't purposefully go back and pay full price - Customs is surprisingly not painful, especially since the airline gave us all the required documents/papers to fill out on the plane and explained it Can't think of much else. But it was definitely an awesome trip, especially as my first one outside of Canada/USA :3
  21. No one will believe you unless there are pictures
  22. Sorry Loren. My baking skillz would make any paleo/primal master cry. Including the cookies
  23. I'd say calling it worthless is a little harsh; like most exercises, it has a time and place. Really though, at a current weight of nearly 250, adding 40 pounds to the weight you carry around all day really shouldn't be too difficult I still say worry about your total weight first.
  24. Semi-related point: most 'dieting tricks/tips' are based on following whatever rules that tend to limit these pence problems. Everyone and their mothers have heard 'don't eat after 7!' and 'keep snacks out of sight!' or 'don't shop while hungry!'. While seemingly silly and minute details, a lot of them are meant to help you limit the pence. So, instead of following someone else's tip-book, why not simply make your own? Got a problem with extra wine? Put the bottle away after you pour your first glass so it's not so easy to indulge. Snacking on chocolate? Set yourself a snack allowance for every day and portion it out ahead of time so you don't dip into tomorrow's chocolate pool. It's mostly about recognizing your own habits (which you have already finished!) and making a conscious effort to change it.
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