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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. With carb cycling, especially if your workout program is properly tailored as such, you can get away with up to 100g of carbs a day. It's a matter of striking a good balance between replenishing glycogen and burning it off. Might I ask which plan you're following exactly?
  2. Asking for an emotional response to a logical problem. Can't remember the movie, but as an example; girl wants guy to WANT to do the dishes. As a guy, I will never ever EVER desire to do dishes. Nor any other chores. I will do what needs to be done, but don't dare try telling me I have to enjoy it. On a related note, I've found that faking spontaniety tends to work pretty well step 1: make up random schedule of nice guy things to do step 2: follow schedule; woman doesn't realize, thinks I do things 'just because'. step 3: ??? step 4: Profit! Or have a happy woman. Either way.
  3. I sure hope not luckily, I will always run faster over ground than whoever hobbling after me on skates...
  4. Engineer parties got really old sometime around the end of frosh week first year If I could put my experiences with women in college into a timeline... 1st year: REZ PARTEH 2nd year: FRAT PARTEH (and rez partehs) 3rd year: HOUSE PARTEHS AND BARS Co-op year: OMG I HAZ TEH MONEYS BARSBARSBARSBARSBARS 4th year: I'll you know this time next year. I've also been with my girlfriend about ten months now so the whole point may be moot anyway >.> But basically, I avoided the engineery stuff and just went off with my own friends. A pleasant aside though: turns out that frequenting university pubs and bars WILL expose you to a wide-range of female types who are intelligent and/or nerdy and/or not harsh on the eyes I find the trick is, present yourself as intelligent and nerdy, keep up the self-confidence, and girls who are into that will make their presence known. Whether you have to chase them down or not in the long-run is another story entirely EDIT because Waldo reminded of this: I personally can't stand a lot of the girls in engineering. The ratio makes their perspective all wonky; suddenly because all these clueless engineering guys are tripping head over heels for them, they end up with a rather stuck-up airs to them. Watching this process over a few years is quite saddening really.
  5. IT WAS AWESOOOOOME! Did a three night all-inclusive resort. Got a last minute deal, so it was pretty reasonable, but knowing the area better now I think I'd rather stay on a vacation property and get my own stuff so much to do, I don't want to limit myself to the resort next time! But beautiful weather, very nice people from all over the world, awesome local!
  6. That was instantly my first thought too. Far too many people try to make approaches one-size-fits-all "I work out best in the morning, therefore EVERYONE works out best in the morning!" Urm, no.
  7. Are you sure it's muscle that you need to worry about? If you are currently attempting to lose fat, I would concentrate on that first. It may be that your legs slim down the way you want simply by accomplishing these goals
  8. Ask any female bodybuilder By and large, they follow the same rules as the guys do, except they take a different cocktail of drugs... In general though, if you're looking for a 'beach bod', you're starting up a little late. Any plan to get into the typical beach ready shape requires preparation to start right around the start of the year, and that's for people that are very close to their goals already. Everyone else's advice is spot on; I just want to caution you not to expect drastic results in time for summer if you are only starting now. Not to be discouraging; only realistic.
  9. The type of 'signal' being sent to your muscles is a product of factors far more complicated than simply AM vs PM training. Without getting too much into it, just remember the 80/20 rule: you get 80% of the effect from 20% of the input. Stuff like AM/PM, fasted/non, fats/carbs, and all that jazz is applicable to a highly advanced professional, not to someone who is a beginner or intermediate at training, whatever your training is.
  10. I was excited to contribute, but then I realized I seem to meet females pretty much exclusively at parties, clubs, or shows :/ As an engineer, meeting girls at school just isn't that great of an option
  11. Hmmm guess I belong in here too... I mean, I've only played a few sports... soccer, baseball, basketball, football, waterpolo, volleyball, martial arts, rugby... Alas, as a canadian, the only thing it seems I CANT do is skate
  12. Just got home from Cancun you guys! ILL PARTICIPATE NOW I PROMISE
  13. To add onto similar sentiments, check the measurements for other areas of your body... arms, chest, thighs... chances are that if you're still losing fat, it's coming from these areas. Keep doing what you're doing, but definitely look into adding some basic strength training. If anything, you'll be more sure that what you're losing is fat and not lean mass.
  14. Jump rope?... I don't even own a jump rope
  15. Female hormones tie in pretty directly to leptin levels; since fat cells produce leptin, certain levels of fat on the body are necessary to precipitate female cycles. So yeah, it depends on diet, inasmuch as diet is linked to your fat storage. But this ties into 'Roos's statement as well. Leptin sensitivity can differ from person to person, and so different females will find interruptions to their hormonal cycles at different levels of body fat.
  16. To simplify Philo's equation... Variables: x = fat to lose LBM = lean body mass (you need to know this GF = goal fat percent BW = current total weight Then you get X = BW - LBM/(1-GF)
  17. I think that if you know the material, just start writing. It sounds like one of those classes where you could get away with a lot of BS anyways...
  18. So you want a guy who you classify as insane to write you a program? I like where your head is at ;)

    I'm both flattered and excited to be writing a program for someone, considering that I'm getting that PT cert soon so I can officially do just that! As long as you don't mind being a practice round, just shoot me a message with parameters and goals and we'll go from there!

  19. Mandy: fo sho'! Full trip de-brief in my blog after ETF: we're still in the stage of the relationship where the idea of going to mexico for 3 nights and spending most every waking moment plastered is still appealing to me No crab from senor frogs. Gotcha. I would be a little wary of seafood either way... MirGSS: sunscreen is a no-brainer; I'm a pasty white kid right now so it'll be my best friend :/ Will they let me bring my own cup though? If they insist on giving me a tiny cup, they should expect to see me very often then Honestly, if someone thinks they can save chairs with a towel they got another thing comin. First come first serve biyotch. Thanks for the tips guys!
  20. Yes touch your toes. And run fast. But the comparison between bench, squat, n deadlift seems a little off... They usually go by the 3/4/5 rule. As is, perfect muscle balance will get; bench is 3/5 your deadlift, squat is 4/5 your deadlift, deadlift obviously 5/5. The numbers given put your bench and squat 1RM at 1.33 X BW, and deadlift at 1.76. Sounds like Steve's a big believe in big chests
  21. On Thursday. Wyndham Maya, looks very nice; staying with the gurfran for three nights Anyone have some experience there? Tips, tricks, dangers? I know to avoid drinking non-bottled water and don't talk to time-share reps, but anything else? ...Weeeeee so excited! :3
  22. Well, then, I'm sure you would love to show us all just how well it fits :3
  23. Because Steve's in the same boat as most of us younger guys; spent way too much time not knowing what to do. I have the same problem; my bench is way higher than either my squat or deadlift predict. A few years of a lotta benching and not much squatting will do that to you. Like most of us, it took Steve time to get around to figuring it out.
  24. Oystergirl: that was the exact point I raised earlier and Waldo ceeded the need for reasonable bounds on protein intake. Joey: The Zone, as far as I remember, did have some homework done in the writing of, and it basically came down to this: If you want to lose weight, increase protein intake, decrease carb intake. Using C/F/P, that takes your average westerner from 55/35/10 to 40/30/30. Assuming there really is an optimal protein intake level for someone based on LBM, the easiest way to cut calories without sacrificing nutrition is to cut carbs: fat is too important in vitamin/mineral processing/utilization. So, in achieving a reasonable calorie cut, impacting as little as possible on micronutrients, you simply reduce carb intake by a 1/3, thus reducing all calorie intake by about 1000 calories. With the increase in protein, that's about a 500 cal/day deficit, which is seem by most as the most reasonable level for fat loss.
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