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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I love how organised your whiteboard is, it looks so nice! There's something very satisfying about how neat everything is. Interested to see how your story develops.
  2. Here, of course, to cheers you on man.
  3. Challenge updated, now with proper goals!
  4. I'm quite scared of the idea of running Pathfinder, just because there's a million rules to remember. I really like running 5e though, it's rules-light enough that I feel like I've got a bit more flexibility to have fun with stuff and make decisions that are fun for the players. I love that muscle wizard picture
  5. Wow man, I didn't realise you'd been through the ringer so much, sorry to hear that. It's an interesting question. Effectively you've failed your saves to avoid getting ill, but made your saves to recover. I'd call that a high CON score, and shitty luck on the initial rolls. I' m only teasing about the grognard thing of course :p I missed @Mr_Willes comment on the sorcerer hp. Average with a +1 con modifier and a d6 hit die at level 14 would be 7 + 13*4.5 = 65.5hp. Taking 4 as average on a d6 gives 72. So actually my sorcerer's 77hp is quite respectable! Those rot grubs sound like truly hideous things, talk about an unfair death if you just drop dead without ever knowing you'd come into contact with them! Yeah, I still feel like death is a reasonable risk in 5e. The main thing is that if someone wants you dead, it's quite easy to do. If a foe is trying to drop everyone unconscious to stop combat, there's a very good chance you have time to stabilise or get healed. What would we do without you Wolfmn :lol: I've neer had the pleasure of THAC0 - seem like a really unnecessarily complicated way to do a simple thing.
  6. Yeah, every new edition of D&D makes it harder to die; I think in 3.5e you died at -10 regardless of your con score. I have a feeling in very early D&D you died at 0 - we'd need to ask a proper grognard like @DarK_RaideR to confirm that
  7. I know, me neither! And it is, thank you, it's really silly and fun. No, in Pathfinder you die when your negative hp equals your constitution score (I think; it might be when your negative hp exceeds your con score). We're level 14 now, but I've still only got a max hp of 77 - squishy squishy sorcerer that I am!
  8. Following along, of course! I really like the idea of setting daily intentions, that's a neat way to work on your goals. For the picture, where are you hosting it, and what's the file type? Those are the two most obvious problems I can think of. Also, if you send it to me on messenger/by e-mail I can put Scoria's new portrait in Roll20.
  9. So far so good for zero week. Monday Crossfit was power cleans, and I've got the collarbone bruises to prove it! I worked up to 60kg (~132#) x 3 x 3, which is decent enough. Then we had a 10 minute AMRAP of 4 hang power snatch, 6 chest to bar, and 8 lateral burpees over bar. Snatches were at 30kg (~66#) and that was more than heavy enough after a couple of rounds! Chest to bar felt fairly strong though. Work was ok. Food was standard breakfast (eggs, banana, protein shake), roast beef and mayo sandwich for lunch, and a beef and mushroom pie for dinner (We bought a big lump of beef for our Sunday roast, and it's lasting a while!). Snacked a bit but somehow ended up with fairly low calories, and more than enough protein. In the evening I watched Critical Role, and drew something really silly: Tuesday Crossfit was handwalking and bar muscle ups (I have the bruises on my chest to prove it!). Handwalking was fun, only managed to get about 4 steps (should I call them steps?) at any one time, but it's good to be trying out in the middle of the floor rather than having the safety net of a wall in front of me. I got another bar muscle up, though it was ugly as all hell. I need to get higher in the pull instead of slamming my ribs into the bar I think! After that we did some bodybuilding stuff - 10s of supinated row, dumbbell bench, and weighted situps. Work was good, it's been a bit quiet which has been nice. Food was standard breakfast, leftover beef pie for lunch followed by some fruit bread and jam because the pie was so small, and I cooked a surprisingly good carbonara for dinner. Also had some snacks, partly from miscalculating calories, but nothing too silly and protein was more than enough. In the evening we had Pathfinder, our Rise of the Runelords game. Last session we left off with 6 attractive men saying they were going to punish us for disturbing their master. This session we picked up with trying to fight those guys, discovering they were all illusions, and discovering that there were about 6 clones in the room but they were all invisible. What followed was a comedy of errors as our hobgoblin kineticist decided the best way to level the playing field against invisible opponents was to make everyone blind by filling the room with magical darkness, I decided to create a duplicate of my own and go invisible, I immediately broke cover as our witch was about to kill me by casting a spell on an area she didn't know I was in, I almost actually died* when I got hit by a different effect and the witch had to find my invisible body to heal me. I then realised that I could cast a very low level spell (glitterdust) to make some of these guys visible. I felt very silly at that point. Meanwhile our ranger had cast a spell to sense the vital signs of these guys, and even with a 50% miss chance on every attack was calmly dispatching them one after the other. After this we found out that the actual master was dead, as were the 204 clones of himself that his consciousness had been transferred to over the last couple of thousand years. The kineticist put a gathlain seed into a suspicious looking vial and managed to create an adolescent gathlain: Then we had to explain to her why she had suddenly been born in a random dungeon and that the hobgoblin was not, in fact, her father. We found some cool loot, explored a little, and then discovered 6 succubi (maybe more clones) in a bedroom. They all screamed in anger, and I guess we're killing them next week! *When I say I almost died, I dropped to -11hp. I die at -12hp. In order to survive my next round I would have needed a natural 20 on a constitution check, so there was a 95% chance that I would be dead if my turn had have come round.
  10. Welcome to the rangers! Do you have a specific plan for increasing your pullups? (Other than, I assume, doing a lot of pullups).
  11. \m/ I do enjoy those ings. That might be a future challenge title; "Jarric - ----ing it up!" And D&D is always interesting with you guys
  12. Heya, good to see you! I've mostly been doing Inktober this month, so just quick little ink drawings based on the prompts for the month. A lot of what I draw generally is character art stuff (not particularly well to be honest, but I enjoy it and it helps me unwind). Very glad to have you as always Well I didn't make that connection until now I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified Well... Now there's a gif... Thank you for the support man, really appreciate it! Glad I'm not the only one! Good to have you mate.
  13. You've got red on you. You, sir, are a true gent. I'll drink to that!
  14. Well I might actually add a proper theme to this at some point, but in the meantime I at least need some proper goals! Muscle - 10XP Track food and hit 150g protein per day. I don't want to cut calories again until I work out if that was why I was feeling light-headed a lot recently, but just tracking gives me some control over my eating without worrying too much about the numbers. The protein goal is to ensure that not all of my calorie are from crap (i.e. beer and chocolate are not going to get me towards my goal!) Wizard - 10XP Have a workout plan and stick to it. I've written a plan which basically boils down to 4/5 Crossfit sessions per week, and 3/4 runs per week, alternating between which one I do more of. There's a plan for the types of runs as well, to keep it interesting. Every workout needs to be followed by stretching to count, even if it's just 30 seconds to get me into the habit. I realised that part of the reason I lost no weight last challenge is that I did a lot less running. And I ran a lot less because I had no plan. So now, I have a plan. Athletics - 10XP Foam rolling three times per week. I need to be better at this, because when I don't do it I'm in pain! This goal is all about planning the time to do it properly. Acrobatics - 5XP Split stretches once per week. Another thing to stop me being in pain! Also, my hips being more flexible can't be a bad thing in general. Spellbook - 5XP Draw three times per week. This is good for me mentally, and I enjoy it. I also enjoy it more when I'm getting better at it, and regular practice definitely helps with that. Prestidigitation - 5XP Teeth brushing 2 x per day, and use the electric brush and interdental sticks in the evening. This went really well last challenge, and I had some good comments from my dentist; I justdon't want to get lazy with it. Original challenge post for posterity:
  15. I spent too long there looking up the spelling of lede vs lead. Anyway, yeah, I am really happy I got both of those things! The only reason they're so far down the wrap-up is that neither of them are directly related to any of my challenge goals!
  16. I actually laughed out loud when you got to Dedd Lyft the necromancer Lovely to see you'll be doing some deadlifts though man, and really enjoyed that opening narrative.
  17. Challenge Wrap-Up Recap of my goals in spoiler: Catapult: Only hit my calorie goal 1 week out of 5, so a fail here. Also ended up feeling weak and rubbish for a lot of it, which I thought was from not eating enough, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. I'll need to experiment and see what's going on here. I did lose 2# over the course of the challenge, which is not what I was after but it's not disastrous either. 0XP earned Green flame blade: I hit my teeth brushing goals 35/35 times this challenge - really happy with that. I don't want to lose momentum on this though, so this goal stays. 10XP earned Greataxe: I never hit my hangboarding goal; still need to find an appropriate time to do this. Fail. 0XP earned True Strike: Managed to hit this every week without fail. I'm torn between making it a bit more ambitious next time, or just allowing myself a relatively easy win. 5XP earned Thunderwave: I only got 2 drawing sessions in week 2, but thanks to Inktober I got 5 in week 3 and 7 in week 4. The excitement died down a bit in week 5, but I still got 3/3 for the goal. 9XP earned. Dodge: Whilst I only hit my main calorie goal once, I did stay below my secondary calorie goal for the first 4 weeks. 4XP earned Absorb elements: I only got all of my foam rolling session on two weeks, and got 11/15 in total. I need to stop pretending that I don't have time to do this and just do it. 7XP earned Overall I think this challenge went ok. Life is getting busier, and I'm trying to learn how to navigate that, but I'm getting there slowly. I also benched more than my body weight and got a couple of bar muscle ups this challenge, I ran my last 2 OCRs of the year, and generally had a pretty good time. The whole team aspect of doing this challenge with @DarK_RaideR and @Starpuck really helped too - it was good to have that support.
  18. Week 5 wrap-up Catapult/Dodge: Haven't the foggiest, I stopped tracking on Tuesday and left it for the week. Not the healthiest decision, but I needed the mental space for other things so I don't necessarily regret it. 1 damage taken and no damage dealt. Green flame blade: 7/7 for teeth brushing - 2 damage dealt again. A perfect challenge for this goal, which is pretty cool! Greataxe: 0/2 hangboarding sessions last week. I need to re-think how this fits in my week. True Strike: Split stretches were done! +1 damage to the green flame blade attack. Also got bardic inspiration from @DarK_RaideR, which got me to do this on the last day of the challenge when I would probably have skipped it. That's +2 damage in total for this goal. Thunderwave: 3/3 drawing sessions, so 1 damage dealt. Inktober's helped, and though I've skipped a few sessions I've still done enough. Absorb elements: 1/3 foam rolling sessions complete, so I take 2 damage. I should have made time for this, and I didn't. Damage done to Mindwitness: 5 Guglug current hp: 4/9
  19. Week 5 wrap-up Catapult/Dodge: Haven't the foggiest, I stopped tracking on Tuesday and left it for the week. Not the healthiest decision, but I needed the mental space for other things so I don't necessarily regret it. 1 damage taken and no damage dealt. Green flame blade: 7/7 for teeth brushing - 2 damage dealt again. A perfect challenge for this goal, which is pretty cool! Greataxe: 0/2 hangboarding sessions last week. I need to re-think how this fits in my week. True Strike: Split stretches were done! +1 damage to the green flame blade attack. Also got bardic inspiration from @DarK_RaideR, which got me to do this on the last day of the challenge when I would probably have skipped it. That's +2 damage in total for this goal. Thunderwave: 3/3 drawing sessions, so 1 damage dealt. Inktober's helped, and though I've skipped a few sessions I've still done enough. Absorb elements: 1/3 foam rolling sessions complete, so I take 2 damage. I should have made time for this, and I didn't. Damage done to Mindwitness: 5 Guglug current hp: 4/9
  20. Thanks man, I got it done thanks to this.
  21. This really helped me, definitely. Just having someone to answer to makes a big difference to my motivation, so thank you man. Remember there's always our chat if you want to talk to a few of us more privately, or feel free to message me directly. Great job on this challenge man - back at Muay Thai, weight going down, self care going well, it's all good stuff here.
  22. Thursday was a good day. Crossfit was squats - hit 90kg (~198#) for 2 x 5, but ran out of time for a third set. Thenwe had 2 attempts, each for time, of 1 legless rope climb, 3 front squats, 5 ball slams. I subbed 10 ring pulls for the rope climbs - I could probably do the rope climb if my life depended on it, but there's no crash mat at the gym and I don't want to risk falling 15' on to a solid floor when I reach the top. Was a fun little workout though. Finallywe had max distance ski in 1 minute, and I did a dreadful job getting 257m (~825" I guess?). Need to figure out what correct technique for ski erg is. Had a fun day in the office - it's really nice to be around people for a few days ever couple of weeks, and my co-workers are a really fun bunch. We went to the pub for a couple after work, then I went home for a chicken lasagne that WW had heated up ready for me. In the evening we had Pathfinder, and my first experience of a hex crawl/hexsploration across the desert. We found some cultists and drakes, whom we killed ruthlessly, and some camels which we stole from said cultists. We ended the session as a huge tentacle grasped on to one of our camels, and more tentacles emerged, as we're apparently about to take on a sand kracken. Yesterday was also a good day. Crossfit was deadlifts; I hit 130kg (~286#) for 5 reps. Was planning to go heavier, but my trainer pointed out my back was starting to round out, so I stopped there for the day. Thenwe had 5 rounds for time of 3 hang power cleans, 6 handstand pushups, and 12 lateral kettlebell swings. I used 55kg (~121#) for the hang cleans, 1 ab mat for the handstand pushups, and 20kg (~44#) for the kettlebell swings. Ifailed my very first rep on the cleans, which was pretty tough, and it took me a moment to get my composure. I knew I was in trouble when I got to the end of my first round and most people were finishing their second. Finished dead last by quite a way, but I'm ok with it. I was lifting the second heaviest weight for the cleans, and was one of only 2 people attempting the handstands. I don't mind being dead slow as long as I know it's because I've gone dead heavy! I was a bit distracted at work, and had a short day too as I had an online event and then online work beers after that. In the evening I cooked loaded chilli cheese fries from scratch, and we caught up with Crit Role and the newest episode of Taskmaster. It was a lovely evening.
  23. Ah, 70 pullups in 3 days seems like the perfect way to do it I'm glad
  24. Thank you! The support is always appreciated.
  25. Yeah, you're absolutely right. 2.5 days left and I can get a lot done in that time. Looking forward to having you join! And no problem. I know it's important for you, and that makes it important for me to make the effort to get it right. Absolutely, thank you man, I will!
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