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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Oh, that was an interesting read, thanks for that. I guess I'm surprised because this is the England I know and love: "the Sale of Beer Act 1854 which restricted Sunday opening hours had to be repealed, following widespread rioting." I mean the leg she is standing on. Because the surface she's standing on moves, the toe drops below the heel, and I'm wondering if that would have a similar assistance effect to wearing lifting shoes. If in doubt - always both!
  2. Aww, thank you man. Seriously though, you guys make it easy - I had no plan for what you were going to do in Neverwinter, just a list of things that exist in the city, and I can trust you guys just to go and find/create interesting stuff without there actually needing to be a plot.
  3. Not sure if this is the right place for this as it's more of a UI issue than a bug. On mobile, the back to top button is in the same horizontal position as the like/react button on posts, so it's very easy to go to like a post and find yourself abruptly transported back to the top of the page. Is there a way (either in my personal settings or more generally) to move either button to a more central point on the page, or to remove the 'to top' button altogether?
  4. The UK had a temperance movement? Really? As an English person, that surprises me. Not that this isn't hugely impressive, but I wonder if being able to angle her foot forward like that actually makes it a bit easier to get out of the hole.
  5. Good luck with the Christmas, and general, stress - I think stepping back from the narrative and generally taking things off your plate if you can is definitely a good call.
  6. Yesterday was a good day. I got up a bit late and wasn't really feeling the workout, so I did things a little differently. I started with the normal stuff, weighted pullups, single leg elevated ring rows, and half bridges. Then I watched a GMB video on spinal flexibility and how to improve my bridges, which was useful. Most importantly though, I did this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIxR2GGgqer Yeah, I got a muscle up at home! I didn't think it would be possible to do in my tiny doorway rings setup, so I'm really really happy with it! The rest of the day nothing much happened. Work continues to be insanely busy. I worked a bit late, until I could no longer focus, WW cooked chicken thighs with chorizo in a Spanish style bake. By the time we'd eaten that it was almost bedtime, so we watched a little more TV and went to bed. Teeth done, protein shake had, that's about it.
  7. I'm really glad you enjoyed it man. I wanted the dragon to be a memorable encounter rather than just a big combat, I feel like dragons are a big deal, and from what you've said it sounds like it worked. Great job on week one man, and sounds like week two's going the same way!
  8. Something was wrong. Guglug was sure he was fighting in a cavern, deep underground. He'd walked down those tunnels for hours to get here, hadn't he? When he looked at the elf and the... tall gnome... they looked like they were walking in the sun. Guglug thought he could see leaves crushing under their feet, and the light was just, wrong. The wizard was snapped back to the present with a nasty shock, as a club collided with the side of his head with a nasty crack. Dazed, he swung wildly back at the creature, missing by a clear margin. Taking a second to regain his focus he let out a thunderous burst of energy, throwing enemies away from him, and then charged into the fray. Attacks for week 1: Greataxe (workouts): 6/7 days = 4 damage dealt, thanks to missing a workout the day after the Christmas party Catapult (protein): 5/7 days = 1 damage dealt - totally failed this on the weekend Thunderwave (create): 2/3 sessions = 3 damage dealt - just missed out over the weekend again Green flame blade (teeth): 4/7 days = 1 damage dealt Defence for week 1: Absorb elements (foam rolling): 0/3 = 3 damage taken - totally messed this up, must do better Dodge (protein): 5/7 = 0 damage taken Total damage for week 1: 9 HP remaining: 6/9 Total damage for the party so far: 62/198 (5 dead grimlocks)
  9. well now she's learned. I'll be interested to see if her death experience changes her at all. Thank you! It's a weird thing to be given respect for, but I know exactly where you're coming from. Well now you know . Hey Terra, good to have you! I'm in and out a bit here, so no worries about keeping up. Yeah, I wasn't sure who you'd talk to and who you'd fight. It turned out interesting though! Nah, you're good. I'll just make sure that the next dragon you fight is much bigger. The trouble with that encounter is the dragon can one-shot a couple of you, but it's still only one target if enough of you are concious to focus fire on it. Thank you, it was good and I'm pleased with the award. Too many TTRPGs, not enough days in the week #justnerdythings
  10. I had a good end to week 1 (socially anyway, not so much goal wise!). Friday night was our work virtual Christmas party. It started at 3pm, and we had videos from all the teams, awards (including the one I won), a very naff game of bingo which we all got to laugh at, and then time to chat and drink afterwards. Having started drinking a 3pm, I signed off at 3am after a bottle of red wine and two-thirds of a bottle of Jack Daniels. Almost felt like a proper Christmas party After the party I stayed up for an unspecified amount of time, so I probably got about 4 hours sleep? I was also probably still drunk when I woke up, but I managed to have breakfast and make it round Tesco with WW. After lunch I just crashed, to the point where I could barely sit and watch TV. I even went for a nap mid-afternoon to get me through the day. In the evening I cooked some very over the top Christmas burgers and did my best to survive until bedtime. On Sunday I was still hungover, but less so. I went bouldering first thing, and put in a reasonably good session despite not feeling 100%. In the afternoon I ran our Ranger D&D game. After 28 sessions the party finally got to face their first dragon. Being a green dragon, he's a consummate liar, and weaved a tale of hardship at the hands of his sister in order to gather the party together in the centre of the room. Once he had them where he wanted them he unleashed his poison breath, straight up killing the Tilean the wizard ( @jonfirestar ) in one shot and dropping the Osric warlock ( @Rhovaniel) unconscious. Thankfully the party's goblin monk Dragtald ( @Mr_Willes) was able to pull off a very unlikely stunning strike, and once the dragon was stunned all that was left was for the party to hit it with everything they had until Dragtald could surf it down the tower to the others. WW's sorcerer Pheelie was then able to activate a scroll of revivify to bring Tilean back from well past the brink, so in the end I didn't get to murder any of them! Attacks for week 1: Greataxe (workouts): 6/7 days = 4 damage dealt, thanks to missing a workout the day after the Christmas party Catapult (protein): 5/7 days = 1 damage dealt - totally failed this on the weekend Thunderwave (create): 2/3 sessions = 3 damage dealt - just missed out over the weekend again Green flame blade (teeth): 4/7 days = 1 damage dealt Defence for week 1: Absorb elements (foam rolling): 0/3 = 3 damage taken - totally messed this up, must do better Dodge (protein): 5/7 = 0 damage taken
  11. That's alright, I'm doing a terrible job keeping up with my own challenge, let along others! And thank you! It could have been worse; one of my colleagues wasn't dressed when a director turned up to delivery his award! It's efficient, but I can't recommend the flavour. Thanks man, you make a good point. I'm pretty good at regulating the workouts to avoid going overboard, not entirely sure how to do it with work, house move etc. No-one in the world is that busy ? . Anyway, I don't think I could ever be busier than you!
  12. Well now, at first things appeared to be going from bad to worse for young Guglug. As the grimlocks charged into the room he tried to magically launch a chunk of masonry at them, only for his attack to go wide and collide with a pillar instead. With a huge crash part of the ceiling started to come down, and as the dust cleared the half-orc found himself separated from him companions. In the distance he could hear the tabaxi warrior and the skeletal bard drawing some grimlocks away, but there was little time to focus on that as more new arrivals entered the room. A sun elf, a human, and... a very tall gnome? A fairly short elf? Whoever they were, and wherever they had come from, this was no time to question a turn of fortune. As the human started shouting orders and thrusting her spear towards the creatures, Guglug did a quick mental calculation. Eighteen grimlocks on this side of the room, and only 4 would-be heroes to hold them back. This was bad, but surely, surely there was still a chance. * * * So @Starpuck, @Red1263 & @Rhovaniel, we've got 18 grimlocks in front of us. A grimlock has 11hp, so between us we need to deal at least 198 damage in 3 weeks (would be nice to break 200 though, wouldn't it?). Looks like Jera's already taken one of these blighters out though, and seriously wounded a second one, so we're off to a great start!
  13. Yesterday was a good day. I got up and worked out - a circuit of rollup pistol squats, toes to bar, and arm and leg elevated side planks. My hip was feeling crappy so I only did 2.5 rounds of the circuit mixed with lots of stretching. I followed that with 3 sets of 10 each side handstand palm raises, and some split stretches. Work was mad, and I stayed as late as I could before the last person with keys to the office had to leave. In the evening I cooked a smoked fish and gnocchi gratin from a recipe box we get - it was very easy and bloody lovely. We also did a little bit of house stuff - putting away and hanging out washing, that kind of stuff. After dinner we caught up on a bit of Questing Time, and I did some drawing on a thing I'm working on. I should have done some foam rolling, but by the time I thought of it it was almost bedtime and I couldn't be bothered. Protein shake and teeth were done.
  14. Yeah, I think it was probably worth it for me too, though my opinion on that changes based on how busy a given day is! Yeah, it was really tough! For the elemental, ironically our kineticist decided to battle his 'large' fire elemental against the witch's 'elder' greater elemental after the statue fight, as they both had a few sounds of summoning left. The elder elemental smashed the fire elemental in about 2 rounds, and the elder only took 2 points of damage. At the end of the session when the water elemental appeared, we asked the GM if it was large, greater, or elder. Apparently it's an elder, so we really will need that luck! Thank you! Will see if I can get a copy of the video after it's been announced (no promises though). Thank you! Of course, I didn't include the half hour of levelling up maths at the start of the session ? Your game experiences always sound cool to me, you should share them more. Yeah, it's something like "best performance in a technical role". I knew I'd been nominated, but it's voted for by all of the employees so I'm very chuffed to have actually won. I'll see what I can do And thank you!
  15. The fish and the veg patch? I can see them all. If Imgur's blocked at work you might find the pictures are also blocked when linked to another site. Love your goals for 2021 man - there's some big stuff in there so it'll be really cool to see you working towards it.
  16. Monday was a good day. I did a workout first thing - a circuit of weighted pullups (+23#/11kg), single leg elevated ring rows, and half bridges, followed by hangboarding, crow pose practice, and stretching. The hangboarding was dreadful after climbing on Sunday, which is to be expected. I also very nearly fell on my face doing crow pose Work was insanely busy. I almost wish I hadn't taken last week off - I came in to 190 e-mails and I'm now an extra week behind on all of my deadlines. Work will be mental now until at least the new year I think. I finished work about 7pm, then cooked a lazy dinner of gammon, egg, chips and beans. I stayed up late trying to catch up on here before the start of this challenge. Teeth were done, protein shake was had, no progress on drawing or rolling. Tuesday was a good day. I got up a bit late, so had to skip some of my workout, but I still got in my 4 mile run and some handstand practice. Work was really busy. I was in the office for a change though and it was nice to see everyone at least. I also found out that I've won an award, which will be officially announced at our virtual Christmas party. I found out because my managing director had to drive me home, so that he could film himself 'surprising' me with the award at my front door. All very silly and I'm sure that my acting surprised was terrible In the evening WW cooked a lovely fish dish and we played Pathfinder. We fought an insanely powerful statue (this thing had something like +43 on his rolls to hit, and the best armour class in the party's only about 33, so he almost couldn't miss), who attacks also caused us to start to turn to stone. Luckily we were able to destroy the thing by sheer strength of numbers. From there we went into a horribly polluted part of the dungeon, where we fought some filth daemon things and tried to stay out of the water. Then we found some levers that we couldn't resist pulling, and finished the session having just summoned an ancient water elemental which will no doubt try to kill us. Teeth were done, protein shake was had, no progress on drawing or rolling.
  17. Ok, your character is straight up awesome man, I love the concept. Glad to have you fighting with us. Oo, that's really cool. Thanks for joining us Rho!
  18. Members of the Rebellion, @Starpuck and I could use your help. We're battling a veritable horde of grimlocks, and some of our companions have been unable to join us: If you would like a bit of extra accountability this go around, jump in the thread, describe your character, and tell us your goals. Ideally your goals should deal about 20 damage per week, however you want to break that up. If you can base your character roughly around a 1st level D&D character that's great, but it's not a rigid thing. Message me if you have questions.
  19. I know, aren't they terrible? Without the teeth it's just an ugly old man Thank you! You know, if you want to steal the format you could always join us - D_R won't be joining in now and I'm not sure about Raxie, so we could use a bigger party... I know! I didn't mean for that to happen, but even with the broken nose I couldn't take away his rugged handsomeness
  20. The challenge does not start early or late, it starts precisely when you mean it to. (Also, I can't get my head round a week not starting in a Monday!) Great start to the challenge Rho! Way to fight the Uruks!
  21. Yesterday was a good day. I went bouldering in the morning - it was great to see Hopalong and MG, and to feel like life was more normal than it has been. When I got back I cooked brunch, and watched High Rollers. I did some life admin stuff, then got out for a 6 mile run. That used up all of my mental energy for the day. I spent the rest of the evening playing mindless games on my phone and avoiding all productivity. Challenge proper starts today, but that's a story for tomorrow!
  22. Thank you! I'll try and share it with you if I can. Thanks! Yeah, we're trying to do it in the most stress-free way possible, just need to hope for a bit of luck. I will defer to your superior 80s knowledge, sir. Thankfully I have milk. Yeah, I've stuck the accountabilibuddies thread here as well as there isn't a separate section this time round. It's probably better this way - people might actually see the other thread!
  23. Sorry your contractors are being such a nightmare, that sounds awful. Don't reply to anything until you've had a chance to sleep on it, and don't feel rushed to respond to correct their mistakes - they can wait for their payment Hope the new scales work better for you
  24. Oh I love Jera, very cool. Look forward to seeing more art of her!
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