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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. If there's one thing I've learned working in insurance, it's that people are optimists. They might now talk like it, but most people genuinely believe that the worst won't happen to them, and that that lottery ticket might just be their one big break. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that by the way. We might not have got very far as a species if we lived in constant fear that we would die in a freak accident at any moment.
  2. Aww, thank you, that's really cute. I'm not sure we're quite as zen as I make it sound to be honest, particularly as working from home results in a reasonable amount of shouting and swearing during the day!
  3. Week 1 Day 1 Yesterday was a good day. I've mentioned my workout, and work being mental. In the evening I did do some D&D prep, which is good because there's some exciting and complex things coming up for the group. After that I crashed a bit. I don't know why, but I just suddenly felt major brain fog, and I could barely concentrate on anything. WW cooked Swedish meatballs, which I inhaled gratefully, and then sat around watching Acquisitions Incorporated: The C Team. I didn't manage to do any drawing, and quite frankly I don't think I could have achieved anything with it the way I was feeling. I did do some foam rolling, because lying on the floor was one thing I could definitely manage! Protein was had for the day, and teeth were done * * * This morning I procrastinated in bed for a bit too long, before getting up and going out for my run. Went for 4.13 miles (~6.6km) including 8 x 0.25 (~400m) tempo intervals. So that's 4.13 down, 111.87 to go for this challenge! After I got back from my run it was far too late to do my full workout before work. I did do 10 minutes of handstand practice and 5 minutes of stretching, but that was all I had time for. Must work on getting up earlier, particularly on running days! Work has been... well, I think I'm getting there? Tomorrow I'll be doing some training for a new colleague that I haven't met yet, so that's exciting. I don't envy the guy starting a new job in a national lockdown, but we'll try and make the best of it! And now I need to get off and cook some dinner. We've got Pathfinder tonight, our Rise of the Runelords game, which I believe we left off about to be slaughtered by an elder water elemental...
  4. Ok, that makes sense. I've always hated coffee liqueur chocolate and the smell of coffee, so I can see why that would put you off trying it! Thanks *looks suitably embarrassed* If it helps, I did do my foam rolling last night, and that's the first one that actually counts for this challenge. And thanks, I'm sure I will. It's just a case of keeping motivation long enough to get back into the habit of doing things, so that I'm there when the motivation runs out!
  5. Oo, that's exciting - what campaign are you playing? And how did session zero go? Glad things went well with LadyDoc™
  6. Yesterday was a good day. I've talked about most of it, but in the evening I did boil eggs ready for the week and did get to bed at a fairly sensible time. I did not foam roll - I somehow ran out of time for that although I could not new tell you why. This morning I worked out, and I felt weak and tired to be honest. Part of that I think is that I'm trying to get through more rounds of exercises and procrastinate less, and part of it is probably poor fuelling over Christmas. Still, I managed 3.5 rounds of: Weighted pullups (bodyweight + 23#/~10.5kg): 6, 6, 5, 6 Single leg elevated ring rows: 5+5 x 4 Half bridges: 3, 6, 6 Followed that with some hangboarding, which I also sucked at, some crow pose practice that actually felt really good, and 10 minutes of stretching. Work today has been ok, I started with high hopes of being really productive but in the end I remembered that everything takes 4 times as long as I wish it would, and just ended the day a bit frustrated really. Now I'm off to do some D&D prep. This evening WW's cooking my favourite - Swedish meatballs - and then I'll be doing some foam rolling, maybe some drawing, and generally relaxing.
  7. That's really interesting, thanks man. I get not wanting to get too technical and fill the thread up, so don't do that on my count, I just find the context interesting to know what a good/bad score is in a particular area. Also, your food sounds excellent so far - I can't fault a diet full of milk, pork, and cheese!
  8. I was referring to Alea, not Scoria - Alea goes by she. Good catch though, I still have to keep checking myself to get pronouns right.
  9. Well I've never pilfered on Seriously though, you should; poached eggs are amazing (and really easy). We know you far too well I know! But Scoria has a certain effect on people And what can I say? She's very charming. I know, bizarre isn't it? Hope I can keep this active for a whole challenge!
  10. I really liked Voyager to be honest. I liked what I saw of Enterprise too (probably more as a fan of Scott Bakula), but I can't say I'd go out of my way to watch it. That gif is from Shield of Tomorrow, a Twitch stream of a group of people playing the Star Trek Tabletop RPG. It's not bad, set in the TNG/Voyager era, and the cast are obviously massive Star Trek fans.
  11. Just for context on your character sheets, are high numbers good or bad in these systems? I'm assuming that abilities are target numbers for a d100 and d6 respectively, but are you trying to roll over or under? I love this character! My first Pathfinder character was a half-orc monk, and I seem to have a soft spot for half-orcs (not sure why), so that probably helps!
  12. Please do! And yeah, that could have really been something. I'm sure the dice will catch up with you in the end Oh yeah, well the way Osric's going you'll find out when he gets caught!
  13. Yesterday evening I did indeed to a lot of relaxing, together with some excruciating foam rolling. Was in bed by 11, as I slowly ease back to a normal routine. This morning I got up about half 7, and got out for a run about 8. Managed a very slow 5.6 miles (~9km), including 10 x 110 yard (100m) sprints. I say sprints, it's hard to sprint uphill in thick mud, but some hard effort on those sections at least! After my run I did some D&D prep, had a bacon sarnie, and it was time for D&D. The party are traveling south down the High Road on the Sword Coast, and rolling through some (hopefully fun) random encounters. They managed to wipe out an orc gang with little difficulty, and came across a small group of refugees whose home were destroyed by frost giants. Confused to hear of frost giants so far south, the party offered to escort the refugees to safety on their way to Waterdeep. The party also went out of their way to get into trouble when in any settlement. The dragonborn warlock Osric, played by @Rhovaniel, made the most comprehensive attempt, pickpocketing random passers by. Tilean the tiefling wizard, played by @jonfirestar, visited some buildings she had previously caused to be blown up, whilst hoping not to be seen by the academy she was once a member of, whilst Scoria, @iatetheyeti's dwarf barbarian, tried to get favours out of city guards. Unfortunately they all rolled far too well, so despite their best attempts they didn't get in any real trouble After the game I did some prep for next session, and then played a boardgame I bought WW for Christmas called Codenames. It's not ideal as a 2 player game, but it was still good fun. Now I'm watching High Rollers and cooking roast chicken. Tonight I need to do some foam rolling and boil eggs for this week's breakfasts, and get to bed at a sensible time to start the week well. Challenge officially starts tomorrow (Monday starters for life!).
  14. There are definitely better toys in the world than foam rollers. Yeah, I've felt really grateful over the last year that I can be close to people online, and NYE was the perfect example of that. And yeah, ready as I'll ever be! Looking forward to it actually, more than I have for a challenge in a while. Are you ready?
  15. I did it! Should probably do more tonight, it's so much more painful when I don't keep it up regularly. Really? I'm pretty sure I've attempted coffee - I can't stand it but I have tried. Man, there's some strong opinions on coffee here! Then again, I have strong opinions on tea. Thanks man
  16. Nice goals, looks like a fun challenge. ^yeah, this usually works for me. If not, you can tape up your feet micropore tape (I think that's the right word), and go with the two pairs of socks over that.
  17. *sigh* ...fiiine, I'll do it now
  18. I should really do some! It does require me getting off the sofa and clearing space on the floor though...
  19. One day I'll go back to playing Skyrim. I spent about a million hours wandering the wilderness and neglecting the main quest lines, so I actually have no idea what the story of the game is supposed to be! Lovely set of goals man, I'll be following along.
  20. Quick update on the last couple of days. New Year's Eve was lovely, I sat on the sofa on the NF Discord all evening, drinking copious amounts of beer and talking nonsense whilst watching silly stuff on Twitch. On New Year's Day I got up a bit late, but feeling surprisingly good. Around lunchtime we went for a walk across the countryside for an hour and a half. When we got home we started cooking a continuous supply of party food. You know the stuff you get frozen, that's all designed to cook at the same temperature so you can just heat it all up as nibbles? Beef lattices, mozzarella sticks, a 'Chinese selection', and 'Indian selection'. Basically we just left the oven on for about 5 hours and cooked one thing after the next. We did the same thing last year and I think we might have to make a tradition of it. I also remembered that we now have access to Star Trek Picard, after reading @Tanktimus the Encourager 's thread and remembering how long it's been since I watched Star Trek. So we watched the first 5 episodes of that - not what I expected but I definitely enjoyed it. This morning I got up later than planned, but eventually got out for my 3 hour run. It felt hard, unsurprisingly after a couple of weeks off and a heavy Christmas, but I got the first 12.8 miles of the year done. 12.8 down, 1,189.2 to go! By the time I had showered and had lunch I was late for D&D, so I jumped in to an amazing session run by @jonfirestar, along with @Mr_Willes, @Red1263 and @WhiteGhost . We got to meet a couple of my favourite D&D creatures - Flumpfs (weird flying saucer jellyfish creatures) and Kua-toa (insane reverse mermaid creatures). Jon also nearly killed my warlock, Isaiah, which feels fitting after I actually killed his wizard (she got better) in the game I run a couple of sessions ago. Plan for the rest of the day is some intense relaxation, and maybe some foam rolling.
  21. Thank you! I'm not sure how much of an outing Guglug will get this time, but I'll see if I get inspired. Me neither! And honestly, I plan to keep that up for as long as possible And happy to have you, as always. Hey, good to have you! I feel like one of those is much more common than the other (though I guess that depends where in the world you are). Thank you, I'm equal parts and terrified! Exactly the same here. I realised I posed this question and I'm struggling for my own answer
  22. Wow, good on you man. Unless of course the exceptions are 'weekends' and 'weekdays' ?
  23. Wow, that's amazing, I'll definitely ask for what I can get. Having worked in conveyancing I think you were lucky to get that much, but still that's a really cool collection of things. The documents we've had so far include reference to the original sale of the land in 1873, which declared that each house should be sold for no less than £100, and a hugely complicated conveyance in the 1950s which spends more time referencing the marital history of the executor of the estate selling the house than the house itself. It's interesting stuff.
  24. Just chiming in to agree with everyone else. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, your probably better off having a challenge than putting off writing the perfect goals.
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