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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I mean, it's a pretty tempting looking race...
  2. Week 1 Monday-Wednesday Giant's Strength - Did my Monday session - 1/2 for week Hero's Feast - 1/2 variances for week - WW bought us iced buns on Tuesday so we had those before dinner. Attack of Opportunity - 8 + 11 + 8 = 27 pullups for week - also every day is better than the same day the previous week. Prestidigitation - nothing to report unfortunately Pencils and Paychecks - £9/£50 remaining - I am extremely doubtful that this is going to last me the week So far so good for week 1. Lifting session was light-ish on Monday, but it needed to be after the race on Sunday! Monday night I had a snooker match which we lost horribly Tuesday I went out for a run wearing my wetsuit, because apparently that's the kind of thing I do now! In all seriousness I wanted to test it out as depending on the weather I might need to run/swim Nuclear Fallout next weekend. The weather forecast is showing 13*C at the moment though, so I might get away without it. Either way I managed 6 miles in it without much discomfort so it's good to know it's an option. Tuesday evening was pretty chilled and an early night was had. Wednesday was officially the first day that I don't have a gym membership! So instead of the swimming that would usually be on the agenda I did a 45 minute YouTube yoga session, which felt pretty good. The evening was snooker again, and this time we cleared up 4-1 in a much more fun night. This morning I hit snooze too many times (4 times in fact), so i had to cut my run short. Managed to get out for a quick-ish 3 miles at least, which is certainly better than nothing. And on top of all of that I'm also now playing in a play-by-post D&D game with some amazing nerds, so that's another awesome thing to take up my attention. Really looking forward to getting stuck into that one .
  3. Touché Yeah, me too. It looks like a really funny race. Maybe, certainly some of them I could have cracked. Either way I plan to be in a fit state to do them by this time next year.
  4. Race Report - OCR World Championships As mentioned above I was lucky enough to "run" in the charity wave of the of the OCR World's this year with @Charlie_Quinn, Stu, @jonfirestar and @Rhovaniel. Being the charity wave there was no chip timing, no mandatory obstacle completion and no-one running competitively. We also ran in the Mudstacle wave, which is basically as many Mudstacle members as possible getting together and having a laugh and being silly. On top of the normal obstacles the rules were that when someone shouts "grenade" you hit the deck, and when someone shout "shark" you get off the floor. Add to that that one guy was blasting music all the way round and we were intermittently skipping, slow-motion running, gangster walking - it's hard to describe just how funny that is when you're out on course. Speaking of the course, whilst we weren't competing we did get a chance to try some of the world championship obstacles. There were a few really interesting rigs, requiring a lot of grip strength and coordination. I had a lot of fun on them but I did fail a couple, and still didn't manage to get the ninja rings that I failed at Nuclear last month. It could have been pretty hard to swallow - without wishing to sound conceited I rarely fail an obstacle on a normal course these days and I don't like having to give up on them, but everyone was so much fun and so supportive I soon shook that off. I know I've got a lot of work to do for next year though, because next year I'm going to actually compete!
  5. Ok, fair play. How about "completed"? "sauntered"? "partied"? Sounds like a plan, lets do this! ^Why is this so small? Anyway, good to see you! Thanks dude! Yeah, I can't think of a better way to track it though that gives me a measurable outcome :/
  6. Week 0 Stats Giant's Strength - 2/2 for week Hero's Feast - 2/2 variances for week Attack of Opportunity - 62 pullups for week Prestidigitation - 15 minutes cleaning for week Pencils and Paychecks - Forgot to count, but definitely more than £15/£50 remaining All in all I had a pretty good week last week. Hit a new deadlift PR on Friday at 120kg (~264#) for 3 reps . Also had a pain au chocolat at work because I was mega hungry by the afternoon (probably not a coincidence). Saturday we did some shopping and cleared out a few bits from the house. I'm finding it really hard to work out how to track my prestidigitation goal as I did quite a lot more cleaning than it shows, but not exactly in the way that the challenge recognises. Sunday I ran the OCR World Championships charity wave, which is a subject for a whole separate post! Related: I need to make more time to update on here and catch up. And to find more D&D gifs, which have been seriously lacking so far.
  7. I knew roughly what you meant, but I don't think I've ever heard the phrase before . Then again I'm not sure I can think of a British equivalent. Woo! Good to see you! And me too to be honest
  8. It's such a fun game! Wish it was more regular really but every ither week or so isn't that bad. And yeah, I don't think there was anything to be gained by running further. Though I might have tried if not for this weekend's race. You should! Although it's really bloody difficult most of the time. It is fun though! I'd be up for that! Or maybe an evening of pool - it goes better with beer than snooker. Better thanks. It was pretty much fine for Parkrun on Saturday, and other than one hard landing I didn't feel it on Sunday (not that there was much in the way of running - I'll do a proper race report on that at some point). Will be interested to see how it feels this week when I'm on 6 mile runs again. All good, thanks! I'm so bad at updating at the end of the week and weekends, but it because I'm busy in a good way!
  9. W1D3 - Wednesday Giant's Strength - N/A (1/2 for week) Hero's Feast - No variances (1/2 for week) Attack of Opportunity - 7 pullups (18 for week) Prestidigitation - Put the washing away when I got home (15 minutes cleaning for week) Pencils and Paychecks - £38/£50 remaining Running really short on time today so a very brief update: Slept in yesterday so didn't swim. I was worried about not swimming now that I'm leaving the leisure centre in favour of Crossfit, but honestly I probably don't go even every other week, and when I do go it's not for that long, so it's probably fine. Managed to get the washing put away before doing the washing up and heading out for snooker. I won, and we won 4-1, which was nice. This morning I went out for what should have been a 6 mile run, but after 3 miles my left hip/groin/quad was so tight that I gave it up as a bad job. Leaves me a bit worried for racing at the weekend now :s
  10. Flatterer . Seriously I need to be running a lot faster by next year if I want a shot at qualifying. With some training I think it would be possible for me to complete the course with my band though.
  11. Yeah I just checked the long range weather too - if it's 11*C I definitely won't be wearing a wetsuit, and as I don't have any neoprene it will just be layers! Sunday's looking more and more like a t-shirt and shorts kind of race. Also I love the leggings!
  12. W1D2 - Tuesday Giant's Strength - N/A (1/2 for week) Hero's Feast - No variances (1/2 for week) Attack of Opportunity - 9 pullups (11 for week) Prestidigitation - Nothing (0 minutes cleaning for week) Pencils and Paychecks - £39/£50 remaining Yesterday was a running day. I hit snooze in the morning and was slightly short on time, and by the end my left hip an groin were really tight and a bit painful, so the planned 5 easy miles plus 5 sprints became 5 easy miles only. In the evening we had a really fun D&D session fighting our way out of the haunted house we were trapped in through a flock of undead crows, slaughtering a barghest and bickering with each other quite a lot! D&D night means I come home, cook, and leave so no housework done, but I did have to go in the kitchen a bit at least to get some pull-ups
  13. I was just about to call you a show-off, but you beat me to it
  14. Cheers dude! Your Monday workout was more intense I think though. Yeah, just like the one we ran in Ireland, except that the rungs were at least twice as far apart. You would have had no problem - I seem to remember you skipped half of the rungs anyway!
  15. W1D1 - Monday Giant's Strength - Lifted! (1/2 for week) Hero's Feast - 1 variance (1/2 for week) Attack of Opportunity - 2 pullups (2 for week) Prestidigitation - Nothing (0 minutes cleaning for week) Pencils and Paychecks - £42/£50 remaining So I lifted yesterday morning. Plan was to work up to max reps at 60kg (~132#) on bench, but the guy who was spotting me gave me some assistance on the last couple of reps so whilst I hit 5 reps I don't really know how much of that was me . He did then persuade me to go up to 70kg (~154#), and assisted on all of the reps, so I at least got a good workout. After that I was supposed to be working up to 85kg (~187#) for squats, and I got there but chickened out after 2 reps as I wasn't feeling solid enough. Still, it was hard work and I was tired afterwards so I guess it's done something. In the evening I was at hopalong's house for dinner, and he made pizza so that used up a variance early on. Snooker in the evening and a generally chilled out, silly night was had. I did forget to do my gtg pullups in the morning (in my defence I hadn't posted the challenge at that point) and I wasn't at home in the evening, so I only got in 2! Hopefully that's the lowest it'll get all challenge.
  16. Hii! Yeah, I have no doubt that this will happen living with WW. Actually no, they had up an obstacle that's a load of spokes that go up and down over an "A" frame, and you had to go over it by holding rings and hooking the rings on to each spoke (I hope that makes sense). I've done similar obstacles before but the spacing on these was massive and I just had no hope. I think it may well have been one of the trial obstacles for the world champs given that it was the last event there before them.
  17. Looks a solid challenge Rho, good luck! A table: Week 1 M T W T F S S Total Violet: Hours per day - - - - - - - -/4Klaus: Hours per day - - - - - - - -/7Sunny: Meals per day - - - - - - - -/14 Repeat the above 4 times. (it might be worth putting into an actual table or into excel/google sheets, but you get the idea).
  18. Yeah, I certainly hope so. Really excited to give it a try. And thanks dude! Really? I never would have though Crossfit would be a Ranger thing... Good to have you mate. There's always next year man. I couldn't complete, or get close to completing, one of the obstacles at Nuclear, so I'm not as sure about whether I could keep my band now. This way will be more fun, and I'll know what to expect for next year. Thank you! It was absolutely lovely. Thanks! I was planning to have gifs too, but time was short and my gif game has got week. Still, never too late to start in a totally cool and non-awkward way.
  19. I don't know why, but I had a funny feeling there might be zombies for this challenge. Looking forward to seeing you building your workout plan (and to seeing you at races obviously).
  20. Jarric Rolls High I didn't run a challenge for the last challenge cycle, partially through lack of organisation and partially because I buggered off for a lovely week in Ireland right in the middle of it. Had a lovely time there, visited about a dozen old castles, abbeys and cathedrals, and saw a lot of the beautiful Irish countryside. Since I've been back I've been watching a load of High Rollers and Critical Role, so why not have another D&D themed challenge? Giant's Strength - 15XP I've spent the last couple of weeks working on a new lifting plan for myself, and then promptly decided to scrap that and join my local Crossfit box instead! Went to see the place on Saturday and it seems really nice so I'm going to make the jump and try out a three month membership. Week zero of this challenge will be the last heavy week in my lifting cycle, and week one will be deload week, each with a goal of two lifting sessions per week. After that I'll start Crossfit and the goal will be three sessions per week. Hero's Feast - 10XP Simple enough and a goal that's worked for me in the past. I know what real food is, so I'm going to eat that with two variances per week. A variance can be a course, but not a whole meal. Attack of Opportunity - 10XP I want to keep working on my pullups because they're cool and they're good for climbing and obstacle courses and all the things. I struggle to get long pull-up sessions in, so I'm going to give "grease the groove" pull-ups a go. Inspired by one of @Charlie_Quinn's past challenges I've got my pull-up bar hung over my kitchen door, and I'll have to do a pull-up every time I want to go into the kitchen. I'll keep a note of how many I manage each day and report it here. Prestidigitation - 10XP Lovingly stolen from @DarK_RaideR's current battle log, before I sit down to watch TV of an evening I need to do something to improve my habitat - cleaning, tidying, hoovering, throwing stuff away etc. Pencils and Paychecks - 5XP This goal is so regular that I barely need to write it here, but I liked the name for a goal. £50 weekly budget, and I've got a jar for change left over at the end of the week. The Main Quest One of my main goals this year was to run in the OCR World Championship. I opted against running in the main event for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it means I get to run in the fun charity wave with @jonfirestar, @Rhovaniel and @Charlie_Quinn. Really looking forward to that, it's going to be a great event. And then two weeks after that I get to run Nuclear Fallout with these guys, and I get to see @iatetheyeti who's coming down too .
  21. Also yay for new trails, always exciting!
  22. Excellent job on this challenge mate, looking forward to see what you do on the next one.
  23. I didn't clock that before, but you're right! It's a good way to look at things. I read this far and just assumed you'd got a job as a professional DM
  24. Ran day 2 of week 2 today, and it went pretty well: OHP: 20kg x 2 x 5, 30kg x 5, 35kg x 5, 40kg (~88#) x 3 - Failed to hit the full 5 here, I'm wondering if these percentages are off or my max is just wrong. I know I can hit that weight for 5 reps, but not after the previous sets. Deadlift - 60kg x 2 x 5, 80kg x 5, 90kg x 5, 100kg x 5, 115kg (~253#) x 6 - got a bonus rep and this is a rep PR for me, and I think equal to my weight PR. SLDL - 6kg (~13#)/hand x 2 x 12 Lat pull - 85# (~37kg) x 2 x 12 I ran out of time at the end and only got 2 x 12 on the assistance rather than 3 x 12, but otherwise I'm really happy with how this went. Was there for a total of 54 minutes including warm-up before and stretching afterwards, so had I mad the full hour i should have just got the last sets in.
  25. You know what, it actually does for some reason. Am I going mad? It would however entirely wipe out my Sunday by the time I'd sat down and attempted to recover!
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