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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Jarric


    I've added some more numbers, best one on a proper lift was sumo deadlifts yesterday - 125kg x 3 = 96.34 wilks. I've also included some yoke carries, not that it's quite the same thing and I've put 100ft carry as 1 rep, but it'll be nice to track them. Best was 135kg = 98.09 wilks New goal for this challenge - get over 100 wilks in any lift!
  2. Also, iagreewithTank™
  3. Well done on getting all the things done when you're having a bad few days. Isthere anything in particular you can attribute your mood to? Lack of sleep, not enough food, work stress, home stress?
  4. Ok, I may give that a go. I do have access to one at Crossfit and I think at bouldering, so I can try it out too.
  5. Tuesday Got the paces for my 4 fast miles on my run: 1 - 08'36" 2 - 09'35" 3 - 09'03 4 - 10'04" Not very consistent and not very fast! Well I'm happy with the first one. Some of the inconsistency is to do with terrain - split 3 was mostly uphill and half off-road, split 3 was 100% on-road, split 4 was 100% off-road. My shoulder was definitely not great yesterday; I think it was probably the bench, or a combination of bench and climbing the day before. Anyway I opted to rest from pullups yesterday and today. I might still do the hangboarding today if it doesn't aggrevate it. D&D last night was great fun, it was nice to catch up with everyone. Lots of roleplaying and we got to meet one player's new character, followed by a short combat where we got to show off all are new abilities (we levelled up over Christmas). This morning was Crossfit: Warmup: 3 rounds of 5 x walkouts, 6 x ring rows, 12 x single unders Strength: Sumo deadlift - find a heavy 3 reps. I built up to 125kg (~275#) and man that felt heavy. It's almost my 5RM for normal deadlift though, and I never practice sumo, so I guess it should feel heavy! WOD: 5 x 100ft sled pull. I pulled 20kg, 30kg, 30kg, 25kg respectively. We ran out of time for a 5th set annoyingly. Tonight is hangboarding (if the shoulder permits it), and snooker. I've offered to drink to snooker, which helps with the not drinking.
  6. I've never really got on with foam rolling. Part of me thinks I should get a roller and try more, part of me thinks it's a waste of money if I end up not using it...
  7. Week 1 - Monday I slept terribly on Sunday night for some reason, so I felt like a zombie all day Monday Crossfit in the morning. Strength work was 3 x 8-12 earthquake bench press (bench with kettle bells hanging from the bar by resistance bands). It was an interesting exercise and really hard work, although how much climbing Sunday and lack of sleep made it more difficult is hard to say. The workout was 5 rounds, not timed, of 100ft overhead yoke carry and weighted chinups. The overhead yoke carry I got up to 65kg (~143#), and the chinups I strapped an 8kg (~17.6#) kettlebell round my waist for which is just over +10% to my total body weight. All felt good and hip was fine (though 65kg overhead yoke is a lot less on the legs than 135kg yoke). Pullups were hard yesterday after that workout and climbing Sunday. I have a little shoulder pain right now, if that persists I may need to back off on the pullups temporarily. Yesterday evening we went grocery shopping and then rested. We got lazy for dinner, so we bought a hot rotisserie chicken at the supermarket and had that with garlic bread and a salad. Tuesday Slept better last night and feeling less tired so far today. Went for a run this morning which felt ok, haven't had a change to properly look at my stats yet. Hip update: generally it's been fine, had a bit of discomfort lying in bed last night but I rolled over and it stopped. On my run this morning I could feel it was a little tight, but not uncomfortable as such. Tonight is D&D, our Zeitgeist game that we've not had in a few weeks - really looking forward to it!
  8. Aww, that's just so kind of you!
  9. Week 0 Stats/Results: Nutrition a) The food goals start week 1, but I did make an effort to have raw veg at lunch on 4 days anyway. b) 6/6 for no alcohol c) 6/6 for tracking my mood, no interesting data yet Running - 23.23 miles so far Climbing a) GTG pullups done, total 117 for the week b) 1/1 hangboard session since it arrived Budget - I spent nothing at all on 4 days, the remainder I'm happy I spent mindfully. Interestingly it was almost all caffeinated drinks. Study - This went poorly, only 0.5/2 pomodoros done. I'm just need to commit to this better; also concocting a plan to keep me more accountable. Forum cardio - 6/6 days logging in, albeit briefly.
  10. You are right, of course. I'll keep an eye on it, but it's been ok today. And I'm excited for me DM'ing too! I'm lucky I have such good DMs to learn from
  11. Thanks for keeping me accountable dude, will do. Today it feels fine; we did overhead yoke carries at Crossfit and that didn't seem to aggravate it. Of course that's lifting much less weight than last week's normal yoke carries, but still positive. Cheers dude, please do. I don't have time to find a clever gif to respond, but that ^ is exactly how I feel!
  12. Relaxation Feat did not happen, but I did at least enjoy some time reading other things. Distance Feat: Hit 28 miles running this week. That should really happen anyway, but it's going to be a busy weekend so I need to make the extra effort to go on my long run. Social Feat: A bit like @TiogaGirl I'm not drinking with this challenge, and it's changing my social life a fair bit. So my goal is simply to go out and do something this weekend. Perhaps see a band with my Dad or have dinner with some friends.
  13. Quick update for today before bed: Friday morning was Crossfit. The WOD was 100ft yoke carries, max load for a sub 18 second run. I got up to 135kg (~297#), which is ok. What's not ok is how my left hip felt afterwards, which was mega crunchy and fairly painful with it. Then we had 3x5 squats. I set a new 5RM (for my Crossfit, probably not ever) at 80kg (~176#), which again is good but did my hip no favours. The coach recommended some reverse hypers at the end to help alleviate it, which helped a bit. Do me a favour guys, if I'm still complaining about my hip at the end of week 1 remind me to book a physio appointment. Anyway, work was busy, was mega tired in the evening BUT my new hangboard arrived so I had to play with that. I managed very little of anything on it - it's really hard to do - but I'm sure I'll make progress soon enough. Saturday was long run day, but it's deaload week so that's only 7 miles. The other thing that arrived on Friday was my new shoes, so I got to go out in them. Hip felt pretty tight for a lot of it but not painful as such. I've also asked to run a D&D game for some very lovely nerds, so I spent a good bit of Saturday looking up adventure paths to run and playing with cool ideas I could use - so much fun. This morning I went bouldering first thing - a couple of hours of pumping up my forearms and falling off walls is always good fun. A short 5k run in the afternoon beings me to 23.23 miles for week zero (target for the challenge 140). Then this evening I had a beef roast, watched a lot of High Rollers, and spent more time reading D&D adventure paths and stuff. Will do week 0 stats tomorrow.
  14. Will be really interested to see how you find IF and veganism combined, it's always intriguing to see how people react to big dietary shifts - could be a good learning experience.
  15. Hi! Yeah, terrifying and awesome about sums it up! Climbing wise I tend to do bouldering, which is climbing without ropes over large crash mats. That only does to about 15' high so it's not too bad, and to be honest I think it's much more fun than the high rope stuff. Well in that case, definitely go for it! Even if I've not prepared food I tend to throw fruit (and now veg) into my lunch box - that way I just buy a sandwich/pasta and don't have to worry about other bits.
  16. It was gooood. I should post about food more often actually - I get to eat some seriously good stuff. That sounds like it'll be fun when that character comes back! Let us know your game goes, I love a good D&D story. Glad to have you! And steal away, I've only started trying it in the last couple of days but it seems like a sensible thing to do. Unfortunately it doesn't actually force me to make lunch though - some days will definitely be me just chucking a carrot in my lunch box!
  17. It's so good to see you accepting and believing how much you are capable of, I'm actually really excited to see what you achieve! Following of course. Well the shortbread happened, but don't get mad at that either. Get even and say "never two in a row".
  18. Hi, following along! Congratulations on the pullups! With the training you're doing I'm sure you'll get up to the 4 needed in plenty of time for March.
  19. Following along man! Hope your cold has got better now? Looks like you did a good job of rangering through it anyway. I've never had meatloaf, it's not really a thing over here, but after reading all this I may have to do some experimentation.
  20. Or simly "Today is a good day", if you want to channel Tank. Good challenge Yeti, positivity and mental health are a great focus, particularly around this time of year.
  21. Yesterday was a good day. Morning run felt pretty good, 5 easy miles plus 5 sprint intervals. The sprints were slow as hell though, more effort needed next time! Up to 12.56/140 miles. Lunch was a huge salad I made for myself of roast pork, carrot, celery and spring onion. Dinner was butternut squash soup courtesy of WW. And then yesterday evening was D&D - realluy glad to be back after Christmas and we had a fun roleplay-oriented evening with our wisdom damaged (and insane at the best of times) hobgoblin. Our witch also exploded a raven by healing it, because she's totally oblivious and didn't notice it was in fact an undead raven (and because her player wasn't paying attention the the fact the hobgoblin had killed a cupboard full of ravens and raised one from the dead). Tis a silly game, but I love it!
  22. You make me sounds like a frog . Thanks though! Cheers dude, really happy with that. Hey T2SC, good to see you! And thanks! Thanks, I hope I can do them justice! So far so good
  23. That's a good attitude to have man, remember you're writing for yourself and no-one else. Besides, the more you do the better you'll get. You can absolutely smash that mate. In race conditions on a fast course I think you could be closer to 45' than 50'.
  24. I'll be following your ass D_R!
  25. Jarric


    Well this looks like fun! Monday's workout: Your weight - 75.3kg Your gender - Male Type of exercise - Overhead Squat Exercise Weight - 42.5kg Completed reps in a set - 1 RPE - 9.5 Type of exercise - Front Squat Exercise Weight - 77.5kg Completed reps in a set - 1 RPE - 8.5 Type of exercise - Squat Exercise Weight - 100kg Completed reps in a set - 1 RPE - 9.5
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