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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. So, a very late challenge wrap then : Nutrition went very well, followed the plan 21/28 days, and it would have been more if it weren't for the fact that I added a tracking goal on top of it at the end. Going to keep up the raw veg bit and the fat bit (seeds and olives) going forward. On the alcohol side I basically ended up doing dry January and then drinking the last 3 days of the challenge. Interestingly looking back at my mood throughout January it was pretty dark at times, and it's pretty uncomfortable to read. I think I can safely say that the amount I now drink is not having a negative affect on my health, but that not going out and socialising does have a negative affect. I learned some stuff, and mostly stuck to the plan, lets say 13/20XP awarded. Running/Rehab went pretty well too. If you can call being injured and unable to run "going well" that is! Got at least near my mileage for the first 3 weeks, and hit all my rehab sessions in the last 2. Let's say 13/15XP. Climbing goal went OK - I hit all days on 3 weeks, and in total 29/34 total. The ones I missed were because I felt like I was on the verge of injury, and all in all I'm starting to realise that whilst this is making me stronger it doesn't seem a sustainable way to train. I didn't track the hangboarding side properly, although I think I hit most sessions, and I still really need to work out how to get it into my routine. 8/10 XP awarded. Budget goal wasn't particularly SMART, so it's hard to judge. I do know that not drinking saved me a small fortune, but because that took the pressure off I did care less about sticking to budget. *shrugs* 4/5XP feels right. Study went really poorly. Must. Try. Harder. I managed 4 hours studying in 5 weeks out of my planned 20. With deadline time approaching this is not good. 0XP Forums I hit 26/34 days on here. That was on any thread, not necessarily my own, but that was the point as I knew I'd be busy and wouldn't update this every day. 26/34=76%. *5XP = 3.8XP. Let's be generous and call it 4XP.
  2. So, a very late challenge wrap then : Nutrition went very well, followed the plan 21/28 days, and it would have been more if it weren't for the fact that I added a tracking goal on top of it at the end. Going to keep up the raw veg bit and the fat bit (seeds and olives) going forward. On the alcohol side I basically ended up doing dry January and then drinking the last 3 days of the challenge. Interestingly looking back at my mood throughout January it was pretty dark at times, and it's pretty uncomfortable to read. I think I can safely say that the amount I now drink is not having a negative affect on my health, but that not going out and socialising does have a negative affect. I learned some stuff, and mostly stuck to the plan, lets say 13/20XP awarded. Running/Rehab went pretty well too. If you can call being injured and unable to run "going well" that is! Got at least near my mileage for the first 3 weeks, and hit all my rehab sessions in the last 2. Let's say 13/15XP. Climbing goal went OK - I hit all days on 3 weeks, and in total 29/34 total. The ones I missed were because I felt like I was on the verge of injury, and all in all I'm starting to realise that whilst this is making me stronger it doesn't seem a sustainable way to train. I didn't track the hangboarding side properly, although I think I hit most sessions, and I still really need to work out how to get it into my routine. 8/10 XP awarded. Budget goal wasn't particularly SMART, so it's hard to judge. I do know that not drinking saved me a small fortune, but because that took the pressure off I did care less about sticking to budget. *shrugs* 4/5XP feels right. Study went really poorly. Must. Try. Harder. I managed 4 hours studying in 5 weeks out of my planned 20. With deadline time approaching this is not good. 0XP Forums I hit 26/34 days on here. That was on any thread, not necessarily my own, but that was the point as I knew I'd be busy and wouldn't update this every day. 26/34=76%. *5XP = 3.8XP. Let's be generous and call it 4XP.
  3. Monday W1D1 Rehab - 10XP - Do my twice-daily rehab exercises as prescribed by the physio. This is important to get me running without pain again. Done and done! Count - 10XP - Count calories daily. I want to lose a little weight to get somewhere in the 11 stone range (70kg or 154#). Also as I'm not running as much I'm not burning as much. Calories tracked. I'm aiming for 1,900 plus exercise (my combination of trackers means I only track full exercise sessions, not general step counting etc). 1,900 + 323 (run) - 2,562 over Update - 5XP - Update here and check other people's threads daily. Keeping up with y ou guys keeps my head in a better space. Set up the challenge yesterday, so yeah. Todo - 5XP - A couple of important bits to clear out this month. I'll be completing and adding to these continuously: Finish study assignment and su bmit it. Sort car insurance. Sort Captain's birthday present. Sort festival ticket. NEW: wrap up January challenge! Nothing so far - have added wrapping up my January challenge to the list, which I should be able to do today. ===== Today so far has been really nice, went for a walk with WW around an arboretum and historic garden. We even saw a wild kestrel hopping around (paging @Kestrel Grey) though it flew off pretty sharpish when we got close.
  4. Well I think I speak for all of us when I say we would love to see you! Thanks, I'm glad to be back! And thank you, just gotta keep working on it.
  5. Great start T2SC! Well done on getting your exercise in when the weather was not on your side.
  6. Just been reading through, and I've got to say it's seriously impressive to see the grades you're climbing and all of the activity you're doing. A challenge worthy of Thor indeed.
  7. Hey Puck, cool challenge, how's it going?
  8. Jarric limps in to the guildhall, a smile on his face and a pack at his back. Pint of the black stuff barkeep, it seems I've missed the music but I'm sure we can find some more.
  9. Looks like a solid challenge dude, glad the therapy and bujo seem to be working well for you.
  10. Might as well start this with an update! I had a great weekend this weekend; went up to @Charlie_Quinn's house on Saturday to run a game for her, @jonfirestar and @Rhovaniel. We had a really great time and it was so much fun to play with them, especially after having been terrified at the prospect of running my first ever game! They killed snakes and goblins, found a way to conjour flowers, were distrustful of an old man, and stole a spider. I didn't manage to kill any of them, or any of their characters for that matter, but it was a really good laugh. Sunday we drove up to WW's parents where we're staying for a couple of days. It's nice and relaxing here. After 6+ hours in the car in two days though my hip is not very happy with me. Today I went shopping with WW, then went out for my first run in about a month. My hip felt rough as it has done all day, but loosened up later in the run. It was soo so nice to get out there, even if it was only 2 minute intervals with 1 mi ute walk breaks.
  11. Well I appear to have entirely missed week 0 and week 1 of this challenge. Let's have a look at why... I hurt my hip at the start of last challenge, and about half way through it I was told to stop running by my physio. Given that the challenge was primarily a running challenge it petered a little bit, and although I was able to finish the challenge by focusing on rehab I wasn't motivated to start another one off. At the same time work got mega mega busy, and that continued through weeks 0 and 1 of this challenge. But now I've been told I can tentatively start running again, and I've got a week off work, so better late than never I'm starting a three weeks challenge now. To goals! Rehab - 10XP - Do my twice-daily rehab exercises as prescribed by the physio. This is important to get me running without pain again. Count - 10XP - Count calories daily. I want to lose a little weight to get somewhere in the 11 stone range (70kg or 154#). Also as I'm not running as much I'm not burning as much. Update - 5XP - Update here and check other people's threads daily. Keeping up with you guys keeps my head in a better space. Todo - 5XP - A couple of important bits to clear out this month. I'll be completing and adding to these continuously: Finish study assignment and submit it. Sort car insurance. Sort Captain's birthday present. Sort festival ticket.
  12. Jarric


    Hit a new OHP 1RM this week at 50kg (~110#). 35.53 wilks, which at a glance looks like it puts me in 3rd currently. @Mr_Willes can you do me a favour and edit your first post on this thread to include a link to the spreadsheet? I keep losing it!
  13. You're going to be running full on Curse of Straud? That's going to be awesome dude, have fun with it!
  14. Stay safe in the cold weather Puck! Glad you managed to make the most of your snow day in the office at D&D prep
  15. For breakfasts I just hard boil 15 eggs on a Sunday, then sit in front of the TV peeling them and putting them in bags of three. Breakfast is 3 boiled agges, a banana and a protein shake. It's not very exciting, but if it were more complicated I probably wouldn't be bothered to make anything. Lunch varies a bit more - we generally roast a big joint of meat or a whole chicken on a Sunday so we have salads or sandwhiches with that for a couple of days. Then we plan dinners that we can easily make 4-6 portions of and have the leftovers as lunches (things like chilli, curry, pasta bolognese - anything that's good re-heated or cold). It's quite a fun show to watch, though it might be a bit basic for your skill level. We were just looking for something to watch, and I figured it I'm going to watch a drawing lesson I might as well join in. I quite enjoy drawing, despite being shit at it. Thinking I might go back and do the #everythingiscontent episode where they had Marisha drawing Beau, and then maybe stick with it for the series. Not that I have the time to commit to getting any good at it - I have too many hobbies! And thanks. It's hard to know if I'm doing the right thing or not right now with the running, so it's really good to hear things from your point of view. More D&D tomorrow, and hopefully more shenanigans to report!
  16. Week 3 Stuff Nutrition a) I hit 5/7 days for raw veg with lunch, and 7/7 for probiotics. I didn't actually talk about what I was adding this week, which was basic protein tracking (I'm just tracking the amout of protein in the main thing of my meal, and not worrying about getting accurate with the rest of the meal, just to give a rough indication. Protein in grams each day: 101.5, 168, 108.5, 125.5, 179, 84.5, 127.5. Can you tell I forgot my protein shake on Saturday? b) I very nearly gave up on the alcohol thing this weekend - I don't seem to feel physically or mentally better for it. I decided to stick it out until the end of the week though, but come Friday I'll be stopping early, as it's 1st February and as I'm going to a gig in London. c) Been tracking mood. Was feeling pretty bad towards the end of the week, likely work stress being a big component. Run Rehab - Running is no longer happening, but I'm 4/4 for the rehab exercises I got given on Wednesday. Pullups - 7/7 days - 90 pullups this week - exactly the same as week 2 Budget - I got some D&D stuff I wanted for the game I'm running, and a new strap for my watch as the old one snapped through. Also bought some tickets to go see the rugby as they were going cheap. I'm happy with those expenses, but not happy with the pizza I ordered on Friday because I didn't want to cook. Study - Did half a pomodoro at work, but nothing at home :/ Forums - 5/7 days - I hit all of the days but need to get on here on the weekends too. All in all it was a ok weekend. I had lots of plans to sort the house out and to do studying and I did none of it. Instead I mostly sat on the sofa and watched TV, but I did manage some stuff: Prepped breakfasts for the week and a couple of days' worth of lunches Did a video art lesson (Critical Role's "Pub Draw" which started recently) just for fun Did a 25km assault bike session to get in some non-running cardio Climbed on Sunday, and reminded myself how far I'v come when I smashed out the grey circuit I would have struggled to climb half of a couple of years ago Went food shopping That's about it. Plan for this week is 4 days of crossfit, and a swimming session and an assault bike session for cardio purposes. Evenings include 1 snooker match, 1 D&D night and a gig on Friday.
  17. Thanks Kestrel. I hate making the sensible choice but there's no point letting it get worse and crippling myself by the time my big races start coming round.
  18. So are you planning to stay in that weight division? Given that you're not much more than 83kg you might be better off cutting to just under that to get a lighter division? Or just bulking loads to get to the top of your current one, which might just make you more swole
  19. Hmm, I never posted the first challenge of the year in this thread... Here we go:
  20. Week 3 Already! Monday I had Crossfit first thing, 3x handle pickups followed by 50ft farmers' carry for the weight section. Felt good and I got up to 134kg (~295#) unbroken. Tried 139kg (~306#), had to stop half way and take a breath before picking it up and carrying on. BUT that's fine because a) this is more than I'm currently deadlifting, and b) it's about the same weight that I broke myself on when I was doing yoke carries and it didn't cause me hip issues. The evening was mostly chilling out and watching the latest Crit Role. Tuesday I slept in woke up in time for my run but stayed in bed rather than getting up and going out. I was worried about my hip, my GPS watch strap is broken, and it was cold - all just excuses really. Yesterday evening was D&D, and it was great fun. We had to give evidence at the trial of a minotaur we were vaguely acquainted with, who had been accused of using mind control abilities by two orcs (D&D is weird!). We managed to prove he'd been entrapped, though he did still actually commit a crime and got a beating for it. We then ventured from the capital to travel to the kings court, where we nearly got stampeded to death by giat goats (each 10ft heigh on all fours)(D&D is really really weird!)! Through a variety of flying potions, impromptu tightropes and gasseous form we managed to get out the way, only to see that the goats were stampeding away from a pair of Tyrannosaurus Rex. So they'll be a fun combat next session . Wednesday - I went to my physio appointment this morning. He says no running for at least 2 weeks, which really sucks . So my run goal is officially off for the rest of this challenge, and is replaced by a goal of doing my rehab exercises every damn day. Still working out how I'm going to structure cardio and crossfit for the next couple of weeks, need to talk to the coaches before I make a decision on that.
  21. Says who? :p . Have fun at Hamilton!
  22. Week 2 Stats I didn't do my bujo on Saturday or Sunday, so there is some vagary here... Nutrition a) probably 7/7 days with lunch veggies and probiotics, b) no alcohol, c) 5/7 days mood tracked. Not seeing a lot of benefit to the no alcohol thing so far. I have noticed being really hungry though - I guess my body is trying to replace the calories I'm not drinking! Run - 26.09 miles for the week, 76.47 so far this challenge. I am a bit behind on this. Pullups - 7/7 days - 90 pullups this week Budget - A little frivolous spending, but I'm finding it hard to care about buying a couple of cans of Diet Coke at a snooker match when the value of all of them combined is the same as 2 beers! Study - Nothing done. Must try harder. Forums - I'm going to guess at 4/7 days, don't think I got on on the weekend. Mostly had a lazy weekend. After severe amounts of procrastination I got out for my long run on Saturday. A lot of it was walked rather than run in order to protect my hip, and because it was on some fairly big hills. Got 13.81 miles instead of the prescribed 14 as I got back to my car at that point and couldn't be bothered to run an extra tiny loop. The rest of the day was resting. Sunday I went bouldering first thing in the morning. I suddenly realised that I'm looking at routes and going "it's only a 6A", when 6 months ago I would have considered that generally beyond my level, so that's cool. The rest of Sunday I sat on the sofa and did nothing. Feel guilty for not getting anything done, and for missing my 5k run (whether it was better or worst for my hip I don't know). I just couldn't find the enthusiasm to move though
  23. How did you get footage of Roanne? We did manage to get to her before she eviscerated anyone this time though. It's so frustrating isn't it! When i commuted all the time I used to remember to copy everything before I posted it in case the train went through a tunnel - apparently I'm out of practice with that now! Well I have D&D tonight, so hopefully I'll have some more stories for you soon I have not seen the movie Young Guns. I think I get your meaning however! Not effects to that, *ahem*, process for me as yet. I'm glad too. I'm also absolutely terrified that he's going to tell me to stop running, but it's better that I try and sort things out sooner rather than later.
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