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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Jarric


    Really excited for you dude, that's gonna be awesome!
  2. Jarric


    My next normal deadlift session should be 130kg x 5, so unless my RPE is really weird that'll keep us pretty close. Glad your deads are progressing well mate. I have the opposite problem, my deadlift feels strong but my squat is crap right now.
  3. Jarric


    You can do either, but I would overwrite the previous efforts, as I'm not sure if the leaderboard can cope with multiple lines of the same exercise.
  4. Hey Yeti, how did the week go? Hope you had fun in York, and I'm so excited to hear you're looking at going bouldering again!
  5. D&D last night was great fun, see my comment to @Rhovaniel above for more on that. This morning was crossfit. Strength was heavy doubles of sumo deadlift; I hit 130kg (~286#) for 2 reps which is a new max for me on any sort of deadlift. Got greedy and went for 140kg but I couldn't lock it out unfortunately, possibly should have tried 135kg instead. The WOD was 10 single arm kettlebell swings every 30 seconds, rest for the remainder of the 30 seconds, 10 rounds (5 each arm). It was a weird feeling (I'm still not great with KB swings), but I can really tell I'm off balance - all the work seemed to be in my right glute and my left quad! Tonight I'm debating whether to stay in and watch Crit Role or go out and see a band. Tomorrow is long run day. Sunday is climbing and a short run.
  6. Thank you! We had a really nice session actually, lots of good roleplaying including our witch attacking a poor defenceless tavern owner with her hair, and our constantly flaming hobgoblin being the sensible, reasonable member of the party for a few bizarre minutes. We also crossed a river on the back of a giant terrapin, and killed a half ogre and a pack of dogs for good measure. I had a telephone triage session with the physio yesterday, and I'm booked in for a full physio session on Wednesday. I'm just praying that it won't put a speed bump in my running volume! That makes a lot of sense to me. I do eat and feel healthy, so I probably don't need it. That said I'm terrible at being aware of how my body feels and what it needs, so I might as well give it a go and see if I can identify feeling different. I had to Google kombucha, but it sounds quite nice! I might give it a go (after the end of this no alcohol challenge) if I can actually find it anywhere. That's my general feeling. I'll give them a go and if they're not doing anything by the end of the challenge I'll sack them off for the good of my wallet.
  7. Jarric


    I'm just waiting for deadlifts to come up in my Crossfit rotation mate! In the meantime I hit a new max at sumo deadlift this morning. Tried for 140kg but couldn't get it up. Llift Weight KG Weight lbs Reps RPE e1RM KG e1RM lbs Wilks Sumo deadlift 130 286.60 2 9.5 138.45 305.22 98.38 My actual deadlift should be a bit higher than this when I get the chance.
  8. Hmm, where are we on week 2? Nutrition. As I said I'm working through my Crossfit box's daily habits list, but skipping bits that I already do. This means that for week 2 the list now looks like this: Drink 1 pint of plain water per day Healthy fat at breakfast Cooked veg in the evening Raw veg at lunch Breakfast protein Evening protein Fermented foods/probiotics Now I'm sceptical about the last thing on this list, there seems to be some science that supports probiotics helping certain conditions, but also a lot of untested assumption about what else they might be good for. Add to that that it's very hard to know how much of any "good bacteria" you are actually getting in any one serving (D&D nerd fact: bacteria, being mindless, are all Unaligned, never Good, Neutral or Evil) and it's all a bit dubious for me. Nonetheless I said I would follow this plan, and the only way to find out if this stuff works for me is to test it for a few weeks. The week is going pretty well so far, two runs done, two crossfit sessions done. I did a hangboard session really late last night, and thanks to @jonfirestar lending me some resistance bands I can actually get a few sets in. Will keep working on this and hopefully ween myself off the bands fairly quickly. No studying yet this week, I'll have to load it all in to the weekend. Budgeting is going fine, and forum updates aren't going too badly except for yesterday which I missed completely. Tonight is D&D, our silly Rise of the Runelords game, so that should be loads of fun.
  9. Have you booked a doctors appointment for this yet? Because I'm not going to stop nagging you (in a friendly way of course) until you do! Your improvised workout sounds great though - I struggle to find stuff to do when I change plans at the last minute, so good on you.
  10. Week 1 Stats Nutrition a) 6/7 days with lunch veggies, b) no alcohol, c) mood tracked. I was pretty tired and a bit stressed all week, but I am feeling more resilient recently than I have been. Run - 26.16 miles for the week, 50.38 so far this challenge Pullups - 5/7 days - I had a couple of day off in the middle as I was worried about my shoulder. Need to check my count for the week but I think 68 or something. Budget - pretty happy with my spending this week, Sunday was a bit more expensive but I kept it mindful. I'm spending so much less without the alcohol! Study - 0.5 pomodoros done of my taregt 2. Steps have been taken to improve this though. Forums - got on here 6/7 days. Friday night I did decide to skip the bouldering competition, and I'm so glad I did! Saturday ocr training with C_Q, Jon, Rho and Stu was awesome and I don't think I would have been able to do half the stuff I did if I'd climbed the night before. It was amazing to see everyone accomplishing new things on Saturday and it's so cool to hang out with everyone. My personal highlight was getting to have a go at a salmon ladder and actually getting a couple of rungs! I thought that that was well beyond my ability so I'm super pleased with it. I haven't got round to putting a video up anywhere yet, but it basically looked like this: Saturday evening I went for my short run as I didn't want to do my long run in the dark. Sunday morning I got up early anf got out for my long run - 13 miles. It felt pretty ok considering how knackered I was from Saturday. Then I got back, got changed and got straight in the car to go and see the snooker in London, so quite a full on day really! Afterall of that I'm covered in bruises, really tired and everything aches and I'm dying. It was such a good weekend! Hip update: it's still giving me problems, so after a lot of fighting with flawed technology I've put in a request for a physiotherapy appointment. Hope I manage to get one and that it isn't too serious.
  11. 20kg (44#) were my heaviest last time. It's not that I find them particularly awkward, I just feel like they're not really doing much? That could of course be because I'm doing them wrong, and need to be slower and more controlled as you say.
  12. I've just spent 20 minutes writing an update and my phone ate it . Now I'm nearly at work and don't have time to re-write it. Update coming this evening hopefully.
  13. After a dozen episodes or so of this campaign I not only love Cam Buckland, I also like Trott a lot more than I did before! Trellimar is great too, I like how little he gives a fuck. Thanks! I don't know what to make of TGUs, they just feel wierd to me. Maybe I'm not good enough at them yet to get any benefit, but at the moment the hardest bit I'm finding is getting the KB off my chest to start the movement!
  14. To be fair, I think what we were doing was harder than the weaver - the weaver had great big thick poles that you can hug properly instead of thin bars. Nonetheless it was good technique practice, I'm confident you can crack it. You'll get there, you've already come a million miles from where you were when you started doing OCRs. Just keep climbing things and keep falling off them.
  15. Hey NTB, glad you decided to stick around, challenge goals or no
  16. Jarric


    Hope you feel better soon! Rest up well and feel better.
  17. Hey dude, loving all of the lifting! How's the second half of the week going? I, for one, was not looking at her feet
  18. Thursday I went home and did some studying! Only half a pomodoro (1 hour), but I'm at the stage where I can start writing this assignment now. Then I cooked pork and mushroom pasta with a sauce of tomato, stock and soft cheese. It was really nice. Chilled in front of High Rollers for the rest of the night (I've started watching Lightfall @Starpuck - down the rabbit hole I go!) and went to bed fairly early. Shoulder was better, so I started on the pullups again. Only 10, but that's fine. Friday Hip update: The hip was a bit tight during squats today, and has been a bit uncomfortable at work. The coach also pointed out that my squat is a bit uneven, but we tried doing a couple of rounds of reverse hypers to loosen me up and I was more even (if not totally even) after that. He also suggested we should investigate relative strength with some single leg work to see if that reveals the problem. So I'm not sure at the moment whether I want to try and resolve this through training or if I'd be better trying to get a separate physio appointment. Crossfit was good anyway. Got a new 5RM at 82.5kg (~181#) on squats, and we practices some Turkish Getups. Tonight I was going to go to a bouldering competition, but I think I might give it a miss now. I've got obstacle training tomorrow morning with @Charlie_Quinn, @jonfirestar and @Rhovaniel that I want to be fit for, and lots more on that means I won't be seeing much of WW if I'm not home tonight.
  19. Yeah, that was a gooood meal! I need to have more gnocchi, it was really nice. Thank you! It's all stuff that's mostly out of my hands, so I just have to be supportive really. Doesn't stop me worrying though. If you can make it over I'll make sure you get a spot at one of my games! Would love to play with you in person And thanks - it's so hard to decide when pain can be worked through and when it's a sign of impending injury, but I'm very slowly getting better at it. Sounds good to me mate! We'll have to get you over for a game at some point! To be fair, I find it weird that people don't play in pubs! Having said that it's sometimes nicer to have a home game; quieter and more private.
  20. Jarric


    I'll have a go, but my first task is to charge down @Mr_Willes and pass him on the deadlift.
  21. Good on you for calling a therapist dude, good luck at your appointment! Also, I'm skimming the narrative as usual (sorry, I'm hopeless at keeping up with threads as it is) but the bits I have read are fucking gold dude!
  22. I had to read that 4 times before I got it!
  23. First things first, I missed my hip update yesterday. Hip felt 100% fine yesterday. Had some stressful family stuff to deal with yesterday, which left me feeling not great. Last night I drove to snooker (as opposed to drinking to snooker @Rhovaniel!) and so didn't drink. I did have a nice time actually, despite the stress. Due to the family stuff I ran out of time to hangboard, but I think I would have made that call to protect my shoulder anyway. Almost forgot to mention, WW cooked steak last night with cheesy gnocchi, mushrooms and spinach. It was gooood! Thursday Hip update: about halfway through my run I noticed that my left hip seemed a bit tighter than my right. No real discomfort though, just aware of some tension. So this morning I did not want to get out of bed. I slept really badly with some weird dreams (probably a mixture of family stuff and work stuff) and I hit snooze initially. Thankfully the cat shut himself in the bathroom, so his wining was enough to make me get up (25 minutes late) to rescue him. Because I was up late I had to cut my run short, so 4 miles plus 4 x 0.2 mile intervals with 0.3 mile breaks became 3 miles plus 3 x 0.2 mile intervals. 4.38 miles instead of the 6 it should have been. Paces: 3 mile easy: 10'15" 1st 0.2 mile interval: 7'07" 2nd 0.2 mile interval: 8'12" 3rd 0.2 mile interval: 7'40" The second interval was all up the steepest hill on my route, so I'm really happy with all of those. The "rests" between segments were sub-10 minute pace as well, which is pretty good. My study goal really hasn't kicked off well, and I decided to take more serious measures today. I told my manager (henceforth known as "Boss") that I missed the deadline on my last assignment and needed some help. I asked if I could put all of my study time into our time recording system so that she would see whether I had been studying, in the hope that that will keep me more accountable. She also insisted I do 1 hour per week study in working hours, so that should help greatly. Tonight is a relaxed night, so i will be going home, doing some studying and then relaxing in front of the TV.
  24. Well I've not as think as you drunk I am
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