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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. And now I have a hastily put together August challenge:
  2. Jarric Writes a Challenge Really Quickly So I'm a bit stuck for a theme this time round, and I keep not getting round to writing my challenge and we're already on day to, and I'm only getting busier. So I figured it's more important to write the challenge than worry about it looking good, and I've got 11 minutes on my lunch break to get this down! Eat Real Food - 10XP I know what real food is, and I'm going to eat that instead of junk. Maximum two variances per week. A variance can be a course or a snack, but it's not a multi-course meal. Don't Drink and D&D - 10XP Same as last time, because it worked well - no drinking at D&D nights and no drinking at home. Maximum 2 variances for this 4-week challenge. Stick to the Plan - 15XP This is my exercise goal, and it comes in three parts: Write my exercise plan for the full 4 weeks in my bujo Share a picture of that plan here Stick to the plan every day Recharge - 5XP 30 minutes reading a novel on non-D&D nights. I finished American Gods last challenge (finally!), and I'm hoping to make a big dent in The Long War by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. Stick to the Budget - 10XP Stick to my £50 per week budget, record surplus/deficit each week. In addition to my challenge, I'll also be taking part in the pull-up PvP which the awesome @Charlie_Quinn posted last week. Come and join us for that. Well, I actually got that down with time to spare. In that case, have a gif, because it's a good gif.
  3. You'll get there dude, just get on it! I'll probably only get two sessions in the week, so it'll be interesting to see how I do compared to those doing a few every day.
  4. One of my favourites of those things too! :p I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. I wouldn't even know where to find a salmon ladder actually, but I'd love to take a shot at one. ===== 2 sets of 12 dumbell rows yesterday morning for 48 points (assuming that 12 left and 12 right counts for 12 total, otherwise that would be 96). Dida pullup session yesterday evening: Deadhangs from rock grips - 6 x 15 seconds - 4 points Scap pulls from rock grips - 2 x 12 and 2 x 8 - 80 points Pull ups - 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 - 66 points Alternating chin-ups and hammer-ups - 5, 3, 5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5 - 69 points (I counted the halfs as 2 points each) Total for Monday: 267 points. Today I shall rest!
  5. Well I was going to go with more of a classic action hero, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to use this gif: I want to be able to do this by the end of the challenge!
  6. I'm not dead yet! July Challenge - Coming Home I may have paused my Aramenté, but the goals are still just as important. Here's how my homecoming challenge went: Only 3 days late, I guess it's time to wrap this challenge up! I hit this goal in weeks 1 and 2, and went one variance over in each of weeks 3 and 4. It has made me better at resisting work snacks and other silly things that aren't worth spending a variance on though, so a good goal. Next challenge I think I'll be sticking with this, but I'll also be counting calories. 10/15XP awarded. Spot on here, I used one variance early on to have a few beers with WW one evening at home, and my second one on the last day of the challenge when we played a mega long Starfinder session at a friends house. Sticking with this too. 10/10XP awarded. My weeks were, in order, 3/5, 6/7, 3/5, 2/6. Or, if you prefer, 14/23. Not really good enough to award any XP this time around, but I did really find it was a good way to unwind before bed on the nights I did do it, and having seen the benefit I'll definitely be giving it another go. I did finish American Gods though! I've still got an American Gods novella to read, which is in the back of the version of the book I have, so hopefully I'll get that done this week and I can start a new book next time around. 0/10XP awarded Well. I forgot that this was the challenge. I didn't do that at all. All I did was my normal £50 budget, which I didn't reliably hit either. I think tracking this may be a bit much for next challenge if I'm counting calories, but I'll have a think. 0/10XP awarded
  7. I got birds of paradise! Here's how it's supposed to look: And here's my miserable attempt in a messy house:
  8. Miserable shoulder stand, after getting home from the gym and before work on Monday morning. Trying to get a picture at all was a pretty miserable experience!
  9. To be fair, if they're living a less healthy lifestyle than you, than what they do to be more like what you're doing will help them lose weight. If you are eating a certain was and exercising a certain amount and maintaining weight then that won't change without you changing something. The trouble with levelling up is that it always takes progressively more XP the get to the next level. I really like the latest picture of Kess looking pensive, very cool.
  10. Hey man, I'm sorry we didn't make it easier for you to keep up with the conversations. A couple of times when I noticed you were being a bit quiet I tried to talk to you directly, but I'm not very aware of what's going on around me when I'm not drunk and tired in a loud beer tent! Don't feel pressure to play the jester though - we are all different online than in person. And we're all anxious nerds who worry about meeting new people too. Every time we meet it'll be easier though, and I'm definitely up for a barbeque at your place and a hike through the forest with you!
  11. I know exactly what you mean. I kinda want to wear it everywhere I go now, but rhat might be slightly obnoxious
  12. Damn right you will! I just wanted to say again how impressed I am with you for how you did at RRDW. You pushed so hard and stuck with it much longer than most would, and you absolutely must wear that medal with pride. You've mentioned the word "failure" a couple of times here, but you haven't actually failed at anything. Your goal was to complete the full RRDW course, and no you have not done that yet. Next year you will complete that goal, and this year was a big step towards that. The only way to fail is to give up.
  13. I'm not entirely sure that's true mate - I'm not particularly good over short distances either. Guess we'll have to test it one day . You flatter me; I doubted that I was going to make that jump. Thank you though. This bear's repeating - sorry @Rhovaniel it you've had enough praise already, I was incredibly impressed with the way you went from pre-race nerves to facing your fears on that course time after time after time. Not to mention with out running all of us in the last few miles. You have come so so far man, it's actually amazing to see how much of a difference there is in those pictures. I like this newer, more badass Jon who just ran a 20 mile OCR and is about to run his first ultra.
  14. Yeah, same here man - I wasn't entirely aware of anything or anyone around me by the time we got to the top of that! We both made it though (even if I can still feel my heart racing every time I read a recap of it). You mean after a week of important recovery time, right?
  15. Again a very busy, and vey fun day. Again I have spent no time on the forum. I feel guilty not keeping up on here and I know I have loads of notifications I haven't responded to, so if you've been trying to get hold of me I can only apologise. I missed a meditation session yesterday for yhe first time this challenge. Still 100% on checking in. Todo list is getting done gradually and the house looks unusually clean.
  16. Another excellent day today seeing great people. I really will get on the computer and do a proper write up of things tomorrow!
  17. Tough Mudder was great today, had a really good time, will try and do a proper race report tomorrow.
  18. Today was good - it's been a sunny day which is always nice. Lifted this morning, deadlift day and worked up to 90kg x 3 x 8. Still managed to turn up late and have no time for assistance stuff, but at least I got in there. I've been starving all day, but that might just be the deadlifts. Looking forward to a 3 day weekend involving a Tough Mudder, meeting up with @DarK_RaideR and @Charlie_Quinn, and hopefully a relaxing sunny Monday.
  19. That's brilliant - I really want that now!
  20. Thanks dude, it was really good fun! To be fair, I really need to venture on to the forums more - I feel so behind with everyone!
  21. So challenge wise I'm still on 100% for checking in and meditation! Mainly due to late night check ins like this one. I think the getting ill maye have been a false alarm; I feel better today. Ran this morning - got up late but got 4 miles in at least. This evening we continued storming a goblin stronghold in our Rise of the Runelords game. Had a really nice night trying to work out how to play three different characters at once and cutting some goblin dogs up!
  22. Yeah, it was quite confusing for people! I didn't have it as bad at the water stations though - they had effectively gone from 4 water stations last year to 2 this year but with twice as many people coming through them. It's a really busy job to start with so that must have been seriously tough. If it's any consolation they didn't give at any beer at Wolf Run last weekend, and the bar there was low-calorie larger!
  23. Well my therapeutic hack and slash game ended up being my character immediately teleported onto a stake atop a burning pyre. Then I tried (and failed) to put out the fire with a zone of ice that did more damage to me than the fire could. Then I spent the rest of the encounter failing the strength check to break the chains and free myself. Admittedly my character would always be the first to charge in, and I wouldn't have played it any differently, but it wasn't quite the session I had in mind! I did hit the gym this morning. Got there late, but still managed a decent half hour session. In other news I may be getting ill - I've been half deaf in one ear all day so I might have a sinus thing going on. I took a nap when I got home from work and have pretty much chilled all evening, so hopefully that'll help and it won't come to anything.
  24. Well I was going to catch up on the many notifications I have on here today and generally say hi to people, but I've had some bad news/family drama which has taken up most of my time and energy today. Thankfully I'm now off to my Zeitgeist game, where after many quite plot heavy sessions we should not be in for some therapeutic hack n' slash stuff
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