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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Love the new approach - adapt and improvise away! Also I can't believe how quickly you put together those sketches, they're great!
  2. Yesterday morning I woke up and my ankles and hip weren't feeling great. I decided it would be best to skip HIIT, sleep in a bit, and then get some yoga in instead to try and make everything feel better. What I actually did is turned off my alarm at 6, didn't get up until 8 and then went straight to work Food was ok though - took a gammon sandwich in to work and lots of fruit. Yesterday evening I was supposed to clean the house and then play snooker, but instead stayed in and chilled out in front of Critical Role - it was rather nice if unproductive. This morning's run on my plan was supposed to be 10 miles. That was never going to happen though given that a.) I don't have the requisite 3 hours before work to do that, and b.) I have a race on Saturday that I'd rather like to have legs for. I hit snooze until 7, which is a bit later than I would have liked, but it meant I restricted my run to a very sensible 3 miles. It hasn't snowed too much in the last couple of days, but where the snow has been compacted down by people walking on it it's turned to ice so conditions were actually a bit more dangerous than on Tuesday in heavy snow. I haven't mentioned my budget goal recently. That's because it's Thursday and I've still only spent £4 all week. I should easily hit the goal this week, so remind me that I said that if I don't!
  3. It was amazing fun. I also meant to write some actually challenge stuff yesterday, but I might have got sidetracked by that writeup
  4. Yeah, it's pretty much the same here now, and the roads are totally fine. The Met Office have downgraded all of their warnings from Saturday onward too, so here's hoping it'll be ok. And absolutely - we've all got our strengths and weaknesses, but hopefully it'll balance out and we'll be able to stick together. I'm sure we could all do with the morale boost of moving as a team at some stage! I know a chap that lives 3 miles away from the race, and he had to work from home yesterday due to the whether, so that's not a great omen. We'll just have to play it by ear; I'm prepared for the fact that we might not be able to make it there, but it'd be a damn shame if we can't do it.
  5. That's a good thought, I'll look into it. No worries My base layer includes leggings, and I'm wearing shorts over them. I may be stupid, but I'm not suicidal! We'll see how it goes, but it'd be nice to run it all together if we can. To be honest I may well be the slowest of any of us over a distance. If that's not a problem that would be good thanks. Fingers crossed for good traffic conditions - I don't mind driving in the snow, but I really don't want to get stuck somewhere! If it helps it's barely snowed at all here today, so hopefully Dorking is far enough south to miss the worst of it too.
  6. That was a risky click at work! FTFY
  7. Wow, there's a whole other page in this thread? Yes, I did say that. Not an encouraging sign is it? And since you're talking about kit, mine will be Superman base layer, shorts, t-shirt, long sleeved running top, thick socks, tough gloves, rat rag scarf/bandana, rat rag as a hat. So I'll be less warm than you guys, but hopefully not by too much!
  8. If you're looking at other craft stuff, modelling might be good? Airfix kits, model cars/boats/tanks, ship in a bottle? They're all pretty time consuming ways to keep your hands busy. Ah, a lovely run in the snow, that'll be nice. Honestly, I'm starting to get fairly nervous now. The thing is though, I know I'm not going to back out and I know I'm going to complete it, so even if it's 3 hours of hell (and I really hope it doesn't take us 3 hours to run 7k!) then after that it will be over and we'll have accomplished something really impressive. I do wonder if I'll regret not buying a wetsuit though. I only gave in and decided to buy gloves last week
  9. Last night I had snooker, and driving back in the snow got me home very late. Was just about in bed by midnight, with no meal prep done at all :/ I had decided that I was going to take it easy this morning, so rather than my 8 mile run that my plan has I was going to do a 3 mile lap to start and see how I felt. Because I new I was doing that I snoozed the alarm for about half an hour before going out. It was -3*C (~27*F) and snowing as I went out, and it was so fun to run in the snow! It was really quiet and peaceful, I could see all sorts of animal tracks on the paths that no people had touched, and I even heard a woodpecker at one point. It's the first run I've ever done in proper snow, and it was really good fun! My ankles, knees and left hip were all a little cranky, by the end, but they really didn't feel like a problem and I got a nice 5 miles in. I could have carried on if I had more time as well to be honest. I don't know my pace as Runkeeper packed up on me yet again - time to download Strava I think! Tonight is DnD, weather permitting, and I am very excited!
  10. Yeah, I can see why! Some people seem to be really scared about overhanging walls, but it's the ones that lean away that worry me. There's nothing to hit but the mat if you fall off an overhang! I've got to admit I'm starting to see why you guys were worried about the weather for this one! Still, the harder it is the cooler we'll feel when we finish . I went out for a run this morning in -3*C and snow and it felt fine, but I can't help feeling that if I have to run through a river at that temperature that might be slightly tougher! Absolutely! It was good fun, and to be honest if I never fell off it would mean I was never pushing my boundaries. Just slightly annoyed that the injury affected my running. I can't remember what episode this is from :/ You are absolutely right of course - a flat week does not a bad week make, and exercising 5 times per week is still moving forward I need to find some time to watch CR this week - soo busy! I'm on episode 4 or 5, and it definitely picks up a bit. They're still learning the system though and I think until they get really used to it it's going to just be a bit slow. I'm hoping so anyway, because watching people trying to work out what dice to roll is not the most fun.
  11. Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I'll bear that in mind, thanks!
  12. Glad that your dad's out of hospital ok . There's always time, well said!
  13. Happy Deadlift Day everyone! This morning's workout was rather short: Deadlifts: 60kg x 2 x 5, 75kg x 3, 85kg x 1, 90kg (~198#) x 12* Floor Press: 25kg x 5, 30kg x 3, 30kg (~66#) x 18** Good Morning: 40kg (~88#) x 12, 12, 4 *Increase DL working max to 122kg (~268#) **Increase FP working max to 47.82kg (~105#) After the second set of GMs I could taste blood, which was slightly concerning. During the third set I was starting to feel dizzy and see stars, so I cut it off there to be safe. Did lots of stretching and got out of the gym early. No idea what caused it, but hopefully nothing to worry about.
  14. Stats after Week 2 Prepare for Battle: 11/28 (78.6% so far) Do Battle!: 12/28 (85.7% so far) (+1 bonus session in week 1) Star Fleet Rations: 9/20 (90% so far) Gold Pressed Latinum: 1/4 (failed week 2 - £69.95 of £50 budget spent) Ten Forward: 11/28 (78.6% so far) Not the most stellar week overall, but not a disaster either. I missed both my mid-week running session, but I did manage to hit both lifting sessions and the HIIT class. Got in Parkrun on Saturday despite having been at a beer festival Friday night. Sunday was bouldering, and I had great fun doing all sorts of tricky routes. Unfortunately though I slipped off a foothold on a wall that was leaning slightly away, and as a result hit just about every hold on the way down. On one of them I caught the front of my foot and bent my ankle right back with all my body weight. Between that and my hip and knees already hurting during the week I opted to skip my long run on Sunday. Priority now has to go to being in a fit state for Nuts Challenge on Saturday. That may mean shortened runs, or skipping altogether and getting in some yoga. I think I'm just going to have to play it by ear and hope for the best. Week 3 is going to be a busy week. On top of the normal stuff I have snooker Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and my DnD games Tuesday and Thursday (after 3 weeks off I'm very excited to be back!). Then Nuts Challenge on Saturday and staying at a friend's place in the evening. Sunday I hope to try and recover!
  15. They were very good, definitely going to be making them a lot more I think!
  16. How does that work? Do you have the bar hanging from resistance bands?
  17. I re-watched that thanks to you posting that link - such an amazing moment. Possibly the most powerful moment in the whole campaign. Love it.
  18. Haha, no, no gin in them I'm afraid! They're basically curried potatoes cooked with garam masala and nigella seeds, onion and garlic. Chuck vegetable stock on the whole lot and the potatoes boil in it and it thickens to a curry sauce. Actual recipe if you're more interested.
  19. Sounds like intuitive eating's going pretty well to me!
  20. Those poor butterflies - summoned into a slime covered dungeon only to be incinerated a few second later!
  21. Quick update, coz I are tired. I overslept again this morning, and missed my run. Did take food to work (Bombay potatoes cooked by WW, they were great). I'm almost out of budget for the week, which is rubbish, but I'll try and make it through. Think that's it.
  22. If you're keeping training for other sports in general, OCRs are a thing you can do just as a one-off race without any really specific training (though if you try one you might never stop!).
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