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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Well there's one solutions to that dude. See you over here for a future one?
  2. Depends what obstacle I'm on! I'm there from half 6 to half 6 so I'll definitely be about whilst you're running - I'll try and message you whereabouts I am when I know this time!
  3. So I failed to get my research done yesterday (I may have spent quite a bit of time researching feats to level up my monk after Tuesday's game. And then a bit of time setting up the printer and printing character sheets for tonight's game) and really should do some now as I'm supposed to be calling my research partner tomorrow to discuss it. Otherwise last night was pretty successful - I did a very short mini-workout of pull-ups, push-ups and climbing hold hangs, cooked some lamb with rice, onion, pepper and apricot, and spent plenty of time relaxing in front of Critical Role. Just remembered to meditate right before bed, and it was actually really nice. I'm doing guided meditations on Insight Timer, and hopefully by the end of the challenge I'll be a bit better at paying attention to them and not drifting off! Tonight is my other DnD game so it's dash home, quickly cook some veg to go with the gammon that's in the slow cooker, go kill some goblins
  4. Thanks! Will do - apparently she's sorted something out with our GM but she won't tell me what it is yet
  5. Jarric wanders in, and takes up a stool at the bar. I'm taking some time with the Druids this month, to find a bit of space for myself, but looks like there'll always be time for me to drop in here. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep.
  6. 3 pages already? Wait, this started before the challenge boards went up? What?? Love it. And can I point out that the middle is the point where the tree starts to fall.
  7. Very envious of your trip, you're gonna have loads of fun! You drop both your hands.
  8. Is the concern just finding time to do your affirmations if you're not at home, or is it the concern of being overheard? If it's the latter then you could always allow yourself to do your affirmations internally on occasions you're not at home? Also, hi! Following along
  9. I love the idea of 5 mistakes per day, I could maybe use a bit more of that mindset.
  10. Ah, you got me! I'm really hoping that's what our GM goes with, that would be awesome. Somehow much cooler than just magical reattachment. Our necromancer suggested just sewing the arm back on and then casting animate dead on it O.o
  11. Yeah, hopefully you're right. I would have done TM on the 28th but I've got Wolf Run on the 29th and I wanted to avoid having two races in one weekend. I might wait to see how hard you guys find the course on the 28th before committing to running the following weekend!
  12. Early morning update for a change (because I slept in instead of going to the gym and now have a few more minutes of lying about to spare). DnD last night was really good fun, ended up in a tense battle with the final boss of this story arc. WW's cleric character took two brutal hits, having her arm cut off with the first and being killed outright with the second. I had a random special ability that allowed me to bring her back from the dead (which was good, as I think our GM was more stressed about killing her than WW was), but she's still down one arm which will be interesting going forward. I did get in my meditation before bed last night, and it felt much better than on Monday. Tonight I have a free evening so I'm gonna get some research done and then chill with some Critical Role
  13. My abs hurt reading this! Good challenge goals man for a busy month. Meanwhile I'm contemplating whether running a TM the week before Dirty Weekend is a good idea!
  14. Daily update - slept in this morning instead of running, work was mega busy and I've got DnD tonight so all in all a hectic day. Really looking forward to DnD though - I think we're wrapping up this arc of the story so I might finally find out what's going on! Need to get in my meditation between DnD and bed tonight. I attempted to meditate yesterday, though I only made it 4 minutes in before I felt weird and gave up.
  15. I'll report back with information from my reconnaissance keep you posted on how it goes. Thank you, pleased to be here! Those sound like all the things I want and need right now.
  16. So I wrote that^ yesterday and posted it to my 2018 battle log, as the new challenges aren't up yet. I plan to spend some time following some old and new friends here with the Druids and elsewhere, but right now I have one of those busy days . Last snooker match of the season so I'm going to meditate and then rush off to do that!
  17. Jarric’s Aramenté – Finding Space with the Druids Hi all, for those of you who don’t know me I’m Jarric. I’ve been doing challenges across the forums for a couple of years now, and this year I came up with a plan to visit all of the guilds to meet new people, learn new perspectives and become a more well-rounded person myself. Two challenges ago I fought alongside the Warriors, not for the first time, and whilst I love hanging out with those guys there was so much going on in my life I felt overwhelmed. I ended up more or less bailing on that challenge, and I didn’t take part in last challenge at all as I just tried to get my head straight. But I don’t want to stay away from here for long, and so what better place to find some balance and learn to better cope with the stresses of life than alongside the Druids. I already have a bit less on this challenge. Snooker season has finished, which means no more matches (I was usually playing two nights per week), and I’ve made the decision to not join any summer competitions or practices to keep those nights generally free. DnD will still be happening, on average once per week, but that’s something booked in well in advance that I can work around. Aside from that I’m going to make a conscious effort to say no to extra commitments, or at least to honestly consider whether I want to do them in the context of whatever else I have going on that week. Just being mindful that I don’t have to take every cool opportunity that comes my way will be key here. So, I have some goals. None of these directly impact my main goals for the year, (running the Obstacle Course Racing World Championship and getting out of debt by the end of the year), they are more about getting my head in order as a foundation for moving forward. I will of course still be running, lifting, climbing and trying to eat good food too, but none of that’s a specific goal this time. Check-In Daily – 5XP A simple one to start, but one that’s great to keep me on track. Check in here daily. It doesn’t have to be much, in fact it can be just a single word if it needs to be, but just post in this thread every day. Meditate Daily – 10XP This is something I have been meaning to commit to for a while, because I’m not very good at meditation, but I really do think it will help to make those few minutes for myself every day. Generally I’m planning to do guided meditations at home, but if that’s not possible then any 5 minutes of mindfulness will do. Study – 10XP I need to make a structured start on my insurance studies so that I can tick along with them at a sensible pace (the alternative, and my usual method of study, is to feel guilty and stressed that I haven’t done anything for a few months, and then to panic and rush everything at the last minute). To that end I will do one Pomodoro of studying each week. Research/Project Work – 10XP In a very similar vein as the previous goal, I need to get on with a work project I’ve been working on – the sooner I start on this the sooner I’ll finish. This is also a group project where other people are relying on me, so that adds to the general stress. Again one Pomodoro of time spent on this each week. To-Do List No XP awarded for this, but I have a to-do list that I want to try and get through this challenge, to unfuck my house and get some shit sorted that’s been hanging over me for too long sorted. At the moment that looks like this: · Clear spare room stuff · Clear sofas and keep them clear · Buy shoe rack · Mow front lawn · Mow back lawn · Clothing cull · Clean bedroom stuff · Sort computer desk and permanent printer set-up · E-mail Steve · Start gathering stuff for Irish passport And that’s it. 5 weeks of challenge ready and waiting for me. Now to try and get my head in order.
  18. I've been gone for a couple of weeks and struggling to catch up, but now I've learned something new - it's totally possible to keep up with a Mr_Willes thread just by watching all the gifs! Hope you're feeling a bit less meh now dude.
  19. Ok, so the new challenge boards aren't up yet but I want to post this whilst I still have the enthusiasm to do so. This time around I'll be challenging with the Druids, and that challenge will look like this:
  20. Wow, that's a shock. Even if it's damaged though that's good news that you'll be getting it back! Hopefully it's still in good condition - fingers crossed for you
  21. Just realised that with my burn-out towards the end of my Warrior challenge, I never posted the recap here: Following on from that I did not catch up and carry on, in fact I more-or-less crashed and burned. I didn't run a challenge in March. But that's ok, I took a break when I was having a really stressful time, and I'll soon be back and challenging again. By my count there's 10 challenges per year and only 8 guilds, so the Aramenté is still very much on!
  22. Hey Sal, so so sorry to hear about your bike. I've not been on the forums in a couple of weeks so I missed @Charlie_Quinn's tag, but yes I do work in insurance and if you do have any other questions let me know and I'll help out if I can. Might be better to PM me as that comes to my e-mail so even if I'm not here I'll pick it up.
  23. Welcome back to logging here man. Fingers crossed for good job offers!
  24. Well done on the PR dude, especially after a week with no sleep! Hope sleep comes better this week for you.
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