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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. *not pictured: Britain begging for friendship from Norway (and anyone else who will listen).
  2. Wow, that's a seriously beautiful view. Good stuff.
  3. Call it 5 -- You're doing so well with the intuitive eating Puck - looks like it's really working for you
  4. Yesterday morning I again fought battle with the snooze button on my alarm. After three-quarters of an hour of hitting snooze every 7 minutes I gave up, turned it off and went back to sleep . Thankfully I structured this challenge as 7+ workouts per week, not workout 7 days per week, so I can actually there's no reason why I shouldn't hit 100% on this goal as long as I keep my plans going. This morning was the HIIT class, and we were doing a "plyo" routine. Basically lots of jumping and lots of pushups. I enjoyed this a lot more than last week's cardio class, but still ended up just trying not to throw up by the end. I know that with a few weeks of consistency I can get past the point where I feel physically sick in these classes, but it's hard work to get there. I was also definitely the slowest in the class, which was a depressing throw back to school PE lessons. Food is going well - took cottage pie to work on Monday, cheesy chicken, leek and tomato pasta bake on Tuesday and brought in a cheese and chutney roll today. Budget wise I think I've spent about £15/£50, check ins here and the evening routine are going good.
  5. Hope things went well at the clinic . Good to see you guys are proactively seeking help, not enough people do.
  6. Yeah, there's a good chance I might fall on my arse too tbh! I'm pretty sure I could hang off the bigger grips if they were fixed though. I guess there's only one way to find out! Fair enough , I blame the communal beer! And yes, a very sound plan I think. I never watch Crit Role live - you're right it would be something like 3/4am when it starts so unless I had the Friday off work I don't think it would be a good plan! I thought I'd get to watch a little bit of the latest one last night but they hadn't uploaded it by dinner time . I'll probably just watch it a week behind on Friday. And thanks! I am taking out the full amount in cash on a Monday, and then not using my card for the budget things all week. It's sometimes a pain when people expect you to pay cash, but if I can't physically see what I'm spending I tend to spend far too much. Oo, I've not come across those before. I may have to look at trying those too.
  7. Good to know. I have the same problem with hang boards. I was considering getting rock grips (picture in spoiler) and hanging them from my pullup bar, which might have a similar effect. Still need to decide which is the best way to put the money on grip strength!
  8. Stats for Week 1 Prepare for Battle: 5/28 (71.4% so far) Do Battle!: 7/28 (100% so far) (+1 bonus session) Star Fleet Rations: 5/20 (100% so far) Gold Pressed Latinum: 1/4 (£44.30 of £50 budget spent) Ten Forward: 7/28 (100% so far) So all going very well in fact. The prepare for battle is interesting - it's not so necessary for the weekends as I'm getting up later and don't have the time pressure of exercising before work, which is how I ended up forgetting it twice. I do want to stick with it however - it's more about the intent of saying "I will exercise tomorrow morning" than anything. The thing I'm most surprised about is hitting my budget for the week. Given that I spent about 80% of it on a single round of drinks on Friday I thought I would blow it that night, let alone over the weekend. Goes to show what is possible if I try. ====== On to this morning - Squat day! Joint Mobility OHP: 20kg x 2 x 5, 30kg: 5, 3, 35kg (~77#) x 5** Squats: 20kg x 2 x 5, 40kg x 5, 45kg x 3, 55kg x 1, 60kg (~132#) x 12* Leg press: 50kg (~110#) x 4 x 12 Leg curl: 32kg x 4 x 12 Stretched *Increase squat working max to 80kg **Increase OHP working max to 38.85kg ***Increase leg press to 60kg next time ====== Between yesterday's climbing and running and that^ today my left hip is not very happy with me! I'm sure it'll come around though. I also feeling a bit rough today in general; not sure if that's related. I hope it clears up anyway as I have snooker matches today, tomorrow and Wednesday, a free evening to watch Crit Role on Thursday and then I'm at a beer festival on Friday.
  9. Haha! Well I guess you'll be thankful of my presence at RRDW then . (Seriously though, does that make my superpower making people able to run with a hangover, or giving people a hangover when they have no choice but to run?) Ah, cool. I have looked at those but I always wondered if they were a bit of a gimmick. Do you find it's working for you then?
  10. Looks like I need to get Strava and a GPS watch! Awesome stuff, that's really cool to be able to do.
  11. If it's a superpower then it's an even odder one!
  12. Today's been a good day. Climbed in the morning, did most of a new circuit of climbs they've put up and had really good fun with them. I may need to work on my finger strength though. Something to think about. This afternoon was my long run - was on for 10 miles today. Annoyingly my GPS stopped working, twice, but I looked up the route when I got home and handily enough it was spot on 10 miles. This evening I made cottage pie, which was lovely and had enough left over for lunch tomorrow. And now I'm watching Shield of Tomorrow and contemplating going to bed.
  13. Thanks. It's an odd skill to have, but it has it's uses!
  14. Definitely - I'm sure you can make it happen Well done on the run! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets lost on long runs.
  15. Sounds justified to me. Sounds like you're doing great - keep it up
  16. Finally caught up with your thread, and I've missed so much great music trivia! I need to hang around here more often clearly
  17. That sounds awesome. I'm sure we'll manage a good bit of singing, though I'm not sure about recognisable! I second this suggestion. Though largely I think you should learn some metal!
  18. There's something very rangerly about running in icy rain - embrace the madness! Looks lime we've got a few goals in common this challenge, that's cool
  19. Last night was, as predicted, a fairly heavy one that used up almost all of my budget for the week. Had a really fun night though drinking with work people, so I'm happy with it. I did fail my preparation goal though, although luckily on a Saturday I don't really have a problem getting up and ready to run. This morning I decided to take it easy at Parkrun given the heavy night last night and that I had less than 5 hours of sleep. Still got round in 28:35, which I think is pretty good considering. This afternoon I went round my dad's to sort some stuff on my car - new front brake pads and discs, tightened the handbrake, basically it now stops and it now stays stopped! And tonight I plan to engage in some intense relaxation in front of the TV.
  20. Excellent, I'll let you know mate It's a sub 2:15 plan now. That's good to know, thanks. I might mess around with heart rate at some point, but in the meantime that's kind of what I've been doing with effort so I think I'm on the right track (ish). It probably would be easier to work out on road, but I prefer getting muddy! Hey! It was absolutely disgusting. Hoping I get to pick up some weights next time!
  21. Oo, sounds like a tasty day . Can confirm, beer is a vegetable. Wine, however, is a fruit.
  22. Hey man, well done for getting stuff done and keeping going despite the blues. I can't offer any practical advice, just a well done for keeping on. @Heidi raises a good point though that it does sound like lots of drink and food on Wednesday might not have helped your mood,.
  23. Stats after W1D4 Prepare for Battle: 4/28 (100% so far) Do Battle!: 4/28 (100% so far) Star Fleet Rations: 4/20 (100% so far) Gold Pressed Latinum: 0/4 (£3.30/£50 spent so far in week 1) Ten Forward: 4/28 (100% so far) Yep, that looks pretty good to me . ====== And today was bench day: Joint Mobility Bent Over Row: 20kg (~44#) x 1 x 12 (something to do whilst waiting for a bench) Bench: 20kg x 2 x 5, 30kg x 5, 35kg x 3, 40kg x 2, 45kg x 1, 45kg (~99#) x 15* Deficit Deadlift: 45kg x 5, 55kg x 3, 60kg (~132#) x 8** DB Row: 20kg (~44#) x 4 x 12 DB Incline Bench: 14kg/hand (~31#) x 4 x 12 Stretched *Increases Bench working max to 69.88kg (~154#) **Increases Defecit Deadlift working max to 70.56kg (~156#). I've also decided to increase the defecit, so I'll stand on a 10kg plate instead of a 5kg plate. ====== Tonight I will likely actually spend some of my budget, as it's a night out drinking with my team at work. Should be a really good laugh though. Saturday is Parkrun in the morning followed by getting my life together, and Sunday is bouldering in the morning and long run in the afternoon, as well as meal prep for the week.
  24. Well I'm trying . I'm still only lifting twice per week though, so I doubt I'll catch up that fast. For the paces I'm just following a pre-made Runkeeper plan very loosely. The actual plan called for 9'45"-9'55" pace on those intervals, but I was finding 9'15" pretty comfortable on-road so I stuck with it. That said, I find it really hard to determine an appropriate pace because as soon as I hit muddy hills or boggy fields my pace falls off a cliff. Any ideas how to determine paces for on and off road? Or should I perhaps just focus on perceived effort?
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