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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I know right? I was expecting something If you're up for it we might be able to make something work. Probably via Skype though. I'll let you know.
  2. I don't think I need to tell you this but that is absolutely the right thing to do. You would get nowhere working out 7 days per week and then giving up in a couple of weeks time. Also, I think that's my favourite CR quote.
  3. So far so good. This morning was a run. I knew I'd be short on time as I was getting picked up for a meeting, so last night I decided to set my alarm 5 minutes early. Then I snoozed it this morning for 20 minutes . Got out for a quick 3.35 miles, should have been further but there was no way I was getting the full 8 that I have on the plan anyway! Food was a panini from a motorway service station after my meeting - pretty sensible given the options available at service stations. Also got up to date with Crit Role today, sooo good. And now I'm watching Shield of Tomorrow
  4. Finally caught up with your thread! That art video, man, you make that look altogether too easy! And it's so cool to hear your voice, you sound nothing like I imagined (though I don't know what I imagined as I think in an English accent ). Interested to see how the intuitive eating goes for you, sounds like something I may have to read.
  5. I'm certain it's intentional - Jester makes reference to his accent when they first met in one episode and I'm sure that ties in. If you're happy to run it, lets do it! I'm so so up for that. I'll message you tomorrow
  6. Not quite caught up yet - I'm at the start of the encounter in the latest episode, should get to watch the rest of it tomorrow. What I want to know about Travis is: And yeah, lets do it! Even for just a one shot I'd be totally up for that; I really want to play with you! It'll take me a couple of weeks to read the adventure guide and get stuff together, so we've got at least that long. Welcome, good to have you! Where are you in CR at the moment? There's so much of it I shudder to think how many hours it took me to watch all the back episodes!
  7. Hey, another Critter? Nice to meet you! Looks like you're having a good start to the challenge, some ups and downs but you can't lose as long as you keep showing up. For the meal prep, recently I've been roasting a big joint of meat (or a chicken) on a sunday and then dicing it up for meals throughout the week with veg. Slightly more effort, but one of my favourite things, is to do a huge shepherd's pie and cut it up for a few days of lunches - it reheats really well in the microwave. Round here we call this being a Ranger by the way
  8. What's a rest day? Seriously, I do eat a bit more on very active days (long run/climbing and running), but I'm not tracking at the moment. When I was tracking I was working in a deficit from a live calorie burn using my Fitbit, which basically meant eating more if I moved more.
  9. Following along dude. I like the narrative - it's good but also short enough that I can keep up with it (insofar as I can keep up with any thread!). Glad the adductor's healing up quickly.
  10. Had HIIT this morning. We had a different instructor to the previous couple I've done, and she decided to do a pure cardio session. No weights at all, just tons of jumping and tons and tons of burpees. Eugh. I thought I was going to be sick by the end! It's probably good for me to do some more intense cardio work, but if I thought it was going to be like that every week I think I'd be looking for something else! Goals wise all is good, I made a ploughman's salad last night with the rest of my leftover roast pork, chutney, cheese, celery, tomatoes and radishes - I've just eaten the first box for lunch and it was bloody lovely! So food is good, workouts are good, and I haven't spent any spending money this challenge (though that will change at snooker tonight). In other news, I ordered the D&D starter set on Sunday, it arrived on Monday and I started reading the campaign guide on Tuesday. So looks like I might end up DMing a game for a couple of friends soon. I'm very excited at the thought, if a bit scared!
  11. Thanks! The thing is though, when the intervals are half a mile long they're not actually that fast! I think most of them were about 9'15" pace, with a couple of slower ones when I went off road. I can definitely do half a mile faster, but I can't do it 8 times in a row!
  12. Hi, following along! I know the feeling. Computer game music is particularly good for studying - it's designed to keep you focused on the game but it's good for focus in general. I can thoroughly recommend the soundtracks to the Deus Ex games for starters.
  13. Heya! Love the creative challenges this time round. With the band stuff, I know how much work being in a band can be, so if you are going to make it a challenge then perhaps make it a minimal amount per week if possible so it doesn't take over too much of your time? That said, I saw you talking about being in a band and though "that's awesome!", so there's that
  14. This morning I fought a ferocious battle with the snooze button on my phone. After half an hour of intense fighting I did finally get up and get out for my run. It was supposed to be 10 half-mile intervals, with 30 second breaks between them, and a mile each end to warm up/cool down - about 7.5 miles total. Because I got up late I had to cut it short, but I managed 8 intervals and about 5.5 miles total in 56'17". Not happy that I didn't get the full thing it but I'm still counting it for a workout. Tonight I have a free evening, which is excellent! I'm going to watch a lot of Critical Role, prep breakfasts for the rest of the week and at least tomorrow's lunch. Then I need to get to bed early so that I actually wake up for my HIIT class in the morning.
  15. Happy deadlift day everyone. I did indeed manage to get up and hit the gym today (after 10 minutes of procrastination), and got my workout in: Joint Mobility Deadlifts - 40kg x 2 x 5, 65kg x 5, 75kg x 5, 80kg (~176#): 10, 10, 11 Floor press - 30kg x 2 x 3, 35kg (~77#) x 3 Good Mornings - 40kg (~88#) x 4 x 12 Core superset - a. Russian twists - 16kg (~35#) x 2 x 12 b. Reverse crunch - 3kg (~6.6#) x 2 x 12 Stretched Yesterday we roasted a big ol' joint of pork, so I had pork salad today and it'll be the same tomorrow. I've also been here posting, so so far a good first day of the challenge. This evening I had snooker and I won, which is nice. Now it's late so I need to get my evening routine sorted and get ready for bed. Running in the morning!
  16. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! (I tried to Google a gif to reply, but I couldn't find anything remotely SFW with the work "lick" in my search It's pretty good. It's a new system that they're basically play testing, so it's a bit slow as they learn the rules, but still good. You should fond an IRL tabletop game though, it's so much fun. Yes Commander! Pretty much! Nah, it's the first weekend in March, how cold can it be Love it!
  17. I've got a feeling there are a few runners here that I could convince to join me. I'd imagine you'll find someone And if I can't make the run I'll be sure to get the first round in when you get to Brighton! This is England mate, bring full summer gear and full winter gear!
  18. Every time one of you mention how terrible it's going to be I get a huge grin on my face. I don't know what that says about me I strongly suspect that WW is getting me a dryrobe for my birthday. I certainly hope so anyway as she warned me off buying one and it seems like a thing I'm going to need! We should go for a drink afterwards! I'll be driving and I'm going to a friend's for dinner in the evening, so it'll only be the one, but it'd be nice to do. Oh, speaking of driving, @jonfirestar message me if you still want picking up from a train station with where's easiest for you and we'll talk logistics.
  19. And quickly too! Well done. Ah, we'll be fine I hope . I've had a couple of cold runs recently, but they've been fine as long as I haven't stopped moving. Whatever the weather I'm sure we'll get through it though.
  20. Jarric wanders in, pleased to see all the familiar faces. Just time for a quick one on my travels. I've completed my challenge with the Rebels and this time I'm headed to fight alongside the Warriors. You know I'll always keep up here when I can though. Pint of the black stuff barkeep he says, oblivious to the fact that the drink is already poured and sat waiting for him on the bar.
  21. Hi all, I'll be partying with the Warriors this time around if you guys will have me! In answer to @Taddea Zhaan's question, my alarm's set for 6 now. Earliest I've ever done was 5:30 for a while.
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