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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Please pester away! I want to take this seriously and get back running ASAP. Currently sitting with a hot water bottle on my knee
  2. I initially read 'more tolerable' as 'more terrible', and was wondering how such a thing could even be possible!
  3. I think the logic behind that tends to be that debt interest is usually higher than savings interest - if you're paying 30% interest on a credit card it's most cost-effective to pay that off rather than leaving the money in an account that's earning 4% interest. There are other factors that make it more complicated though, e.g.: Some debt is relatively cheap (like mortgages) and long-term savings can be quite high-earning. Investments need money to sit in them for a long time to balance out fluctuations over the years, so it's sensible to pay into those earlier. Opportunity cost, e.g. if you can only pay a certain amount in to a savings account each month you probably want to get the maximum every month before looking at other areas. Convenience, e.g. money taken directly by your employer before you see it. Taxation e.g. money taken pre-tax by an employer rather than post-tax after it hits your bank account, or maxing out tax-free savings accounts. Whatever best suits your lifestyle at any given time. I don't think I really had a point with this reply. I just think it's interesting to talk about
  4. That's a big difference in measurements, congrats! I'm exactly the same; nothing I hate more than running loops of a small park or round and round my neighbourhood. Out and backs are great, or one big loop for the whole run. Was going to give you a kick, but you beat me here by 2 hours. Must be a timezone thing . Your numbers are good too; that's good progress over the last month overall even with a little uptick in the last couple of weeks.
  5. 2024 Road map Last challenge results A perfect 34/34 days with calories tracked. I hit my calorie goals for 2 weeks, but not the last 3, so no extra credit. I've still lost 5.6lbs in the past 5 weeks (admittedly I lost 5.2lbs of that in the first 3 weeks, so I do need to dial it back in). I did not fundamentally change any of my meals, and that has made this harder - I might just need to drop an egg from breakfast or something to make this a bit easier. Result: +1 CON The muscle I managed 24/34 days of foam rolling, which isn't bad even if it isn't perfect. My wrists are not properly better, so I'm going to book a physio appointment. I'm not booking anything until I've gone for a test run tomorrow and decided if I need to book an appointment for my knee. If I have to choose, the knee is the priority - the wrists sometimes stop me doing chinups, but I can still do pullups, whereas the knee stops me running altogether. Result: +1 STR The face This one was good! 33/34 days of brushing, and extra credit on all of those days. It's probably telling that the one day I missed was because I was in a shitty mood, but nonetheless I'll take the win. Result: +2 SAN The cartographer Well, this dropped away pretty quickly. Per week I managed 4, 1, 4, 2, 1 respectively, for a total of 12/20 for the challenge. I think drawing daily would actually be a better goal, because part of the problem is forgetting as I don't do it every day. Result: +1 CHA The hoardsperson I hit 20/34 here, which isn't too bad when I consider this was a bit of a stretch goal. On the plus side, I think I took food to work every day, and that really supported my calorie goal. We also wasted less fruit and veg as I was taking that when I didn't have a prepared meal to take with me. And fizzy drinks were cut down, though I slipped off track with this as the challenge went on. On the negative, I'm even more skint now. I found out I'm being underpaid for a few months, as apparently I haven't paid enough tax this year, which is bloody annoying. It's not a major problem, but I'm really trying not to dip into my savings and that's tough. I think this challenge will stay on the radar for the foreseeable. Score: +1 SAN Other stuff I also had some other things I was looking at, that weren't really goals I'll be subbing squats for front squats this challenge, as I try to train myself out of my current squatmorning habit. - Because of the way the programming at my gym works, I did a lot of box squats, and almost no front squats I'll also be working on ab work, which should help with stability in the squats and improve my pistol squats (and probably, to be fair, be good for everything else too) - I did this for a couple of weeks, but going to hold off now until I'm happy with my knee just in case it's related By the end of this challenge (maybe the end of week 1) I want to have written out all of the races I'm considering for this year and narrowed down ones that are actually likely - I did do this! I've only booked one race, but I do at least have a sensible list of things I may do to choose from. Wrap-up wrap-up Overall I think this was a fairly successful challenge. I also had a bit of an epiphany the other day. A lot of us talk about the fact that we start a challenge with all of the hype, and then drop off as the weeks go on, before getting all hyped again for the next 5-week challenge. My epiphany was: actually, that's probably fine. If I give 110% in weeks 1 and 2, 80% in weeks 3 and 4, and 50% in week 5, I've still put an average of 86% effort towards my goals. And all goals are going to be a bit like that - some weeks you have the time and energy to do them to the fullest, and some times you just have to clock in the bare minimum. I think that motivation might be the same as time and energy; rather than worrying about being perfect for the whole challenge I'm just going to try to ride the wave as best I can when I can. Next challenge expect a lot of the same goals, and a couple of new/tweaked bits for good measure. ETA: Those stat increases dinged me to level 21! Time to start investigating prestige classes... Jarric embraces brevity One of my, well, challenges, with forum challenges is that I get hung up on big, long updates, and then don't find time to write them up. To combat that, this time I'm going to try to keep every daily update to no more than 100 words. If I need to fill that out, I'll just have to up my gif game. Afterall, they do say that a gif is worth a thousand words. Yeah, I know no-one actually says that... This post won't be in the least bit brief, but let's get into the goals quickly at least! Here's the party that will be adventuring with me this time round: The muscle In week 5 of the last challenge I was out for a run, and something went in my knee. Since then I haven't been able to run - it's not a 'I probably should be resting this' kind of pain, it's a 'this hurts too much I have to stop now' kind of pain. Had a physio appointment this week and he reckons it's torn cartilage, with an expected recovery within 6 weeks. That lines up just too perfectly with this challenge cycle, so I'm optimistic that I'll be able to get back to running training after that. In the meantime I have some rehab exercises for my knee, and I'm also supposed to apply heat to aid blood flow as and when I can, and cycle for blood flow as well. Goal: do my kneehab™ exercises every day [+2 STR] Extra credit: apply heat daily, cycle 4 times per week [+1 STR] The decisionist I'm still looking to cut weight, with a goal of hitting 11 stone 8lbs (162lbs, or 73.5kg) by the end of this challenge for the Weight Loss PVP, and then probably continuing on for another 8-12 weeks to hit 11 stone (154lbs, or 69.9kg) before I switch to maintenance. Really I want to see what I look like at <12% body fat (if my home scales will permit such a number!). I give myself a weekly calorie target, then divide it by 8 to give myself 7 daily targets plus a weekly 'buffer' to float across the days as needed. If you hear me talking about using calories from my buffer for a special event or something like that, this is what I'm talking about. Goal: Track food daily [+1 CON] Extra credit: Less than 18,000 kcal per week [+1 CON] The cartographer I enjoy drawing, and the more I do it the more I enjoy it. Last challenge my goal was to draw 4 times per week, and I found that doing that I fell out of the habit and then kept forgetting to do it. So now the goal is to draw daily, even if it's a tiny little sketch in a notebook somewhere. Things I could draw include some High Rollers fan art (I'm really getting into the new season and am already working on a complicated piece - check out High Rollers D&D if you're into D&D streams and want to get in whilst there's only 10 episodes to catch up on!). I have also been meaning to do my own drawings of the adventuring party I use for these challenges. And finally my in-person TTRPG group are starting a Pathfinder adventure path called Abomination Vaults in a few weeks, although I'm not sure if I'll get introduced to all of the characters early enough to draw them all this challenge cycle, I can at least draw mine. It also doesn't have to be character drawing, I've got a great book on animal drawing that I should really pick up again, and I can jump on whatever else takes my fancy. Goal: Draw every day [+2 CHA] Extra credit: Share 1+ pictures here every week [+1 CHA] The translator I'm still working on studying both Dutch and French, the former because it's interesting and feels like it's going well, and the latter because I'm going to Paris this year and I'd love to be able to use it well while I'm there. I've changed the scoring slightly on this challenge, to try and get me doing both languages every day but in a slightly different way. It might also get me higher on those pesky leader boards - I really want to win a Duolingo Diamond League one of these days! Goal: Earn my early bird chest and night owl chest every day (i.e. complete at least one lesson before midday, and at least one lesson between 6pm and midnight) [+2 INT] The hoardsperson and the camp maker This is a bit of a mashup, so bear with me. The main goal here is to spend no money. I'm fairly skint at the moment after Christmas and a few big purchases last year, and I'm also being underpaid a little bit right now because apparently my company didn't take enough tax for the past few months. Spending no money doesn't include groceries, fuel, or other necessities, it's really about discretionary spending. It's going to be almost impossible to spend nothing for 5 weeks, so to make up some points I'm also going to add a focus: cleaning and tidying my house. Maybe I'll find some stuff I can avoid buying, or get round to selling stuff, but mostly I just wanted to do this this challenge and this seemed like a way to fit it in. In particular I want to get in a cleaning session on Wednesdays, as I'm a filthy part-timer and don't work Wednesdays. I have a rolling table for what to clean, so I'll get a point for rolling the dice (a D14 annoyingly, unless I reconfigure it to a D12+D3 table) and doing whatever the dice say to do). Goal: Spend no money every day, clean regularly, for a total of 35 points this challenge (1/day) [+2 SAN] Extra Credit: As above, but a total of 42 points (no spending any day, plus weekly cleaning) - change [+2 SAN] above to [+3 SAN] The face Last challenge I did really well at cleaning my teeth every day, I think because I made a rule that I had to stand on one leg whilst I did it. Brains are weird, but if it works then why not? Goal: brush teeth twice daily, whilst standing on one leg [+1 SAN] Celebrations There's also a couple of extra things happening around this time of year, which I thought I would mention. My 8-year Nerdiversary has just been (I posted my first ever NF challenge on 5th February 2016, which seems fucking wild). And my birthday is Sunday at the end of week 3 - still haven't figured out what, if anything, I want to do to celebrate that. Celebrations suggestions for either of these events are very much welcome. Let's do this!
  6. Oo, that sounds amazing. Also like a lot of work, but I hope I can summon the energy to try it at some point!
  7. You can still eat seasonally in winter (though it might be more of a supermarket/delivery thing rather than a local veg market unfortunately. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, beetroot, sweet potatoes, turnips and some types of squash are all winter vegetables. An lots of fruits are still in season; apples, clementines, kiwi, oranges, pears. (I did a bit of googling for all of this to make sure it was vaguely accurate for your part of the world, but it looks like what I'd expect here in the UK to be fair). The same stuff you would challenge when you weren't sick I think; just maybe adjust the difficulty settings to what is likely to be achievable right now. Or, a good but slightly more complicated approach, set every goal with three difficulty options. Then in the morning you can decide that today is an easy/medium/hard day and follow the easy/medium/hard set of goals accordingly (or red/amber/green if you prefer to colour-code). Agreed, the brewing is really key. Also nice to see I'm not to only one who's gone a bit overboard on tea; I got 13 packs of different flavoured loose-leaf delivered a few weeks ago (I got them through a kickstarted so they'd been on order for a long time), and I got about 20 varieties of tea bags from various friends for Christmas. On top of the decent supply I already had, I'm drowning in tea right now . I'm not a big fan of rooibos (unless there's so much flavouring with it that it doesn't taste of rooibos), and I tend to put a sugar in plain black tea or plain green tea, but other than that I'll drink almost any tea. I actually want some more yerba mate, but I can't justify buying more options right now! Actually, probably worth mentioning that that kickstarter tea was from D&Tea, as I guess that'll align with some people's interests here: https://www.dandtea.com/ (not an affiliate link, just a cool D&D themed company).
  8. Seconding this; I like to see others' lifting programmes. Also for your runs, though that's more because I can't run right now, so I'm going to be enjoying running vicariously via others!
  9. Yeah, I do think it's still about consistency, but maybe more consistency over the course of a year, rather than from one week to the next? I don't know, the best way to build a habit of something is still probably to do it every day, so it depends what you're doing. For example, the best way to stay in the habit of calorie tracking is to do it every day, but over the course of a year you'll lose weight if your annual calorie burn is greater than your annual calorie intake. So in that example (if both calorie tracking and weight loss are the goal) maybe it's important to track calories daily but not to worry if you have weeks where you're not motivated to hit your target. Or with saving money, if I keep the purse strings tight for 3 weeks out of 6, I still spend less money than if I'd not tried for the first 3. (Providing, of course, that I don't spend weeks 4-6 buying all of the things I was avoiding buying in weeks 1-3!)
  10. Challenge wrap-up The decisionist A perfect 34/34 days with calories tracked. I hit my calorie goals for 2 weeks, but not the last 3, so no extra credit. I've still lost 5.6lbs in the past 5 weeks (admittedly I lost 5.2lbs of that in the first 3 weeks, so I do need to dial it back in). I did not fundamentally change any of my meals, and that has made this harder - I might just need to drop an egg from breakfast or something to make this a bit easier. Result: +1 CON The muscle I managed 24/34 days of foam rolling, which isn't bad even if it isn't perfect. My wrists are not properly better, so I'm going to book a physio appointment. I'm not booking anything until I've gone for a test run tomorrow and decided if I need to book an appointment for my knee. If I have to choose, the knee is the priority - the wrists sometimes stop me doing chinups, but I can still do pullups, whereas the knee stops me running altogether. Result: +1 STR The face This one was good! 33/34 days of brushing, and extra credit on all of those days. It's probably telling that the one day I missed was because I was in a shitty mood, but nonetheless I'll take the win. Result: +2 SAN The cartographer Well, this dropped away pretty quickly. Per week I managed 4, 1, 4, 2, 1 respectively, for a total of 12/20 for the challenge. I think drawing daily would actually be a better goal, because part of the problem is forgetting as I don't do it every day. Result: +1 CHA The hoardsperson I hit 20/34 here, which isn't too bad when I consider this was a bit of a stretch goal. On the plus side, I think I took food to work every day, and that really supported my calorie goal. We also wasted less fruit and veg as I was taking that when I didn't have a prepared meal to take with me. And fizzy drinks were cut down, though I slipped off track with this as the challenge went on. On the negative, I'm even more skint now. I found out I'm being underpaid for a few months, as apparently I haven't paid enough tax this year, which is bloody annoying. It's not a major problem, but I'm really trying not to dip into my savings and that's tough. I think this challenge will stay on the radar for the foreseeable. Score: +1 SAN Other stuff I also had some other things I was looking at, that weren't really goals I'll be subbing squats for front squats this challenge, as I try to train myself out of my current squatmorning habit. - Because of the way the programming at my gym works, I did a lot of box squats, and almost no front squats I'll also be working on ab work, which should help with stability in the squats and improve my pistol squats (and probably, to be fair, be good for everything else too) - I did this for a couple of weeks, but going to hold off now until I'm happy with my knee just in case it's related By the end of this challenge (maybe the end of week 1) I want to have written out all of the races I'm considering for this year and narrowed down ones that are actually likely - I did do this! I've only booked one race, but I do at least have a sensible list of things I may do to choose from. Wrap-up wrap-up Overall I think this was a fairly successful challenge. I also had a bit of an epiphany the other day. A lot of us talk about the fact that we start a challenge with all of the hype, and then drop off as the weeks go on, before getting all hyped again for the next 5-week challenge. My epiphany was: actually, that's probably fine. If I give 110% in weeks 1 and 2, 80% in weeks 3 and 4, and 50% in week 5, I've still put an average of 86% effort towards my goals. And all goals are going to be a bit like that - some weeks you have the time and energy to do them to the fullest, and some times you just have to clock in the bare minimum. I think that motivation might be the same as time and energy; rather than worrying about being perfect for the whole challenge I'm just going to try to ride the wave as best I can when I can. Next challenge expect a lot of the same goals, and a couple of new/tweaked bits for good measure. ETA: Those stat increases dinged me to level 21! Time to start investigating prestige classes...
  11. Week 5 stats The decisionist: 7/7, but no extra credit as calorie were vastly too high The muscle: 3/7 The face: 6/7, with 6/7 extra credit for brushing my teeth standing on one leg The cartographer: 1/4 The hoardsperson: 1/7 Well, that was a pretty poor showing, wasn't it? Calories were high early in the week as I was feeling a bit sick and eating a bit more was probably in order. I also wanted to eat when taking pain killers, particularly when feeling sick. Then later in the week I just got a bit lax with it all; my mood's been a bit all over the place with the injured knee, and with being skint which always bothers me. And probably with going to try and sort out the internet for my parents, which is the sort of thing that Dad would have done before he got dementia. My weekly total was 20,396 kcal, so well over my target of 18,000 (that's 2,914/day on average, rather than the 2,571 target). Combine that with not running at the weekend, and I'm amazed I didn't gain weight last week. On the running front, I went for a test run on Saturday, but after half a mile it was clear the knee wasn't up to it. I took Sunday off entirely (though I did a big yoga session in the morning), and I'll try running again on Tuesday. If it's still not better then I'll book a physio appointment. Speaking of physio, I didn't do a lot on my shoulders this week. Part of that was focussing on the knee, part of that was lack of motivation to do anything much. My wrists are still not properly better, so as promised I will book a physio appointment for that, but I want to see if I'm also booking an appointment for my knee before I do anything else! Teeth were done, barring the one day where I was feeling properly defeated about my knee and life in general. Drawing didn't happen much, see above. And I also spent more often than I wanted to. This feels like a very negative update, so I should say that I had a good weekend. Despite the curtailed run, I did go bouldering on Saturday, and had a nice evening in with WW. On Sunday we went for a nice walk around a local National Trust garden, and in the evening I had a game of poker with some online friends. I even came second, and got back an entire $14 (a whopping $4 on my $10 stake!). So it's not all bad really.
  12. I guess it depends what you're trying to achieve with your lifting. If you're looking to get big legs, do both. If you're looking to compete at powerlifting definitely do both, because both are competition lifts. I would suspect squats would also help more with jumping strength than deadlifts alone. However, if your main goal is just to be able to run without injury, I don't know if squats are necessary in addition to deadlifts, and I wouldn't expect it to create a big imbalance. And if you do discover an imbalance, you might be better off addressing that more specifically at the time. I would tend to do both for general strength. Squats are more of a leg exercise and deadlifts are more of a posterior chain exercise, so they do work muscles in a slightly different way, and it's easier on you to put them both in your training than to just do double deadlifts. Most people can also deadlift a fair bit more weight than they can squat (though I've known some exceptions), so squats are a bit less taxing on your nervous system and can therefore be done to a slightly higher volume.
  13. 01/01/2024 - 174.4lbs 08/01/2024 - 172.0lbs 15/01/2024 - 170.9lbs 22/01/2024 - 169.2lbs 29/01/2024 - 169.0lbs 05/02/2024 - 168.8lbs This week was well over on calories, at the start of the week because I was feeling a bit sick and also because I injured my knee and didn't want pain killers on an empty stomach. Later in the week I was still injured and was feeling moody about it, so whilst I didn't completely go off the rails I wasn't as disciplined as I have been. I also cooked an epic Persian-style lamb chops recipe, which was lovely but about a million calories by my calculations My calorie burn was also the lowest of the year so far, thanks to not being able to go for my long runs at the weekend. With all that said, I'm pretty to see my weight going down at all, even if it's only by 0.2lbs.
  14. Thanks . It's just a generic poster-style wall calendar, which shows the full year on an single page (A1 size I think - 594mm × 841mm or 23.39" × 33.11"). I've been thinking for ages it would be great to have my calendar up on a separate screen, particularly while I'm working, and then I had the sudden brainwave that I don't need a screen if I go analogue instead. As my office is in the roof I've got the calendar directly above my head on an angled bit of wall; I think it'll work well. Yeah, it's the in-person one I'm afraid mate. Have you played much Pathfinder 2e now? I'm liking it more and more as a system, though the remaster is creating some odd challenges with mixing remastered and legacy content for us right now. I'm particularly looking forward to this as I've always loved the megadungeon concept but have never played one. A friend was telling me that they read about one group who completed this module after 13 TPKs. Looks like I'm gonna have lots of opportunities to create new characters
  15. Hi titsworth, thanks for looking at this. I've tried half a dozen RSS readers from the Google Play store and none of them seem to work. I've definitely tried Feeder, and I think Feedly and a couple of others. Interestingly it does now work on the Slick RSS extension for Edge, but even if I then export the feeds from there as an OPML file they still won't load on the other readers. If you can suggest an RSS reader available on Android that will work with that link I'm open to downloading a new app as the solution.
  16. What do you think of campaign 3 so far? (No spoilers please, I'm on episode 5 but really hoping to catch up so I can watch it live on Sundays soon!)
  17. Yesterday was a good day. Went to the gym in the morning - bench press, rowing, ring rows, toes to bar, dumbbell hang power cleans, and wall climbs, so all pretty easy on the knee. After that I didn't leave the house all day, so the knee got a proper rest. I managed a little sketching whilst watching a training video, and spent a bit of time stretching my calves and quads. Totally blanked on rolling my shoulders though. Food was tracked - I made an exceptionally high calorie persian lamb stew with kateh (persian rice with a lot of oil to make a fried crust). So a very high calorie day thanks to that. Teeth were done in the evening. Failed the no spend goal as I ordered a wall calendar that I suddenly decided I really needed for my office.
  18. It feels fine at the moment. It's really hard to judge, it felt fine all day yesterday, but it only hurts when I walk or run and the most walking I did yesterday was from my frint door to my car. But the walk to work this morning felt fine, so that's really positive. Going to try a short run tomorrow morning and see how it feels. I also found a particularly disgusting knot in my calf this morning while foam rolling it, so I'm going to work on that and see if it helps.
  19. Late to get to this, but I'm really glad you've spoken to a doctor. If you are in pain, that's important and it's something that needs to be sorted out. And even if you manage to convince yourself the pain might all be in your head, in that case you are still in pain, and it still needs to be sorted out. I might be way off base here, but I feel like you don't want to complain or make a fuss, so you second guess whether you're injured enough to really warrant talking about it. Whether I'm right or wrong, I wanted to say that you are important, what you're feeling matters, and it's ok for you to take up space. You do not need to feel embarrassed, or like you're 'just making a fuss', for making sure you're treating your health as a priority. I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with your dad here; you are so strong Rho. And you've got so much stronger over the time I've known you, both physically and mentally. I'm always impressed when I see you at a race, or hear about your crazy walks and multi-day canoe adventures. None of us here are going to become process athletes, but we can all strive for growth, and you have definitely grown in the time I've known you.
  20. Hi all, does anyone know how to get RSS feeds working? I clicked the 'subscribe to RSS' button in the 'content I follow' feed, but the link doesn't seem to work with my RSS reader. ETA: this is the link that the RSS button gives me: https://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/discover/3.xml/&member=48718&key=27a239ef922753f58d25d4d9a7213b05
  21. Week 4 stats The decisionist: 7/7, but no extra credit for staying under budget The muscle: 6/7 The face: 7/7, with extra credit for brushing my teeth standing on one leg The cartographer: 2/4 The hoardsperson: 4/7 I'm not going to dwell on last week too much. I did write myself a running plan to take me up to the end of June, as I've now booked that 25 mile race for 1st weekend of July. Then I got excited and bought two pairs of running shoes while they were on offer, so that was one of my spending days last week. I only slightly missed my calories by 283 over for the whole week, so weight loss is still pretty on track. Edit: I did finish shading my grick last week, so here's that. It's very much a copy of the pose in the original D&D art: Week 5 So far week 5 has been pretty tough. I went out for a run in my new shoes on Tuesday and fucked up my knee. I got 2 miles in and thought "this doesn't feel great...". By 4 miles in that turned into "fuck this hurts," and I had to walk/limp the remaining 2 miles back home in the cold. I spent the day feeling sorry for myself, but also having a lot of fun theory crafting Pathfinder 2e characters for our next campaign (we've decided to run through Abomination Vaults, which is a highly-lethal mega dungeon and I'm really excited for it). Yesterday I was in town for a training/networking thing all day, which meant a bit of walking about so I couldn't keep off the knee. It was a really interesting day, but the trains were fucked on the way home which added another hour to a usually 90-minute journey. By the time I got home I was very done with everything. I even missed brushing my teeth for the first time this challenge. I've also been feeling a bit sick, so I've been eating a bit more. I think that's the right call, even though it's very unlikely I'll hit my calorie goal this week. No art has been done, but I still have time to catch up to hit the goal this week. I've only rolled my shoulders once, though I spent half the day on Tuesday rolling my legs to try and improve the knee that doesn't actually count for this. I've also spent money every day - new laces for my new shoes, a bottle of diet coke when I was feeling shitty Tuesday, and the entry fee for Man vs Mountain yesterday (it needed to be yesterday to get a 20% discount, so it was the right call at least).
  22. Sounds like an excellent reason to have a couple of meals off and enjoy yourself. Good call
  23. I guess the key word there is 'moderate'. You've got a ton on your plate at the moment, and it'd be totally unreasonable to do a ton of work on personal stuff on top of that. I'd count anything you can do at all at the moment as a massive win. I hope you get more, trained up night workers soon, so that work can become a lot more manageable.
  24. This sounds like a good thing? Like, if it was incredibly fun, it would be harder to stop taking a break. That's seriously impressive stuff; definitely keep in mind what you've achieved already here.
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