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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Some lifting programmes build that kind of autoregulation into how they're set up. Programming on one day might be '3 reps at RPE 8*, then reduce weight by 10% for 3 sets of 5 reps'. On days you're not feeling good you might hit RPE 8 at a much lower weight than you're used to, but if you're always working to the same intensity the weight will trend up over time. *RPE, for those not familiar: I think this emphasises what @Heidi was saying about showing up being a win in it's own right. If you keep showing up you will build the habit, and you will continue to keep showing up. Even if you did one rep and called it quits, you haven't stopped going and so you don't need to fear not resuming.
  2. I'm a big fan of dumbbell rows bent over and kneeing on a bench, something about them just really pleased me. (It might just be that I get to play with the big boy dumbbells )
  3. Congratulations! Obviously the money is great, but a career you're excited for really feels like the massive win here. I'm aware that in the UK we have a very different relationship with class than the US does, but to me none of these have anything to do with class. Class is about the type of job you do, the kind of area you live in, your idealogical beliefs, who your parents are, how you talk, what you had growing up - all sorts of things that are related to money but aren't really based in it. You could have a typical working-class job, say a plumber, and be very financially secure. Or you ciuld have a typical middle-class job, say a lawyer, and be scraping by payday to payday.
  4. Awesome job! I meant to post a congratulations gif, but this was too cute not to share
  5. Friday week 1 Friday was a good day. Depite still feeling rough I made it to crossfit for ring muscle ups, and I managed a set of 3 for the first time ever! The first 2 were strict, the last one was kipped, but I don't think I've ever really done them totally strict before so that's a major milestone too! That was supposed to be follwed by a timed workout, but we didn't record times (good as I got winded far too easily). Work was tough, I was tired all day and semi-derlerious by the end. Had to take a nap when I got home, but still managed all of my core goals somehow - 6/6!
  6. Thanks man! It does seem to be getting better still, day by day.
  7. Yeah, I was surprised at how many goals I managed to tick off really; it's not all bad. I'm already feeling better today (not good, but better than yesterday). And I definitely won't push too hard. Definitely didn't go to the gym this morning or anything silly like that
  8. Sorry to hear about the knee, hope the swelling goes down soon!
  9. Thursday week 1 It became apparent early yesterday that I wouldn't be doing much. I'd barely slept and woke up feeling really tired and sick. I skipped the gym, called off work, and spent the day lying on the sofa, watching High Rollers D&D, and drifting in and out of consciousness. Somehow I managed my languages, tracked calories, and sketched Mark Hulmes from High Rollers. Obviously I spent no money. Forgot my morning tooth brushing but remembered the evening, and didn't feel up to kneehab. 4.5/6 for the day.
  10. Wednesday week 1 Wednesday was a good day. WW is a florist, so I helped out delivering valentine's flowers for the day. It's nice work, but I was tired all day, had a nasty cough, and was getting headaches. Spent money on a couple of bottles of coke, which I rationalised as a trade-off against the extra money I was earning. Also blanked on my morning Duolingo due to the early start. I cycled first thing, but by the time I got home I was just done, so no kneehab. Manage to scribble a dragon before bed. 3.5/6 goals.
  11. Tuesday week 1 Tuesday was a good day. Crossfit was bench - 4x10 at 60kg (132#). This felt solid so I'll up the weight next time; feels like I'm finally making progress on bench. Otherwise a chilled day. Forgot my morning protein shake, so even after making carrot cake pancakes for pancake day dinner I finished low on calories. Kneehab done, sketched a bloke off the TV, languages and teeth done, and no money spent. 6/6 goals complete. By the evening I felt knackered, but thought nothing of it and got an early night...
  12. In a word: poorly . I got ill so I've been a bit off the grid for a couple of days, and kneehab has suffered as well. Going to do some proper updates shortly, but thank you for checking in with me!
  13. Oof, that crown removal sounds miserable! Better than a root canal I'm sure, but sorry to hear it was so tough.
  14. No, but thank you very much for checking in regardless.
  15. If you're looking at D&Tea and want a coffee substitute, I thoroughly recommend Tavern Brawl: https://www.dandtea.com/product/tavern-brawl/ Granted, it's got coffee beans in it, but I'd assume it's still a lot lower in caffeine than coffee.
  16. I love chai lattes, but I also kind of object to spending that much money on tea . They're good, but a rare treat for me.
  17. Monday - week 1 day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was block pulls, and I went fairly heavy at 150kg (330#) x 2 x 3. There were also broad jumps, which I can't do currently, so I did my kneehab exercises done instead. Work was busy trying to catch up after a week off. Did Duolingo as soon as I got home, drew a quick sketch in front of the TV, and went to bed early as I felt knackered. Calories tracked at 2,287kcal (37 used from buffer). Teeth done and no money spent; 6/6 goals done today.
  18. I immediately thought of World of Darkness! Especially Hunter. It sounds to me like this is more about game vibe than game system. But maybe a system that's designed to be more social, like World of Darkness, could help your group play a more social game. Yeah, I think the system influences the vibe a lot. You can hack 5e to tell just about any story you want, but in my opinion you shouldn't when there's so many great systems out there that are likely to be a better fit. Hey, great minds think alike. (And so do ours, apparently )
  19. This sounds amazing - I hope the kids had a ton of fun.
  20. Enjoy! I do love a good old fashioned campaign log. Ok, I'm game, I'll give it a go.
  21. A solid strategy. Feel like I've seen it somewhere before
  22. Well everyone has to be into something I suppose . I really struggle with big lore reads; I tend to pick up just the bits I need for whatever I'm playing/running at a given moment. Yeah, I can see that being tricky with D&D/Pathfinder. There's probably plenty of TTRPG systems that do work for that though, where the characters aren't exceptional and the stakes are less world ending. I can't immediately think of any, though the World of Darkness systems I imagine to be more about politics and negotiation and being low-powered in a dangerous world. Or Liminal could very much be played in the way you're describing. I may well be stealing some or all of these ideas That really reminds me of this: https://pastebin.com/qRZ7n7Tp Incredibly long read, but it's worth it.
  23. Oh yes, I had a ton of fun. Also a very late night and a very sedentry day after That's a good call - catching up would only make a couple of weeks' difference, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things, so it's not worth stressing yourself out to pursue it.
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