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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yeah, she won't touch anything fennel/aniseed/star anise/liquorice adjacent. Oo, now this is a plan I can get behind.
  2. I have to ask - what's a meditation pillow? Well, if I wasn't already following this challenge, I would be now! Exciting stuff! My experience of open mic nights is that almost everyone there has come to play, which means that everyone's a bit nervous but also really supportive of everyone else. You'll be great.
  3. Congratulations to the both of you! Super happy for you guys. Following along of course.
  4. YMMV, but for me this actually makes things harder. As much as I like a lie in, it throws out my sleep schedule for the next could of days. (Within reason that is - I can get up at 6am on weekdays and 7am on weekends and that's fine, but if I lie in until 9 on a Sunday it messes things up a bit.) Oo, thanks for this. I just for a bulb of fennel in our veg box and I was wondering what the hell to do with it. WW hates fennel, but I might just make a big batch of this for myself to have through the week,
  5. Awesome job! As a thought, can you put your workout clothes in the way of you leaving the bedroom? Much easier to put them on first thing if you have to step over them.
  6. Every time I see Molly's texts I think, "I must get round to reading the comics." I am at least finally up to date on the novels. Well done on the gardening. You've reminded me that I need to clear out my garden.
  7. Sorry about the work ridiculousness, that sounds like a lot to deal with. I find Duolingo very variable depending on the language you're learning. French is pretty great about explaining things and giving extra tips and stuff, but Dutch is far less polished. I find I spend a bunch of time looking up the etymology of words so that I can understand why they are what they are, or looking up what the grammar rules are that it's trying to have me guess.
  8. Following of course mate! Do you have a strategy for learning names? I'm hopeless at remembering people's names (even people I've known for years), and I've sort of given up on it, but it'd be interesting to understand how other people do it. On the minimal exercise front, I shared this in the warriors' thread and it's more about weight training, but it might be relevant to your limited time currently: What’s the least amount of training you need to make solid strength gains?
  9. I support this plan. Will be interested to see what you learn from the food journal.
  10. Sounds like a good plan to avoid injury and burnout to me. There were some bodyweight workout progressions that I was doing for a while which started at 3 sets of 3, and you kept adding reps until you got to 3 sets of 8 before before going on to a more difficult variation. That kind of programming is probably more necessary for bodyweight stuff because you can't increase the load by 1lb at a time like you can with a barbell, but there's no reason why it shouldn't also work for weight training.
  11. Yeah, that's probably a sensible idea, though I'm loathe to open more accounts. Currently we've got a joint account for regular bills, and a joint savings account for irregular bills. In theory the joint savings would pay for this, but we've not had it long enough and far too much goes out of it for it to cover any of those items. On top of that I have my current account, savings account, regular saver, fixed-rate saver, and an extra current account that I only opened because that bank actually have a local branch that I can pay money into if I need to. There's a reason for all of it, but at some point this stuff is going to get too annoying to keep track of!
  12. A wood elf wanders into the taproom, looking quizzically at the group congregating around one extremely muscular individual. Deciding that this probably isn't his problem, he takes a seat at the bar and grins as the familiar face behind it. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep, he says, in a voice that has said the same phrase hundreds of times before. I recently signed up to my first Crossfit competition. I'm not short of ridiculously fit people at my gym to be inspired by, but it'll be nice to meet a few others in a semi-conpetitive atmosphere. If nothing else I'll get to know my teammates a bit better.
  13. Congratulations! Keep it up! Also reminded me of an article I read recently: What’s the least amount of training you need to make solid strength gains? In particular, this paragraph caught my eye at the super low volume end:
  14. Wow, that's really cool! I'm constantly amazed how much technology we can put on a wrist these days.
  15. The last couple of weeks have been pretty spendy for me. The big stuff I'm kind of ok with - I did a shift delivering flowers for (UK) mother's day which paid for some new climbing shoes and a competition entry and left plenty of change - but it's all of the little drinks and bits out that have crept back into my routine I want to knock on the head. I think part of the problem is that my money has started to balance again, so I'm not staring at an empty bank account 3 weeks before payday. I need to get out of that mindset though, because this year I need to: • Get the boiler serviced (not an expensive job, unless they say it needs replacing) • Pay for a load of waste to be taken out of the garden • Replace the outhouse roof, and one wall • Re-wire the top floor of the house • Ideally re-carpet the top floor, and hall, stairs, and landing, once the re-wiring is done And really ideally, get all of that done in the next 2-3 months. Not sure if that's financially possible; I really need to price this stuff up.
  16. How does your watch measure BF%? Even if it's not totally accurate, that's super cool that it's even possible. Not a gluten tip, but maybe a meal planning top. One thing I realised on the last PvP is that as long as my lunch hit my goals, it didn't really need to look like a lunch. I've now ended up where if I haven't prepped a meal for lunch, rather than getting a sandwich at work I instead just throw stuff in a lunch box until the calories add up. So that could include hot cross buns, biscuits, carrots, celery, crisps, apples, oranges, kiwi, chocolate - whatever's in the house. (It's really just stealing @deftona's snack box idea, but I tend to eat most or all of it an once.) Just thinking about this more (as I sit here having eaten the massive sandwich I prepared for today), I also think I feel more sated from spending my whole lunch break grabbing lots of little things, rather than eating one big thing.
  17. Hi all, glad to be back for another round of this. This time I'll be looking to lose 11lbs in 12 weeks, as that would put me under 11 stone, and conveniently also under 70kg. Whatever the result I'll be ending my cut after these 12 weeks and going into maintenance for a while, before bulking October to December, so I'd like to put a good effort into this knowing that I have a (self-imposed) time limit. My plan remains unchanged, set a calorie goal for the week (currently 18,000), divide it by 8, and try and stick to that goal every day with excess calories going into my buffer (the 8th share of the weekly goal). I've made some changes to my standard breakfast and how I think about lunch over the last few months, and this now feels a lot more achievable than it did in January. Thanks again for setting this up @Snarkyfishguts!
  18. Bonus update: I measured yesterday evening and I'm down 2" on my waistline. That's about a 5% reduction in waist measurement, and I've no idea if that's high or not but it sounds good to me!
  19. 01/01/2024 - 174.4lbs 08/01/2024 - 172.0lbs 15/01/2024 - 170.9lbs 22/01/2024 - 169.2lbs 29/01/2024 - 169.0lbs 05/02/2024 - 168.8lbs 12/02/2024 - 169.2lbs 19/02/2024 - 165.7lbs 26/02/2024 - 167.1lbs 04/03/2024 - 167.3lbs 11/03/2024 - 164.0lbs 18/03/2024 - 164.9lbs Well having said I was going to try and drop 2lbs this week to hit my weight goal, I promptly ate 5 pieces of homemade rocky road on Monday and blew my calorie buffer for the week on that So I didn't hit my goal, but I did lose 9.5lbs in 11 weeks, which I'm really happy with. Will be interested to see how my waist measurement has changed when I do that later - I know I'm down a couple of notches on my belt. Also want to echo everyone else's comments about how great this group is - that weekly accountability really keeps me on track with this, and when I've had weeks of weight gain it's really useful to see the overall trend to remind me that this is working.
  20. 01/01/2024 - 174.4lbs 08/01/2024 - 172.0lbs 15/01/2024 - 170.9lbs 22/01/2024 - 169.2lbs 29/01/2024 - 169.0lbs 05/02/2024 - 168.8lbs 12/02/2024 - 169.2lbs 19/02/2024 - 165.7lbs 26/02/2024 - 167.1lbs 04/03/2024 - 167.3lbs 11/03/2024 - 164.0lbs Back to a new low after my birthday week, despite a load of birthday rocky road and a massive curry this week. I actually put a lot of effort in to keeping calories low in other areas though, and got within 2.3% of my weekly calorie goal, so I'm not too surprised to see that number on the scale. Goal for this challenge was 162.4lbs, so I need to lose 1.6 this week to hit it. Game on!
  21. I can't quite summon the energy for an update right now, so just a placeholder to say I'm here. I lost track of my goals a bit last week, but I've updated my bujo as best I can (with a few guesses) so I will have nunbers to report when I get round it to.
  22. What's wrong with my hairstyle? Yeah, that might play into it. I tend to like it when people are direct (and actively ignore subtext if the subtext doesn't serve me), so possibly I'm also not the best judge in this case. I do think of you as being both nice and polite though.
  23. W4D4 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was farmers' walks - I managed 164kg for 100ft, and did kneehab between sets. Then, for time, 1km row, 500m ski, 100 kettlebell swings. I finished in 11'14". Bought a pen at lunch, nothing fancy but the scratchy one I had was annoying me. Had a very snacky day, and then WW made a great curry with coconut cream, so calories were tracked but high. I worked late and then played BG3 online all evening, and I was exhausted by bedtime. Duolingo done, art and teeth not done, so 3/6.
  24. Oh no, the insurance doesn't cover breakdowns. If the car properly breaks down though, I'll have an insured car I can't drive Thanks . It was 100% true as well.
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