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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sorry I've not been keeping track bro, I really need to sort out my notifications so I see tags! That sounds awesome, please send me a link when you guys have something recorded, I'd love to hear it! And sounds like your journey is going awesome man, a few stumbles along the way, but you're definitely moving forward. Looking forward to the next one!
  2. Busy weekend! It's been pretty good overall though. Saturday was the aforementioned Parkrun with hangover, followed by a big breakfast, followed by circuit day at the gym. The gym didn't go too well. I was tired from late night and hangover, and from the Parkrun, and although i had a big breakfast I hadn't had lunch. Got through 1 circuit in 12:42.8 (which I have discovered is a very poor time for me), had a long rest and then tried a second circuit. About a minute in to the run I felt like I was going to throw up so I abandoned it as a bad job and went home. Clearly I needed the rest! This is the circuit by the way: 1km row 20 press-ups 25 TRX row 20 lunge jumps 20 single-arm C&P Saturday night was snooker, and it was a long, long match. Didn't finish playing until 23:25, and then I had to travel home and didn't end up getting to bed until much, much later. Truth be told I could probably have got to bed by about 00:30-01:00, but for some reason I really didn't want to get home or go to bed at any sensible time. Sunday's plan was to get up about 9, run, breakfast, chill, go bouldering. Well, Saturday's late night put paid to that. Up at 11, made breakfast, ended up going out for my run at about 12:45. I am quite very pleased with the run though. Runkeeper called for 6mi steady, so I aimed for a 10min/mi pace. And I hit 6 miles in exactly 1 hour! I'm happy with the time, but possibly even more happy with fluking it to the second. The splits were admittedly much less consistent, due to hills, fatigue and getting a bit lost in the middle: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 9:26 -17 2 mi 9:34 47 3 mi 10:17 3 4 mi 11:10 10 5 mi 10:06 9 6 mi 9:26 -54 7 mi 19:57 0 As you can see it's a wee bit hilly! Total elevation change from lowest point to highest point is 103'. I don't know how that compares to other routes but it felt like a lot! Got home from my run and had to shower and go straight to bouldering as I'd started to late. Went and climbed for about an hour and a half, and I felt like a running, climbing badass from that! Unfortunately I took a big fall from the top at the end and twisted my back slightly, but it doesn't seem to be slowing me down too much Need to get back to work now, will get a proper challenge round-up done at some point!
  3. Yeah that one. Lovely brew, so glad my local does it. Unfortunately it's very easy to drink and reasonably strong, which isn't a great combination the morning after!
  4. Thanks! Great time for you as well! Yeah, I think I'll probably keep it up. I'd be running about that distance at about that time on a Saturday as part of the plan, and it's a nice change in pace (pun intended) running with other people. Also, knowing that you're doing them, and that I've got a friend in London running one... I don't know where that sentence is going, but there's a nice kind of remote community aspect too if that makes sense?
  5. Happy to help . Seriously though, well done! Are you happy with your time? My time just came through - 28:00. So better than I thought. Felt like I still had more in the tank so it's a good target to beat next week.
  6. Really well done on this challenge, you've done so much! I'm with you on the reward/bonus item thing. I think a reward structure would be good, but eating something I probably shouldn't as a reward for being healthy doesn't make sense in my head. Equally spending money on something I don't really need doesn't feel like mush of a reward either.
  7. Thanks for the tip guys, I'll give it a go. I've been starting my squat with a set using just the bar for a little while because I found it helps my hips, so it makes sense that would work with other exercises too! --- As luck would have it, the club where I was supposed to play pool had an event on and the tables were out of action. I say luck, because it meant I could recommend that we play at the pub down the road that I was planning to go see a band at afterwards. Lost my pool match, not overly disappointed with it but I'm amazed how out of practice I am now I only play snooker. The band were really good; the lead guitarist played exceptionally well and I don't say that lightly. It was a bit weird that the Pink Floyd solos were played in pretty much the style of Joe Satriani, but it worked surprisingly well. I may have also drunk 6 pints of trooper, which may have lead to me feeling a little rough when the Mrs work me up at 7:45 this morning. Still, I took her to work and went to my first Parkrun. Seems like a really fun event and I'm definitely planning to go again. One of the organisers said that this was "the hilliest event in the county", and I think I believe him! Waiting on the result but I think my 5k was about half an hour, which is about right for me.
  8. Yay for positive update! Glad things are going better for you Cauliflower sauce pasta sounds excellent, I may have to investigate this... Awesome that you're excited for Rebel Run as well. I'm sure you've explained before but my memory's awful, what is it/how far is it?
  9. That workout sounds insane, good on you! And that 189 peak BPM is fairly high... Also, your husband's hot.
  10. Hope your holiday over hear is going (went?) well, and those dragons are suffering for it?
  11. You could get good at it; you just need to have the weird desire to spend thousands of hours playing it and you'll be all set! disclaimer: this is quite easy if you're a teenager growing up in a small village with nothing else to do, and distinctly harder once you have adult responsibilities. ----- Didn't get daily dare done (I did try, legs were not having it), and didn't do pressups or anything for the mini. I'm seriously considering dropping all of these bits next month, I just seem to be so busy at the moment and it's a bit overwhelming. Had a fun night last night playing snooker and drinking with my mate. I didn't realise how long it's been since I've seen him, we used to see each other virtually every day but now it's been weeks! Life gets in the way I guess - it was good to catch up anyway. Only had 4 pints, but got home at 00:45 and got to bed at 01:30. Technically a pass on the sleep goal, but certainly not conducive to getting up in the morning... Week 4 stats at W4D4 Blind Man - need to weigh and measure again! Final Countdown - 0/6 days, 35 smoked (plus Monday) Still of the Night - 4/7 days Runnin' Wild - 2/4 Killer on the Loose - 1/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg-hug (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 10 Wood choppers #22 Challenge - 7/22 ...so I got up late this morning (grr) at 7:25, I now owe myself 10 burpees in punishment (more grr), and that made me late to the gym which meant I had to cut my workout short (extra grr with grr on top). Here's what I did do (I think, unfortunately my log stays at the gym): 700m row warm-up Bench Press - 35kg x 5 x 6 (PR) One-arm DB row - 14kg x 5 x 6 (PR) Incline DB bench - 10kg x 2 x 12, 10kg x 2 x 6 - failed half way through final set, decided to rest and get the reps in anyway Lat pull down - out of time Burpees - out of time I could have got one of the last two exercises in (well, it would have made me late for work, but not too late), but the lat machine and all the mats for burpees were taken so i admitted defeat. Side bar: I don't particularly like rowing as a warm-up. Can anyone recommend anything different that I can try, because I'm a bit stuck on what to do really.
  12. Sounds like your vacation was awesome, and I love the photoshoot! Rest, recharge, and you'll come back stronger than ever . Also, business casual Storm Trooper is an excellent cosplay.
  13. As someone who's working really hard to get up at 7 to exercise, massive respect for you getting up at 4:30 (and more than a little fear just thinking about it!)
  14. Well... ^what they said. In the UK the table's 12' x 6' though. And basically pot balls to score points, try to stop your opponent scoring (by either clearing up the balls or not leaving them in a position to pot), and try and score more points than your opponent. It's bloody difficult, but good fun!
  15. Four hours to buy shoes, eurgh! I've only just started catching up on here, really sorry to hear you've been struggling. If there's anything I can do please give me a shout. Also, I think the daily missions is a really good idea. Easier to accomplish something and make the most of your day, however much or little that most might be
  16. Sorry I've been so rubbish contributing to the Horde this challenge! I managed to get in 10 with a ~18lb dumbell the other day; if I can get more that 5 minutes at home where I'm not asleep I will try and get in a whole lot more!
  17. Cheers for the reminder. Yeah, I'm really excited about it, it sounds like good fun! Also conveniently fits with the time I would be running anyway, which doesn't hurt! ----- Yesterday was straight from work to mate's house, quick dinner (oven pizza ) and then to snooker. Lost 3-2, disappointingly. Stayed there for a couple of beers and a really good chat, dropped mate home and took myself home. Didn't get back until 00:34 so missed any chance to do my daily dare, #22 press-ups or woodchoppers for the mini . In bed by 01:04 so well within the rules, but I was tired this morning! Blind Man - need to weigh and measure again! Final Countdown - 0/6 days, 20 smoked (plus Monday) Still of the Night - 3/7 days Runnin' Wild - 1/4 Killer on the Loose - 1/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg-hug (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 10 Wood choppers #22 Challenge - 7/22 ----- Got up on time again this morning (this is almost becoming a habit!) and went for my run. Runkeeper called for 1 mile slow, 4 x 5 min fast, 1 mile slow. Went something like this: INTERVALS PACE CLIMB 1.00 mi 11:09 -5 5:00 8:24 1 2:00 10:18 2 5:00 8:17 -7 2:00 10:21 12 5:00 8:51 -8 2:00 16:26 4 5:00 8:38 1 1.00 mi 10:43 2 3:18 20:15 -2 This was really hard work, particularly for the first mile, as my legs and glutes were still suffering from yesterday at the gym, but I'm pretty very happy with the fast pace sections in there. In total (including that last little walk home) it works out as 5.01mi in 51:14, for an average pace of 10:13 min/mi. In related news (and a bit of a moan), something I really dislike about running to time is how hard it is to plan for. With a distance run I have routes that are 2 miles and 3 miles long, so I can work out the right route pretty well to finish back at home. For timed runs I end up either finishing the time and having to walk a long way home, or running round in circles like I did today to make up the last bit. Very irritating! More snooker tonight, and hopefully some daily dare/pushup/mini stuff!
  18. Excellent job on the PR! And hitting your pushup target in week 3! Pushups all the way!
  19. Well done on getting your final points. Martial arts sounds like a great idea, it's such a fun way to focus your exercise. How goes week 4 (Jesus, I've only just twigged that it's week 4!)?
  20. Well done on the OCR! I long for the day when I can consider a 5k a "warm up"! And well done on getting out yesterday even if it wasn't perfect; sometimes the mind is willing but the body is knackered! Enjoy your climbing! Have you heard it's becoming an Olympic sport from 2020?
  21. Thank you. And yes sir I will SIR! Haha, well you have to laugh at that, it's only right! Utch-itter? Wow, I wouldn't have got that one right. There's no really tough place names near me that I know of though (although interestingly Uckfield does not rhyme with Cuckfield). ----- Week 3 stats at W3D7 Blind Man - 10st12, 15.9% BF at 31/07/16 Final Countdown - 0/5 days, 45 smoked (weekend technically passed as I wasn't around anywhere I couldn't smoke, but I have no idea on the count) Still of the Night - 7/7 days (once again the weekend rule relaxing helped; with less days at home and less work days) Runnin' Wild - 3/4 (pretty happy with this given being away) Killer on the Loose - 2/2 A Better Man - 4/5 (I think?) Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg extensions (EC), 2 min double chest expansions (EC), 1 min hopping (EC), Bicycle Crunches (EC), Lunge Step-Ups (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 25m alligator crawls = 5 points #22 Challenge - 5/22 ----- I've spoilered a few bits here for space: Yesterday Morning's Run: Last Night: Week 4 stats at W3D2 This morning's workout: Oo, another thing! When I was away a friend of mine recommended Park Run. I had briefly heard of it on CQ's thread, but didn't realise it was all over the country. Anyway, I've decided I'm going to give that a go on Saturday in place of my Runkeeper plan (I'll be swapping 3mi + strides for a 5km race, so not too much deviation from the plan). Excited to try running with other people anyway . Phew, that was a lot to write. All caught up now, except for a quick list of the very very busy week ahead:
  22. Missed Saturday and Sunday while I was on holiday, missed turning kicks because I left them too late and discovered that my house isn't big enough. Gave myself a hug with EC today though
  23. Hi, I'm back! I need to do a proper update and update stats and whatnot, but I'm running out of time on my lunch break so here's a quick one in the meantime. Had an amazing time on holiday, haven't seen most of these people since at least Christmas so it was excellent to catch up with everyone. Much, much drink was had, an awesome barbeque was cooked (a large part of which was done by yours truly), Frisbee was played, we wrote a song (well, we re-wrote the lyrics to Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners and recorded it to send to a friend for his birthday), Pokémon were caught, dramatic readings of pop songs were performed. Just an excellent, and very silly, weekend. Exercise wise I did get to the gym Friday before we left, and I did get my Saturday run in (which was hot and extremely hard work). Sunday's run was cancelled to allow time for me to have a horrible hangover, and yesterday I didn't feel up to going to the gym after the drive back and still generally trying to recover from the holiday. Likewise not a lot of adulting was done yesterday, although I did manage to boil eggs for this week's breakfasts. Also we did spend some time tidying the house before we went away on Friday, so that was nice to come back to. Sleep was not really had, until last night when I sensibly went to bed around half 10. Smoking was not counted past Friday - I was outside almost constantly and drinking a lot so it can't have been good. This morning I'm back on challenge, and I did go for a run. Will try and give a fuller update later.
  24. Raccoon Roll o.O? Thank you for the smoking comments! I have to keep remind myself that I am getting somewhere with it, just very slowly! Oo, are they pronounced the same in American English then? I actually always assumed that places that share names in the US and the UK, like Gloucester, were actually pronounced differently in the US even by the people who live in those towns. Excellent! I hope you weren't too mean and tried to make them pronounce Worcestershire? My current favourite place name is Towcester (pronounced Toaster)
  25. Very Wobbly Lunge Step-Ups (TM) done with EC. My legs are hating me this week. EDIT: Well done @RocketbikeNinja on being the first to hit gold!
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