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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. So apparently this is a thing: http://www.ludosport.net/en/ Nothing near me and as far as I cal tell nothing near you, but here's hoping it grows!
  2. No worries, good to have you! Loving your challenge too! I know, it's a bit random isn't it? My colleague got hockey player. He's a rugby player and without putting to fine a point on it he's built like a rugby player! The lightsaber forms would be fun actually. Wonder where I can learn that... And deal, we'll both remember to remind each other!
  3. Absolutely! It's hard to grasp the idea of mortality long-term, but if something will improve short term I can get some motivation behind it. Thanks for following, good to have you along for the ride
  4. Motivation is a really hard thing. Rearranging your workout space can be good, or trying something that excites you (whether it's something from the past or some new) as Raxie suggested. Another thing might be committing to an event or something in the future (a hike? a kickboxing event?), so you can have a mid-term goal hanging in front of you like a carrot to aim for. Also, from the games I can't imagine a less relaxing place than Viridian forest; so many damn Caterpie
  5. I was stuck on this until people started mentioning cooking... I'd get a gas oven and hob fitted. Our electric one it absolute carp, the hob takes FOREVER to get hot and the oven doesn't cook evenly throughout so you end up burning one side of a dish. So yeah, that'd be really nice.
  6. Can't find the exact one, but it's something like this one: http://resourcefulcook.com/recipes/view/03sdi-spanish-chicken. A couple of things; it says pre-heat the slow cooker - I don't think that's actually possible unless you've got a lot of time to kill, so ignore that. We tend to layer it - spuds on the bottom, then chicken, then everything else, finally pour the stock over the top. Haven't tried it with the white wine as we never have any in the house, but it's definitely good without it.
  7. Another thing (I'm posting a lot of random thoughts this challenge it seems), according to the Olympic Team GB website I'm built to be a fencer (sword fighting, not digging holes and sinking posts). Interesting, although if I want to play with big swords I think I'm more likely to go down the eastern martial arts route. If you want to have a look this is the link (they do make you sign up though, by e-mail address or Facebook/Twitter): https://www.teamgb.com/sport-profiler/athletics
  8. End of day 2 Sleep - To rise - 6 burpees To bed - 2 points (got to bed just in time again) Teeth - Done and done. 2 points Workout - Done as above. 2 points (plus a badminton session) Non-Mowing - Losing 2-7 to Mrs. On the plus side she's getting a lot of points for meal prep, so I've had some lovely lunches this week! And I get to come home to a clean house! Still going to try and push to beat her (we're running the two weeks together as I'm away, so I'll have more chance next week), but apparently she's quite competitive! Smoking - 50/180 minutes. I've read the prologue, the foreword and the introduction, and I'm about half way through the testimonials. At some point I assume the book itself will start! Weights and Measures - I am now just realising that I forgot to do this. Must remember tomorrow! Last night was generally a chilled one; got in and washed up whilst Mrs cooked dinner (Puttanesca risotto, it was awesome!). Chilled out, watched Robot Wars, managed a bit of reading and got to bed on time. Start of day 2 Sleep - To rise - 24 burpees! Yes, 24! I got up an hour and a half late, adding 18 to my previous total. Not the best start to the day! Teeth - Morning done, 2.5 points Workout - I missed my gym session this morning because I got up so late! I'm really annoyed at that as I've got so little time to exercise this week anyway! Tomorrow I'm giving Mrs a lift to work so I will be up in time for my run. I think if I manage to run whilst at Purbeck I'll give myself a bonus point to counteract the one I lost today, if not then this will be a fail for week one . Non-Mowing - 7-2 behind Smoking - 50/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - Someone remind me tonight! On a side note, Worms WMD did not happen last night due to time constraints. I think I'm going to save it for after Purbeck now, so I can commit some serious gaming hours!
  9. I was going to say do you have a slow cooker (crock pot)? It's really handy for me. I'll usually chuck some stuff in in the evening, turn it on in the morning before I go to work, and come home to a warm cooked meal. And it's just as easy to make 4 servings as it is to make 1, so you can box and keep what's left. My current favourite is Spanish chicken casserole
  10. Definitely the right choice, glad your feeling better for the extra couple of hours (also, getting another couple of hours in bed and still getting up at half 8 is pretty damn impressive! When I say "just a couple more hours" I usually wake up at half 1 in the afternoon wondering what the hell happened!)
  11. Sorry, missed your comment earlier somehow. Glad to have you along! I'll let you know how the book goes, I've had some good recommendations so hopefully it'll work for me
  12. And I'm sure it will pretty soon too, judging by the rate you're smashing through PRs!
  13. Wow, that does sound fascinating actually. I only did history to secondary school level (I guess that's high school for you guys? Up to 16 anyway), and it was all modern history, but I found it really interesting. Particularly looking at different reports/opinions/propaganda surrounding something and looking into the different agendas behind the writing. Don't know why I never took it further actually.
  14. Glad the counting thing helped a bit . Not much help I can offer for noisy neighbours though. Earplugs? Headphones? Get out of town and go camping? Looking forward to hearing about the hike, sounds like fun!
  15. Oo, ouch, totally not cool! Supposed to be a heatwave tomorrow, so I guess we'll both be suffering in our offices then
  16. I can imagine! I suggesting escaping today and going on holiday until mid next week!
  17. Really glad you were able to talk things through with your BIL. Also, love the pic of Rohan!
  18. Haha, I take it you live in Reading then? I've had some good fun at the festival, but I imagine it must be a nightmare for the residents! And cheers, hoping the weather's as forecast and it should be good (even if I come back bright red!)
  19. Aww, that's such a sweet tradition. I hope he appreciates it! Well done on the goals, and glad the snackbox is working out well for you. I will have to try and remember that idea for if/when I start tracking calories again.
  20. More awesome stuff! On Thursday I'm headed off to Purbeck Folk Festival. It's not totally my kind of music, but drinking in a field and chilling to folk music is a beautiful way to spend the weekend! Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking... Anyway, travel protocols need to be in place for this so: Workouts - Will do my run Thursday morning before I leave, and if we're leaving late I might fit in some lifting too. Will take my running gear, though I don't really expect I'll want to use it, but if it's there I might at least go mad and try it. Will get back to the gym on Monday if I think I can get through it without throwing up! Teeth - Brush twice per day, no exceptions! Floss and sonic brush will stay home home thought. Not doing these ones: Sleep - no proper bed = no proper bedtime Non-Mowing - can't clean a house I'm not in (though I also can't do any actual mowing ). Will try and do a load before I leave on Thursday though. Smoking - Not taking the book in case it gets trashed. Going to try and bash out the required hours before I leave. Weights and Measures - no scales!
  21. End of day 1 Sleep - To rise - no burpees! . To bed - 1 point, turned off the light just before 11. Teeth - Done and done. 1 point Workout - Done as above. 1 point Non-Mowing - Well behind Mrs on this, and she's getting competitive! On the plus side, the house is getting cleaner with little to no work on my part Smoking - 40/180 minutes. Had a bit of a read before bed last night, and after 40 minutes I'm almost through the introduction (did I mention I'm a slow reader? ). Weights and Measures - Not done, wanted to spend time reading the book instead. Start of day 2 Sleep - To rise - 6 burpees! Got up half an hour late for absolutely no good reason... Teeth - Morning done, 1.5 points Workout - Went for a run this morning. It was supposed to be 4 miles + strides, but by the time I'd got up late I had to miss the sprint bit. Nearly gave up after two miles (it's 2 x 2mi laps starting from my house) as I really wasn't feeling it, but then I remembered Tank's battle speech and pushed through. Details: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:43 -17 2 mi 9:49 21 3 mi 9:20 -23 4 mi 9:35 22 I've also got badminton this evening, lest I accidentally find time to rest otherwise. Non-Mowing - Well behind Mrs, hopefully this evening* Smoking - 40/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - Hopefully this evening* *I say hopefully, because Worms WMD comes out today! This looks like an awesome game, so I might just grab it on steam and spend the night playing it with Mrs!
  22. Knew the song, had to Google the artist though
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