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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Well, you'll find out next week mate Thank you very much sir.
  2. Sunday - W0D7 Yesterday was a good day. Very chilled out, spent a bunch of time reading the new Rivers of London book (very good so far), and ran the Ranger D&D game where the party made some choices I was not expecting . Watched the end of the Paralympics whilst reading some more and that was about it. Calories were tracked at 2,399. Weekly calories were 20,808, and I lost 1.7lbs. No money was spent, as I didn't leave the house. Updated here. No mini painting. Week 0 scores: Decisionist: 7/7 days tracking calories Hoardsperson: 3/7 no-spend days Documancer: 7/7 days checking in here Cartographer: 1/1 minis painted.
  3. Yeah, the place I go is only a biuldering gym, no top rope or lead areas, so they have a fairly broad mix from slabs to competition walls to caves.
  4. Entering Niko's cabin, Guglug imagines he cuts an unusual figure, ducking under the door frame and crouching amongst the tomes of books. To his great surprise Niko appears unfased, and he's immediately put to work under the critical eye of Niko's chouette (unless it's a hibou, translation came easier to Guglug that foreign taxonomy). Either way, it was a relief to be working in the warm for a change, rather than stalking a forest full of spiders. Hi all, good luck with week 1! As you can see I've decided to appease the owl this week.
  5. Looking forward to seeing your villain arc progress; those are some very good goals you have.
  6. Saturday W0D6 Yesterday was a good day. Went climbing for a bit - it's 'slabtember' at my bouldering gym so lots of slab climbing to mess around with and skin my knees on. (A slab is a wall that leans away from you, so there's little in the way of handholds and a lot of focus on balancing over your feet. It also means that when you fall off you hit everything on the way down.) Straight after climbing I went for a run - did 9km (5.625 miles) in just under 45 minutes, which puts me well on track to attempt a sub-50 minute 10k next weekend. In the afternoon I went to a little local festival as someone I know was playing guitar in an Alanis Morisette tribute band. Stayed for them, an Irish folk band, and a bit of a Portishead trubute before heading home. The only money I spent was on groceries, but given that I spent over half on the grocery money on beer to drink at home I'm counting it as a fail (it was only 4 beers, but also only a chicken and some eggs on the grocery side.) Calories were tracked at 3,035, and I updated here for another 2/3 day. I also did some mini painting to get a headstart on next week's mini. Thankfully this batch are a bit simpler than the last ones, which were incredibly beautiful and far too detailed.
  7. That's fair. I don't watch a lot of sport (though I'm currently hooked on the Paralympics), but rugby has a special place in my heart for some reason.
  8. Forst of all, I love this, beautifully put together. Secondly, I don't know if you've come across Limitless Heroics, but your sheet really reminded me of it: https://wyrmworkspublishing.com/product/limitless-heroics/
  9. With an appreciative grunt and a half smile, the half orc takes the proffered seat and silently tucks in to his stew, keeping half an eye on the rest of the room.
  10. Friday W0D5 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was mostly a bunch of handwalking practice, which I very much appreciated. One day, I'll be able to do it properly. Work was interesting - we're renovating our offices so I spent the last couple of hours of the day carting stuff down to a skip rather than doing my day job. It was nice to see all the gym time paying off when I was bracing the boardroom table against my shoulder walking it down the stairs. I managed to avoid spending money at lunch, and then immediately went to the pub after work to fail my hoardsperson goal. It was nice to catch up with a couple of people though, and I only had the one pint before heading home. The evening was spent chilling in front of the TV and posting my challenge. I also made a massive chilli, woth two servings for dinner and another 6 to make lunches easier for the next few days. Calories were tracked at 2,827. I had a very small lunch, which somewhat counteracted all pf the biscuits and sausage rolls that needed to be cleared out of the office as part of the refurb . Updating here was done for a 2/3 goals day.
  11. Either the release date is different here, or Amazon have messed up, because this book is currently sat on my lap. WW has already finished it, unfortunately I'm a slower reader. I've been doing Hindu pushups in the gym for years, so I'm very pleased to hear this. I have genuinely wondered on several occasions whether the name was ok. I highly recommend doing so. Marvellous sport.
  12. I KNOW, RIGHT! THERE'S STILL 2 WEEKS OF SUMMER LEFT, AND I'M NOT DONE WITH SHORTS AND VESTS! Hope all's well with Laura, and the insurers pull their finger out.
  13. As the taproom door opens once again, a hulking figure steps inside, ducking below the doorframe. Once inside he pulls himself up, though he still stoops slightly as he lumbers his way towards the bar. His features are heavy, the strong nose below a heavy brow showing signs of an old breakage, and the grey-green skintone betraying some orcish ancestry. Moving to the bar the half-orc orders a stew. He gives a nod to the patron sat to his right, accompanied by a smile which reveals a hint of tusk-like teeth in the lower jaw. Casting his eyes around for a table, he spots a spare seat in the corner with a good view of the room. He approaches the table's single occupant, and speaks in a bassy voice. "Mind if I join yuh?" Figured I go with the character that's been my forum avatar for the last year or two - he's never seen as much play as I'd like him to, even when he was briefly the focus of some of my challenges.
  14. I love this for you ❤️ When I had the MRI on my knee, it came back with nothing conclusive that was causing the problem. My initial thought was disappointment, but what it actually did was allowed the physio to say I wasn't going to make it worse by pushing hard on the rehab, and that there was lots of stuff I could do to help it. Having got nowhere for a few months leading up to the scan, the scan that couldn't find anything totally changed my recovery and I'm now running faster than I ever have. I can't promise it'll be the same for you, just saying that if the scan doesn't pinpoint a problem that doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Following along, of course!
  15. You should 100% change your forum username to this when you get married
  16. I do this all of the time, even when I'd rather be sleeping i find myself staring at my phone. I wish I knew why!
  17. Ah, I C what you did there More like once per day, I really should put more effort in to the evenings. Thank you for checking in; it helps.
  18. Thursday W0D4 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was some snatch practice, and then 'Amanda', which is a bunch of ring muscle ups and more snatches. I didn't finish the workout, but I did get 16 ring muscle ups over the course of the session, which I'm really chuffed about! Food was tracked at 3,004kcal, and I spent no money all day thanks to working from home and not going out in the evening. (I did go grocery shopping, but that's not relevant for this goal, which is about discretionary spending). Didn't write this thread yesterday in favour of getting an early night, which was much needed after the late night on Wednesday.
  19. Cross posts from my last challenge, where I was putting daily updates before I set this one up. Monday W0D1 Tuesday W0D2 Wednesday W0D3
  20. Jarric: The 'C' Team Each challenge, I theme my goals around roles within an adventuring party. Not character classes, but roles, like the cartographer that maps out the dungeons, or the hoardsperson that keeps track of the party loot. I got the idea from Acquisitions Incorporated: The 'C' Team, and it just so happens that this challenge my goals match up perfectly with the C Team members. If you've never seen it, The 'C' Team is an excellent D&D actual play show, with a very narrative style and an incredibly loose grip on the rules. It's nothing like most D&D I've played or seen, but I fell in love with it a few years ago and although they've now finished their 4 seasons and aren't making any more I still thoroughly recommend it. The decisionist [+2 CON] Track food food every day, using My Fitness Pal. I start bulking from October, so September is about establishing what my maintenance calories are so I can then set my bulking calories for the next 3 months. The hoardsperson [+2 SAN] Spend no money all challenge. This is what I've recently seen described on the forums as a SMRT goal. Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Time-defined, and very much not Achievable. Obviously I won't get through the whole challenge without spending any money, but I want to have as many zero-spend days as possible. This is a bit of a compound goal. For one thing, I'm skint, so it'll obviously help with that. But it'll also stop me drinking as much, particularly when it comes to drinking at home, and that's going to be good for me physically, mentally, and calorie-wise. And it should stop me from buying endless bottles of fizzy drinks, which don't feel good for me when I'm drinking them every day. The documancer [+1 SAN] Check in here every day. I do better at my goals when I'm here talking to y'all, it keeps me on track. Plus, I like being here and seeing what everyone else is up to too. The cartographer [+2 CHA] Paint one mini every week. I've been getting a monthly box with 3 D&D minis in it to paint, but I've fallen behind with it and now I just have a load of grey plastic sat in my kitchen. I do enjoy painting them though, and I'm excited to get through a few. For the purposes of this challenge I'll be grading at the end on whether I got through all 6, so whilst the aim is one per week it's ok to work ahead or fall behind as life demands. There were some other things I was thinking about for this challenge, which haven't quite made it in. I was planning to do pistol squats every day in September, and I might still try and bring that back but so far I'm failing miserably at it. I also thought about a todo list for all of the stuff in my house I'm ignoring, but I can't quite pull it together right now. And I was also thinking about @titsworth's prompt in the tavern thread and how I should do a bit less sitting on the sofa, but that's probably a bigger challenge than I want to fit in this time around and requires a bit more thought and unpacking. Although I'm not actively doing these things I may well talk about them as I wrap my mind around them, or they might become relevant in the West Marches PvP or the Wicked PvP, both of which I'm thinking of how to work with. Well, without further ado, let's do this!
  21. Every time someone mentions Jolene it makes me think of the eldritch horror version:
  22. My approach to planning is that once a date has been set, the event will happen, so whilst the preparation might make a difference it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things if you don't get to something or aren't as 100% prepared as you would like. Try not to stress to much; it'll be a lovely day whatever happens. On the other hand, I've been engaged for 15 years, so probably don't take my advice on weddings. Love that you're going to Gretna Green though; absolutely iconic choice! And who knows, maybe they'll let you get Scottish citizenship when they leave the UK
  23. Ok, I promise that I will, in fact, post my new challenge soon. But it's late, I'm tired, and I now have a side quest, a villain arc, and a West Marches run that I might need to consider... Yesterday was a good day. Gym first thing, went for an eye test and ordered my new glasses, crashed out and slept on the sofa for a while. I also finished painting my first mini of the challenge! It's not good, even before I messed it up trying to do a cool blue lighting effect that didn't work, but it's an extremely detailed model and it's been giving me a headache for quite long enough so I'm finished with it. As this completes this set of 3, guess I can share a picture of the set as well given that I feel better about the other 2... In the evening I went out for dinner followed by a work in progress comedy show from Jason Manford. It was a really good night, with a fair few beers, and I didn't get home until midnight. Food was tracked at 4,250kcal, failed the no spend goal as money was spent on food and beer (hence the calories). Checked in here for 2/3 dailies. I've already forgotten about my pistol squat goal; might need to rethink that before week 1...
  24. Must be time for me to go down the character creation rabbit hole! I hope to emerge soon...
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