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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I'm gonna have to have a think on this. I'm definitely guilty of spending a lot of time on the sofa curled up round my phone, finding that my neck and back hurt, thinking 'I should get up and do some foam rolling or something to deal with that,' and then going back to my phone...
  2. So excited you finally get to make this move! I'll be following along of course.
  3. I don't have time to set up a new thread today; will do so tomorrow. In the meantime... Yesterday was a good day. Up and out early to go to our northern office for the day. Really busy, but nice to see a few people I don't normally see and had a good chat with a colleague that gave me a lift there and back. Calories were tracked at 2,435 and I checked in here. Went out to lunch with colleagues so failed my no spend goal. In the evening we played Pathfinder. It ended up being a shopping and roleplay episode, which was quite nice and chilled to be fair. I knew after 90 minutes of debating what to sell and how best to spend our money that we wouldn't be making much progress . We ended up buying a staff of heal, because this megadungeon is lethal. and we have no shame in trying to stack the deck. Our healer now has the staff of heal as well as a bunch of healing abilities and spells, my bard/herbalist I can make 4 healing elixirs per day and has a healing spell, and the druid has goodberries and a wand of heal. It still may not be enough...
  4. As I've made it a challenge goal to update here every day I better keep this thread going until the new challenge is live. Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was a bunch of front squats: 30kg x 3x10 40kg x 3 x 8 50kg x 3 x 6 70kg x 3 x 4 80kg x 3 x 2 That was every even minute for 30 minutes. Every odd minute was time on an air bike. Add to this that after work I went for a run, because I couldn't run this morning, and my legs hate me today! Work was ok, apart from the fact that we found out somebody quite foundational to the business had been made redundant, which was a major shock. Still hoping rhat things will change for the better, but moments like this leave me cynical. Food tracked at 2,858kcal, including some excellent hommemade falafel, with homemade roulé cheese and a chickpea and bean salad courtesy of WW. I updated here, I spent no money, and I even did some painting on the necromanceress I'm working on. Unfortunately I forgot my pistol squats, so I guess I should go and do some now!
  5. Week 5 stats ?‍♂️ 7/28 maybe? I really haven't kept track properly. Challenge wrap-up I've re-read my challenge intro before posting this, and I'd forgotten at least one of my goals (tracking food), which shows just how focused I've been. I came into this challenge pretty burned out at work, stressed about looking for new jobs, and starting my first day at a new gym. I think the journalling I did early in the challenge, before I gave up on it, probably helped with that stuff a bit. Since then I've decided to stay in my current job, based on having a new manager and a lot of people really trying to improve things here. I've also settled in at the new gym and it's really good, so I feel much better about that. Drawing and painting hasn't really happened, so that's going to be a more specific goal next time round, but I am feeling like I've got more energy to do it now and I'm less generally stressed with everything. ETA: score for this challenge was about 47.5/112. This does not really tell me much, and in general is not a great way to track my challenge score. I'm starting my new challenge today, and whilst I'll write that up properly when the new boards are live I'll share my goals now for accountability: - Track calories daily on phone - Spend no money - Check in on the forums daily - Paint 1 mini per week - Not an official challenge goal, but throughout September I'll be doing daily pistol squats - 1 rep on 1st September, 2 reps on 2nd, 3 reps on 3rd, and so on.
  6. Yeah, I knew I had to share that story because I almost felt like a caricature of myself doing it
  7. So sorry to hear you were going through that, but so glad that it lead to that revelation for you. Bloody love this ?
  8. Exciting to see how everything's progressing for you, particularly with the scare on the wrong paperwork address early in the challenge. May the next one bring good things!
  9. I'm going for a small number of measurable goals that I hope will have an outsized impact. For example, I'll have a no spend goal, but the outcome of that is saving money, and reducing my alcohol intake, and reducing the amount of fizzy drinks I drink. I spent a bit of time this morning brainstorming goals, and then tried to distil them into 4 that would have the most impact. Wood elf ranger reporting in!
  10. I've more or less abandoned this challenge, so I'm not going to do a massive update for this week. I am going to share what happened over the last couple of days though, because it feels like a story I would have put on here 5 years ago Friday night I got home from work, threw together a quick dinner of curried port chops and spiced potatoes, and then went out for the evening with Hopalong. We went to see a very weird folk/punk band, though honestly we spent most of the evening just chatting. Hopalong was driving, so I could have a couple of drinks, and went for a lovely IPA I've not seen before. When I was ordering the 3rd pint the barmaid said, 'which one, the really strong one?', and at that point I realised that this was, in fact, very strong beer. We left fairly early after only those 3, so when I got home I decided in my infinite wisdom to have a whiskey and ginger wine and watch some TV. Having been surprisingly drunk Friday night, I woke up feeling surprisingly out of it on Saturday morning. I was meeting Hopalong at 8am to go for a run, and I managed to get out to meet him relatively close to on time. The plan was to go for a steady, 5-mile (8km) run. Unbekownst to me, Hopalong had other plans, and set off at a pace that was really difficult for me to hold on to. I managed to follow him not too far behind, and 4km (2.5 miles) in he said "One more k and then we'll slow down, yeah?". Turns out he'd decided that I was going to set a new 5k PB, and set it I did taking almost 1.5 minutes off my previous best! I also set Strava PBs for 2 miles, 1 mile, 1km, and 0.5 miles! It wasn't really the point of the run, but it was pretty cool to see how much faster I am now that I've upped my running tempo. Give it a couple of weeks and I guess I'll be going for a 10k PB?
  11. There's so much content to catch up on! E102 is an absolute cracker by the way, would like to hear what you think when you finish it. Thanks! I have pretty much written out my goals, gonna start tomorrow regardless of when the new boards go up.
  12. Week 4 finished at something like 7/28 points. To be honest I've just not been paying that much attention to it, and I'm not convinced that's going to change for week 5. Im already planning my next challenge, which I will hopefully launch into with a bit more gusto. Yesterday (week 5 day 1) was a bank holiday, so I had a mega chilled day. Went for a fry up, tried on some new glasses, and then chilled in front of Critical Role. CR spoiler, around C3 E80 ish: Also spent some time levelling up Hummingbird - my bard for the Pathfinder game - there's too many good spells and it took me ages to choose! That was about the extent of my productivity I think.
  13. Making friends as an adult is tough. Maybe (when you're ready) just focus on doing things you enjoy and doing them in ways that get you talking to others? Whether that's helping at church, going fishing with a group, or just some friendly fitness challenges with other nerds This sounds like a nice, and useful, project.
  14. Hope the cold clears up quickly mate. You've been doing amazingly with with all of the college, cars, and life admin recently - that's a lot of stuff!
  15. Monday - Week 4 Day 1 Back on it a bit yesterday. Crossfit was a little boring unfortunately - a half hour workout of rowing, burpees, and shuttle runs. Work was ok - busy and full of meetings as Mondays often are. Food was tracked - I probably didn't need 3 mini bakewell tarts when I got home, but WW had bought them and I wanted them. Other than that I was fairly restrained, and she made a lovely paella for dinner. Did a bit of journaling, just really writing out my plans for what I do if I get a job offer, and depending on what the job offer is. Also did a bit of mini painting - not entirely sure if I've fixed the skin tone on this one, but it's as good as it's gonna get. While I was painting we watched some Critical Role. We're on campaign 3, finished episode 77 and started ep 78 - all the emotional trauma! 4/4 for the day.
  16. Thanks mate! Chorizo is always good, although the gherkins really made an impact over everything else in that sandwich. The pasta is something I cooked at some point in the past and put in the freezer. I don't know when, and I can only hazard a guess as to the ingredients.
  17. Week 1 finished with a score of 22/28, I think. Thought I vould do without a proper challenge tracker but that's proving tricky. Week 2 was something like 11.5/28. Week 2 was good in general though. I won't bother with the blow-by-blow, but let's look at some highlights. Had a job interview on Thursday. I really don't like the feeling of booking time off work and not being able to tell people the reason why, and in general feeling like I'm going behind people's backs. Still, the interview itself went well, I really like the company and I think the role would be interesting. It was a second interview, including a technical test, which was an interesting experience. Now a couple of weeks wait to see if they offer me a job, and agonise over whether I would accept it or not. I like it, but I've been at my current place for 7 years and leaving would be a huge step. My current employer are also working really hard to make things better for me personally, though I think pressure from above might make that impossible in the longer term. On Friday night I went out for a night out at a charity event with a load of colleagues. I had a fantastic time, stayed up very late, and drank quite a bit. Having a lovely time with these guys in no way helps my dilemma about leaving. Food tracking has been intermittent at best, but I'm enjoying some of my entries including 'mystery pasta' and 'goat's cheese, chorizo, and gherkin sandwich. Weight is the highest in a while - want to get this under control before I start tracking calories again next month. On to week 4!
  18. Just catching up - been pretty bad at getting on here recently - but loved this. Focus on doing the bits you can control, accept the other things as best you can.
  19. Amazing job the the PR mate - congratulations!
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