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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sunday - week 1 day 7 For myself, I read before bed (4/7) For my house, I hoovered the office (3/7) Sunday was a good day. I spent most of the morning prepping for D&D, but not before I spent a couple of minutes running the hoover round my office for my challenge goals. D&D was really good fun. The party levelled up, dealt with a rat infestation at the bar the run (which they have now christened The Peryton), and then spent most of the session dealing with a large explosion that happened right outside their building. It was fun watching them trying to gather clues, speak to a witness, and deal with the City Watch. I'm looking forward to seeing where their investigations go. In the afternoon I grated some parsnips for a parsnip cake that WW was making, and then went out for my run. The plan was 6 miles, but 2 miles in I was feeling really light headed and woozy, so I stopped to walk. I didn't feel better, ao I walked all the way home, and I felt pretty grim all evening. I did still manage to cook a lovely roast lamb dinner - we managed to get some shoulder on offer and it was so much nicer than the rolled breast we usually get. I had planned to spend the evening submitted my essay, but I didn't feel up to it. I went to bed fairly early, and then settled down to read for a couple of minutes before sleep. Overall not the best scores for the week, but something's better than nothing and hopefully I can start to build on this now.
  2. Time is a weird soup. I know exactly what you mean though - sometimes it feels like a million years, sometimes you feel like you spoke to them last week. Have you got a recipe for this? It sounds excellent!
  3. Friday - week 1 day 5 For myself, I did nothing (2/5) For my house, I did nothing (2/5) Friday was a good day. Banded deadlifts at crossfit for a 12-minute EMOM, and then, for time, 7 rounds of 1 muscle up, 2 power cleans, 100m run. I managed all 7 bar muscle ups with no failed reps, which I was very pleased with - it's still a bit hit and miss whether I get them on a given day or not. Power cleans were fine at 60kg, and I did 200m air bike rather than 100m run as it was pissing it down with rain, finishing in 8:41. Work was busy, but ok. Last day of the financial year, so more than enough to do. Because it was the end of the financial year we all went out to celebrate after work, and I drank copious amounts of Guinness and had some very deep conversations with work friends. I left the pub at a very reasonable 10.30pm, and went home for toast and caffeine to try and sober myself up before bed. I didn't actually go to bed until about half 1, which was a bit less reasonable, and predictably I didn't sleep too soundly. Saturday - week 1 day 6 For myself, I read before bed (3/6) For my house, I did nothing (2/6) Yesterday was a good day. Despite the lack of sleep, I did manage to get up and go climbing first thing. Only climbed for about an hour and a half, but it all counts. In the afternoon WW and I went to see the new D&D movie. I've been looking forward to it for ages, and I wasn't disappointed. Thoughts behind the spoiler. In the afternoon I went out for my run - a slow 5k to tick the box. I did at least manage to get in a couple of pages of reading before I went to sleep, so managed to tick off one of my two goals.
  4. Heya! Well, you've found me now! And you're right, it had reached the point where a Big Shop was very necessary.
  5. That barkeep is one miraculous individual
  6. Thursday - week 1 day 4 For myself, I did nothing (2/4) For my house, I did nothing (2/4) Yesterday was a good day. Went for a run first thing - 4 miles include 6 x 110yd stride intervals. Felt pretty strong, and the time was good, even though my watch failed to record the data for some reason Work was ok - still trying to wrap stuff up. Immediately after work I went to pick WW up and went to Tesco for a big (and I mean big) shop. 90 minutes and far too much money later we are now very well stocked up for the next few weeks, and we have Easter eggs for those sho we're buying for. When we got in a cooked a very quick lamb and pistachio tagine from a recipe box, and we watched the first episode in the new series of Taskmaster. I had a few beers over the evening, and ended up staying up later than I really should have, but it was a nice relaxing evening.
  7. Yeah, although as far as I can ascertain @Raxie's technique is just to bever sleep . But having time at work to do stuff works too. So good! It's my last one, so I'll get it submitted and then be holding my breath for a month or so waiting for my final result. Thank you! I'm really looking forward to running it with you! It tastes like the metallic tang of cold beer, so I guess I'm on the Guinness tonight?
  8. I love all of this enthusiasm - coming to your thread makes me smile Hope the test results come quickly and give you some helpful action to take.
  9. I loved this book - still need to finish the series, but this book was beautiful.
  10. Wednesday - week 1 day 3 For myself, I did some foam rolling in the evening (2/3) For my house, I tidied some leads that have been laying around for weeks (2/3) Yesterday was a good day. At Crossfit we had 3x5 bench press, and I set a new 5RM at 70kg (154#)! The three sets were 65kg x 5, 70kg x 5, 70kg x 3, so I've got a bit of work to do to hit that weight for more than one set. After that we had 75 second intervals of 200m ski, max reps ring dips. The ring dips felt seriously hard after skiing, but we did 3 intervals and I managed to get 5 reps every time, which I was very happy with. Work was busy - so near the end of the financial year I can almost taste it. In the evening WW cooked pork belly with potatoes, and then I went to write my essay for an hour. I finished the first draft of the essay, it just needs a couple of hours proof-reading and editing and I should be able to submit it this weekend I also managed to spend 56 minutes clearing up some leads which have been lying on my office floor for weeks, and then I went and foam rolled in front of the TV, so I hit both of my goals. All in all, a very good day.
  11. Very impressed you managed to find such a perfect gif - it's even the correct eye! Yeah, looking forward to seeing what the cost of our survival was To be fair, you seem to do about 300 things every day - I couldn't possibly keep up!
  12. Tuesday - week 1 day 2 For myself, I did nothing (1/2) For my house, I did nothing (1/2) Yesterday was a good day. Ran first thing; 4 miles at a gentle pace. Tuesdays are tricky with goals, because after work I cook, eat and then immediately leave straight for Pathfinder. So no goals ticked off, but I did at least get a chunk of essay writing done at work (you know, that essay I planned to finish in week 2 of last challenge...). Pathfinder was fun. At the end of last session almost all of us were unconscious, and the wizard had heroically jumped out of a window to escape. This session started with us all having weird dreams, all different but mostly featuring a weird fanged shadow creature. Then we woke up, bruised, battered, and covered in blood, to find the goose who is most definitely not Zeus in disguise asleep with a very full stomach. We have also all got one eye with a black eyeball and a red pupil, which is concerning. The rest of the session was spent feeling pretty tense and exploring the rest of the building.
  13. Everything about this post is 100% adorable and I love it ❤️ Definitely! Well up for slaying demons with you.
  14. I think this is doable in a spreadsheet. I definitely want cooking time in mine, main equipment would be useful (hob/oven/slow cooker mainly). This is one of those things that definitely feels like it should be more straightforward... Hipe you have (had) a good sleep, and work doesn't get too busy for you.
  15. Great job on salvaging yesterday- it's difficult after a shitty morning so that makes it all the more impressive.
  16. Monday - week 1 day 1 For myself, I went to bed early to read (currently reading Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovich) For my house, I spent a few minutes clearing up my floordrobe Yesterday (Nibsday, as @starpuck has christened it) was a good day. Crossfit first thing was front squats, and I built to 70kg x 2 x 3, then 75 kg x 3 x 3. Then the workout was 7 => 1 thrusters and bar muscle ups for time. I subbed chest to bar for bar muscle ups, put 40kg on the bar for thrusters, and it all felt pretty rubbish but I got through in 7'24". Work was busy - everyone's in the office on a Monday so there's always lots of distraction catching up with people, on top of which I had a report that I really wanted to get finished and off my desk. I thought I'd do that report by about 2pm; ended up finishing up at 6.30pm and going home late. In the evening WW cooked chicken and parsnip risotto, which was lush, and we chilled in front of an old episode of Taskmaster ahead of the new series starting this week. Then I went to bed early to read, mainly to tick of my self-care goal, but also because I was knackered and everything else seemed like more effort.
  17. If you make good progress on the database idea let me know. I played with that idea last year - we've got several hundred recipe cards from a recipe box which I'd really like to index so that I can filter by ingredients. I very quickly discovered that it wasn't an easy job to do in Excel though, and I couldn't be bothered to learn Access! Having written that, I might have figured out a way I can do this in Excel. WW offered to do all of the data entry, so we'll see if she's still interested in doing that... Cream cheese bagels and fried eggs on toast are both great low-effort meals. I don't know what perogies are, but assume they're good too.
  18. Prove it! Tried this out with the rest of the week. Satyrday and Subday work well, the others not so much.
  19. Exactly! Music is so powerful too; I use the Diablo II music for D&D sometimes and it's such a good fit. 90% sure trying to put your cat in a sling will end up in severe lacerations, unless he's a lot more chilled out than mine Good to see you too
  20. Yeah, I find having to make a decision about food in the moment takes a surprising amount of energy. Is there a way you can automate that decision in future to make it easier? Either by saying 'if I don't know what to eat I always eat X', or by having a bunch of stuff you can just heat up and eat without thought/prep?
  21. Weekend zero was a good weekend. The open beta for Diablo IV went live at 4pm Friday UK time, so I spent a chunk of Friday evening playing that until 1am. Then I spent quite a lot of my Saturday playing it, until 1am Sunday morning. I played Diablo II to death as a teenager, on my own and with friends over LAN in the days before we had high-speed internet, so I'll always have a soft spot for thise games. Managed to get my barbarian past level 20, so I've unlocked the world's cutest backpack if/when I buy the actual game. Outside of that, I went to Parkrun on Saturday morning, and scraped in 1 second under 27 minutes for a 5k. I also ran on Sunday, a casual 4.5 miles in the afternoon sun. Saturday afternoon I also went to a climbing competition at my local climbing gym. It was really hard, and I scored pretty poorly. To be honest I wasn't really feeling it, I was getting anxiety-like symptoms early on and then just felt grumpy and frustrated after that. Still, I got in a couple of tough climbs, and it's nice to tale part in these things. Sunday afternoon I ran D&D. The party were introduced to whiteghost's new characters, a druid and her warrior sidekick, and then I almost killed them immediately in a big fight with a wizard that they foolishly left alive :S . I think that's about it, all in all a decent weekend. Not sure what's going on with tagging on my phone, so sorry for the miaplaced tag @WhiteGhost
  22. Thank you! Good to have you. Thanks, I'm glad you reminded me - that little bit of accountability helped. Thanks, I hope it does help. Don't stress about following though; I've been miles behind on people's threads for ages. Good to have you. And no worries!
  23. I haven't done a wrap-up of last challenge, and now is not the time for it. In short, it very much petered out towards the end and I got very poor scores in the last 2 weeks. Average goal completion for weeks 2-5 (which is what set this month's budget) was 41.34%, so I only got to keep £103.34 for my savings, and paid £146.66 off of my mortgage. First challenge this year I had far too many goals, which I acknowledged when I set it up. Last challenge I thought I'd pared it down enough, but I still ended up drifting away and by the end I wasn't even attempting a lot of my goals. So, this challenge will be all about fewer goals, less work, more pedantry about the correct use of the words less and fewer. The cartographer [+2 SAN, +1 CHA] This is all about self-care, which I'm hoping will help me de-stress and feel more focussed. Do something, every day, for myself, and record in my bujo what I did. Options include: Draw Read a book Play computer games Play guitar Journal Whatever else that involves taking time for myself No minimum time requirement on this, just a little something every day. The camp maker [+3 SAN] This one is about caring for my home. I find I'm less stressed when the house is tidier, and I have less hayfever issues if I hoover occasionally. Do something, every day, to clean or tidy the house, and record in my bujo what I did. Again, no minimum time requirement, I just need to do something. And that's it, just two daily goals, and both around getting my headspace together. I'll still be doing, and talking about other stuff of course; crossfit, running, climbing, tracking calories, essay writing, language learning etc., I'm just not tracking them. So, challenge starts tomorrow, let's go! (Side note: I've just posted this thread in the wrong challenge section. Twice! For some reason the 'current challenge' button was taking me there, and I was so tired I didn't even notice.)
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