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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yeah, I mean, it gets hot, so stuff cooks. We do it with gammon quite a bit (sometimes chuck some honey and/or mustard on top, but no liquid) and it comes out lovely. Should work for any joint of meat really. WW cooked the turkey noodle soup. She's given me this recipe:
  2. Chickens in your office is kind of a cool thing to have. I'm sure I'd get bored of the mess fast, but right now it sounds like a great idea.
  3. This is similar to what I do actually. We usually have a roast dinner on Sundays (as is the law in England), so we just get about 1kg of meat for 2 of us and then chuck it in curries/chillis/sanwiches/pasta stuff/whatever during the week. It's arguably even lazier than his method, because we don't even seal the meat, it just goes in an oven dish and goes in the oven for a while. You could do a similar thing with a slow cooker too - you don't even need to add liquid to a slow cooker, you can literally put the meat in, turn it on low, and leave it for 8 hours. @Rhovaniel if you're looking at this method I would also mention that Tesco do massive turkey thighs for £3.50, which I think is ludicrous value. We had turkey roast on Sunday, turkey noodle soup yesterday, and I've just made 4 sandwiches out of the remaining meal (probably could have stretched to 5 if I'm honest).
  4. Aww, that's so cute! I have not pre-ordered the game, so presumably I'll miss out on that, but I did get early access to the beta. Unfortunately I only got one night of it so I'm pretty low level, but looking forward to picking it back up on Friday evening when the open beta goes live.
  5. I don't know where you are with it now, but if you don't meal prep at all now then once a month would be a big jump. If you manage to do a massive batch of 10 meals, that's half the working days of the month. Sure, it's only half, but it's infinitely more than none.
  6. WW and I have spent a good chunk of time catching up on Lego Masters Australia - it's incredibly compelling somehow.
  7. Downloaded the beta yesterday - time to watch my productivity absolutely tank for the week Man that was a fun game - I could do with a drunken level-zero meathgrinder again sometime.
  8. Hey shaar! Love your characters for this challenge; hope they serve you well.
  9. The half-elf at the bar gives a start at the newcomers bustling into the tavern, as though snapping out of a trance. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep, he says automatically, before coming to his senses a little more. Actually, I'll have a trippel bock, if @TimovieMan's buying. Looks like I checked out for a couple of weeks there. Guess it's time to start seeking my next challenge?
  10. He will be missed. I felt very bad for murdering him.
  11. Do you have an idea of how consistent qualifies for this goal? Is it prepping once per month, once per week, every day? It might be that you still need to work that out depending on what kind of meal prep fits for you, but I'm just curious. This sounds absolutely rad; I hope you get to do it. This is beautiful! I need to re-think my challenge trackers.
  12. Well, this challenge is over, and at some point I might just write a wrap-up post. Maybe tomorrow lunchtime? I have just downloaded the Diablo IV beta last night though, so expecting my productivity to be very low for however long I can access that.
  13. 10/10 would play Yeah, that's true. I wonder who Zeus is really following...
  14. Monday was a good day. Crossfit was sandbag/deadball loads, zercher carries, and rope climbs - I love playing with strongman stuff and I love rope climbs so I thoroughly enjoyed it. Work was mostly meetings. In the evening I went to see my Dad for a bit, then went home, heated up some mini beef pasties, and crashed on the sofa. I was totally knackered, so I went to bed early. 2/6 goals hit - on time and languages. Yesterday was a good day. Running first thing - 4 miles - it felt fine and I stretched for a bit after. Work was busy but ok, and I had time to do some essay writing. In the evening we had Pathfinder, in which we had a massive battle with a variety of blood-themed monsters. It went poorly, and we ended the session with 3 PCs unconscious and bleeding out, the monk on 2hp and engulfed by a massive blood globule, and the wizard on 1hp jumping out the window to escape. As he jumped out he heard a Goose honk and all hell break loose, so I'm hoping that we'll get some goosus ex machina to save us from a TPK. (This is the goose that's be following us for a while and most definitely isn't Zeus in disguise.) 3/6 goals - essay, stretching, and languages.
  15. Thank you! I thought it would be an interesting option to try. It works, as long as I remember to update it
  16. Well I've been rubbish at updating this challenge recently! To save me writing out my week 4 results, here's my challenge tracker from weeks 1-4: The top left row is just a reminder for me of the 6 icons for my 6 goals, and then each day I draw an icon on the day I've completed that goal. You can see how poor week 4 was with the lack of drawing. Last week was a good week though. Busy early in the week catching up from my time off, and then travelling at the end if the week, so I was a bit short on time and brain power for this challenge. On Saturday I knew I needed to run and needed to work on my essay, but I got a sudden flash of inspiration to bring out my drawing tablet that's been gather dust for god knows how many months. I had a really good time messing around with tutorials on that, which was pleasing. On Sunday we had a power cut, which cut our D&D game extremely short, but I used the time to tidy the house and do a quick drawing study. When the power came back I did a little bit more work on the tablet too. Overall a good weekend. The outlook for week 5 looks similarly busy. Mum's away on holiday, which means I'll be dropping in to see my Dad on my free evenings, and generally probably stressing about him. My sister's mostly looking after him, so I'm sure he'll be fine, but I can't help but worry anyway.
  17. Yeah, I think the difference in approach here relates to how the different mediums work. In a novel, you get to decide all of the information that is provided to your audience, so you can provide exactly the right amount. In an RPG your players might decide to entirely circumvent the room where you put all of your clever foreshadowing and thematic ideas. Generally it's better to have too many reminders/clues/thematic points than too few, because your players will always miss or misinterpret some of them. I might take the pit - might be treasure down there I don't think it's a problem if a player has spent all of their skill point in crafting and is able to fix the elevator straight off though - it validates a character choice and lets them be centre-stage for a bit. As long as it's not easy for just anyone to fix. I think this is great - I had never thought about mapping towns in this way, but it works really well!
  18. Yeah, that's how I read it - I think the idea is to avoid filling a load of rooms with traps and monsters but forgetting what the theme of your dungeon is. Love the broken necromancer's tower idea, very cool, and very foreboding. Though not for the same reason, I'm in a very similar position. Gonna try and jump back on this from next week! Loving the horror vibes here - very, very creepy. This sounds beautiful - I'd like to live here!
  19. Thank you ☺️ Yeah! I'm going with a few people from work, which is good because we're all keeping each other accountable to do some training - 22 miles is a long way! Really looking forward to it though.
  20. Week 3 results The muscle: 4/7 days on target with calories. I finished the week with a total of 22,832kcal against a target of 22,064, and I gained another lb. I'm gaining weight a little fast, but I was also slightly over on calories so I'll keep the same target for now. The documancer: 2/7 days writing essays - must try harder The chonologist: 5/7 days mostly on time - having no appointments helped here! The cartographer: 0/11 Gygax75 tasks done - I totally slipped on this this week The translator: 6/7 days practising Dutch and French - good enough The second-storey specialist: 5/7 days stretching etc. - days off from the gym/running made perfect time for this Sunday - week 3 day 7 Yesterday was a good day. I had a nice lie in, hobbled up to the shop to get bacon, and then chilled out with a bacon sandwich and watched TV. D&D was cancelled as a couple of players were ill, and I should have spent that time doing some essay writing but in the end I never got round to it. I went over to my parents house for a late lunch and to get some birthday presents from them. It was a bit stressful, as these things are, but nice to see them. When I got home I had a few beers and a couple of ports, updated on here, watched more Lego Masters, and went to bed at a sensible time. Timings and languages done; 2/6 goals for the day.
  21. I think it's a good message - it's not worth working yourself to death; take a break. Thank you mate! Yeah, it was really good They say 3 working days to publish provisional qualifiers, so later this week hopefully (though they're pretty bad at updating their website most of the time). I'm glad you like it as much as I do
  22. 32% isn't particularly high - I wouldn't worry about it if you've hit your goal weight. With that said, I thoroughly support a goal of building strength and muscle.
  23. We get 936 eggs delivered every year from a local farm, and I eat all of those. We have to go out and get extra if WW wants any, or if we want them for anything other than breakfast.
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