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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Not that I can see. They're definitely more into training for Crossfit competitions - my old gym never focused the training on competitions, even though some of the members did compete, whereas we've had a couple of workouts where we've been given competition efficiency tips for the workout. It's not really my thing - I'm happy if the workout takes a little longer as long as my form is good, but it's not a problem either. I wonder if this is why philosophy is so integral to Planescape, because it's so hard to empirically prove or refute anything. Ah that's a shame. Probably better no gym than a bad gym though. I hadn't come across Kilerboards before - my gym has a Moon Board which turns out to be the same idea but a different brand. And the first thing that popped up was a home kilterboard; looks amazing if only I had the space!
  2. Sunday - W2D7 Chilled morning - went out for a massive fry up, then came back to watch the women's heavyweight weightlifting and do some D&D prep. D&D was good fun, my players both somehow managed to survive my evil cleric, and somehow talked their way out of the subsequent questions about trespassing and murder. We're gonna have to wait a couple of weeks, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do next. The rest of the day was spent chilling in front of the TV. I did a bit of mini painting that I'm not totally happy with, but I think it's salvageable. Food was tracked, updated here, did some journaling. No workout though - haven't quite figured things out for Sundays yet though I probably should have done some stretching - so 3/4 today.
  3. No worries! If you get a chance to do it it's good fun - once you get it to click anyway. ? are you likely to be able to get back into a gym any time soon? Probably not that one - it's very basic - but hopefully I'll do something worth sharing soon.
  4. Sorry for your loss man, praying for you and your family. The box of cats will learn to cooporate eventually, given time. Being cats, there will always be days when they don't cooporate too, even when you think you've got them well trained, and that's ok - it's the nature of cats.
  5. Saturday - W2D6 Saturday was good - updated here while I watched the sport climbing on TV, then went for a run before I went bouldering myself. Run was good - still can't quite keep my target tempo up for a full half hour, but my average tempo's getting close. Had to cut bouldering short for time reasons, and one particularly crimpy overhanging climb didn't feel great on my wrist, but it was still good fun. Went out for a massive lunch for my Grandma's 90th birthday, which was really lovely (more the company, though the food was good). It was so big and so late that I didn't have anything else to eat for the rest of the day, though I did have a couple of nice craft beers watching the men's heavyweight weightlifting. Also did a quick sketch of my cat for the art goal, and food was tracked, so 4/4 for the day.
  6. So squat snatch is what people generally mean when they say 'snatch' - the bar comes off the floor enough for the lifted to get underneath it in a deep squat, and then they stand up from the bottom of an overhead squat. Squat snatch is considered the most efficient, and it's what you'll see almost everyone doing in professional competition. Power snatch is where you lift the bar higher, so you're standing most of the way up when you catch it. Requires more power off the floor, but less flexibility/balance then catching the bar whilst in a deep squat. Hang snatch is where you start woth bar in hand held above your knee, rather than taking the bar from the floor. It's a training tool, to take an element away from the movement to make it less complicated. You could do either snatch from a hang - hang (squat) snatch or hang power snatch. (Squat) Snatch: Power snatch: Hang (squat) snatch: Hang power snatch:
  7. Friday W2D5 After the heavy day and late night on Thursday, I opted not to get up at 5.30am for the gym on Friday, and had an extra 2 hours in bed instead. Work was ok - sent a lot of time setting the world to rights - and then went home to watch the women's 71kg weightlifting and catch up on the men's sport climbing final. We had a takeaway curry and a couple of weird craft beers. Ended up another late night, as I wanted to see the end of the climbing before bed. Food was tracked, but I didn't update here, I didn't do any drawing, and as I didn't work out I didn't track a workout. Not a great day for goals, but a nice, relatively restful one.
  8. Thursday W2D4 The gym on Thursday was fun - we did a load of hang snatch practice and I think I'm getting the hang of it, so to speak. I've mostly done power snatch in the past, so I've got a lot of technique to learn on the squat snatch, but hopefully that means I'll progress quickly. Also really fun to do it having watched the Olympic weightlifting on TV the night before. Then we had a fun workout: 3 rounds of 1 minute max squats, 1 minute rest, 1 minute max deadlifts, 1 minute rest. The idea was the weight on the bar should be your body weight, but I ended up doing 80kg and 85kg respectively (108.5% and 115.3% or my body weight respectively) as the other guys I was working with were bigger than me. Really enjoy that as a short, heavy workout. In the day I had a few hours of work, and then I was out for a corporate event at the cricket. It's the first cricket match I've ever seen, but it was really good fun, and I also got a good chunk of work talk done surprisingly. It was a long day though, I was there for 10 hours and drinking beer for at least 9.5 of those hours, getting home just before midnight. Food was tracked, I updated my journal and updated here on my way to the cricket, no drawing done (I had intended to on the way home, but it didn't happen).
  9. The wrist feels better, thanks. It's been an ongoing thing for almost a year that if I push too hard I get some pain, but it hasn't been bad like that for a while so this week was a bit of a shock. I'm going bouldering in a couple of hours (currently sat at home watching the Olympic bouldering), so we'll see how it fares there.
  10. Thank you mate ❤️ Good to see you too mate! The new gym's good! It's a Crossfit gym, so lots of open floor space for barbell stuff, along one wall they have a load of rigs which function as pullup bars, wall ball targets, and squat racks, and then of course the usual concept 2 cardio stuff. The head coach seems like a really good guy - of all of the gyms he was the one that really took the time to explain how their programming is structured to me, and followed up with me after my free trial to see how I was getting on and if I had any questions. Also helps that it's a 15 minute walk from my house, and that I know a couple of the people who go there already from my old gym.
  11. I know this feeling! For me it's usually when I discover what I thought was a flat section was actually a hill, once I'm running up it rather than down it
  12. I was not aware of this - that's awesome! Careful it doesn't bite you
  13. I've got one of the gmb programmes (integral strength, maybe?) and that's very much the vibe there - just work through the whole thing at the level you can do, and you can always go back and try harder progressions next time you run it.
  14. Despite, or because of? Because not doing a load of leg exercises feels like it could make your calves less tight.
  15. Wednesday - W2D3 On a train with dodgy internet, but I'll try and get a quick update in. Gym was horrid (hand release pushups, box step overs, and wall balls) but got done. Food was tracked. More job musings for journalling. Updated here. Art was a couple of stick fogures late evening. Another job interview in the morning, which agajn went well. I don't think it's going to be quite the right fit for me (which is a shame, because they pay a boatload of money), but good to explore options. Took my Dad for an appointment to get his toenails looked at by a specialist. He was on fairly good form once I got him awake, but it's still tough seeing him sometimes. In the afternoon I watched some of the Olympics and then went bouldering - which was fun though I definitely overdid it and hurt my wrist quite badly. Then in the evening I bit the bullet and paid for a subscription to Eurosport so that I could start catching up on the Olympic weightlifting.
  16. Sorry to hear about your cat, that's really tough. Hope the treatment works well. You know where I am if you want to talk ?
  17. Tuesday - W2D2 Yesterday was a run day, and I was supposed to be aiming for 30 minutes of solid running at 179 tempo. I managed the full run, but the tempo really slipped once I got past the halfway mark, particularly on the uphill sections. Might have to dial it back down a bit in the next few weeks, though I'm really keen to crack 180 spm and try and get used to that. Food was tracked: It was a busy day. I ran out for a haircut at lunch, then had to get back for a client meeting. Then into a job interview, then back to work again. The interview went really well - it's for a really lovely not-for-profit company, and the more I learn about the role the more it sounds really technical and interesting and the kind of thing I'd enjoy. They obviously liked me too, because they called to say they want me to come for an in-person interview! Needs to go through central HR, so not sure when that'll be, but this is definitely good news. In the evening we didn't have Pathfinder, as a couple of people couldn't make it. but we went and met with a couple of the others and played board games, which was nice. Drawing was a last-minute scribble in my bujo to hit my goal. Journaling was mostly taking notes for today's job interview (for a different company), and also some brief musings on what I like about the job from the first interview.
  18. Hey Rho! Sorry to hear you're going through it too - I hope you find a good alternative soon. Are there many good options you've found so far? The gym's actually really close - I can walk there in about 15 minutes. It was a toss up between this one, which is £125 per month, and the next closest one which was only £80 per month but a 15-minute drive instead of a 15-minute walk. Turns out that when you factor in the petrol the price is pretty similar, and I really like this place.
  19. Oh that makes a lot of sense now you say it! That is interesting - filing that away for impressing people in future. 2 plates! Nice one mate - good to get past that milestone.
  20. Monday - W2D2 Quick update as today's gonna be busy! Yesterday morning was my first day at my new gym, now I've finally decided where to sign up. It was a 30 minute workout, split into 2-minute chunks. We did 3 times round of: - in 2 minutes, 100 double unders and 10 burpees over line - 200m run for time, rest for remainder of 2 minutes - in 2 minutes, 20 alternating dumbbell snatch and 8 burpees over dumbbell - 400m run for time, rest for remainder of 2 minutes - 4 minutes rest Was really full on, but I actually had a great time. Turns out I know a couple of people at the gym already, and I really feel like I've made the right choice. Food was logged: Glass of milk first thing Recovery shake post-workout 2 eggs, banana, protein shake for breakfast 3 cups of tea with sugar Spaghetti and meatballs for lunch Earl grey Herbal tisane 2 sausages with mash, and apple and onion gravy for dinner Mars ice cream 4 pints of squash Glass of milk Most of my bujo writing was interview preparation, along with a brief musing on why I was wide awake at 10.30pm when I'd been up since 5.30am. Art was mini painting. I've started on a new, super cool death priestess/sorceress - started by painting all of the skulls and bones.
  21. Thank you! What have you been painting? Thanks mate, will do!
  22. I have not heard this idiom before. You've got this mate! Get it together.
  23. Challenge starts today so no goal updates yet, but I finished off painting this fella last night so thought I'd share him: Have a job interview tomorrow, which is going to be tough to fit in about work, but I hope it goes well. Spent a load of time already this evening preparing for said interview, and I think I'm as ready as I can be.
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